Goulib.itertools2 module

additions to itertools standard library

Goulib.itertools2.take(n, iterable)[source]
Result:first n items from iterable
Goulib.itertools2.index(n, iterable)[source]
Result:nth item
Result:first element in the iterable
Result:last element in the iterable
Goulib.itertools2.takeevery(n, iterable, start=0)[source]

Take an element from iterator every n elements

Goulib.itertools2.every(n, iterable, start=0)

Take an element from iterator every n elements

Goulib.itertools2.drop(n, iterable)[source]

Drop n elements from iterable and return the rest

Result:int length exhausting an iterator
Goulib.itertools2.irange(start_or_end, optional_end=None)[source]
Result:iterable that counts from start to end (both included).
Result:bool True if obj is iterable (but not a string)

generalizes enumerate to dicts :result: key,value pair for whatever iterable type

Goulib.itertools2.arange(start, stop=None, step=1)[source]

range for floats or other types (numpy.arange without numpy)

  • start – optional number. Start of interval. The interval includes this value. The default start value is 0.
  • stop – number. End of interval. The interval does not include this value, except in some cases where step is not an integer and floating point round-off affects the length of out.
  • step – optional number. Spacing between values. For any output out, this is the distance between two adjacent values, out[i+1] - out[i]. The default step size is 1.


Goulib.itertools2.linspace(start, end, n=100)[source]

iterator over n values linearly interpolated between (and including) start and end numpy.linspace without numpy

  • start – number, or iterable vector
  • end – number, or iterable vector
  • n – int number of interpolated values


Goulib.itertools2.flatten(l, donotrecursein=(<class 'str'>, ))[source]

iterator to flatten (depth-first) structure

  • l – iterable structure
  • donotrecursein – iterable types in which algo doesn’t recurse string type by default
Goulib.itertools2.itemgetter(iterable, i)[source]
Goulib.itertools2.compact(iterable, f=<class 'bool'>)[source]
Returns:iterator skipping None values from iterable

generates (item,count) pairs by counting the number of consecutive items in iterable)

Goulib.itertools2.recurrence(f, x)[source]
Goulib.itertools2.tee(iterable, n=2, copy=None)[source]

tee or copy depending on type and goal

  • iterable – any iterable
  • n – int number of tees/copies to return
  • copy – optional copy function, for exemple copy.copy or copy.deepcopy

tee of iterable if it’s an iterator or generator, or (deep)copies for other types

this function is useful to avoid side effects at a lower memory cost depending on the case

Goulib.itertools2.groups(iterable, n, step=None)[source]

Make groups of ‘n’ elements from the iterable advancing ‘step’ elements on each iteration

Goulib.itertools2.pairwise(iterable, op=None, loop=False)[source]

iterates through consecutive pairs

  • iterable – input iterable s1,s2,s3, .... sn
  • op – optional operator to apply to each pair
  • loop – boolean True if last pair should be (sn,s1) to close the loop

pairs iterator (s1,s2), (s2,s3) ... (si,si+1), ... (sn-1,sn) + optional pair to close the loop


shape of a mutidimensional array, without numpy

Parameters:iterable – iterable of iterable ... of iterable or numpy arrays...
Result:list of n ints corresponding to iterable’s len of each dimension
Warning:if iterable is not a (hyper) rect matrix, shape is evaluated from

the [0,0,...0] element ... :see: http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-1.10.1/reference/generated/numpy.ndarray.shape.html


number of dimensions of a mutidimensional array, without numpy

Parameters:iterable – iterable of iterable ... of iterable or numpy arrays...
Result:int number of dimensions
Goulib.itertools2.reshape(data, dims)[source]
Result:data as a n-dim matrix
Goulib.itertools2.compose(f, g)[source]

Compose two functions -> compose(f, g)(x) -> f(g(x))

Goulib.itertools2.iterate(func, arg)[source]

After Haskell’s iterate: apply function repeatedly.

Goulib.itertools2.accumulate(iterable, func=<built-in function add>, skip_first=False)[source]

Return running totals. extends python.accumulate

# accumulate([1,2,3,4,5]) –> 1 3 6 10 15 # accumulate([1,2,3,4,5], operator.mul) –> 1 2 6 24 120


Get tails of a sequence

tails([1,2,3]) -> [1,2,3], [2,3], [3], [].

Goulib.itertools2.ireduce(func, iterable, init=None)[source]

Like python.reduce but using iterators (a.k.a scanl)

Goulib.itertools2.unique(iterable, key=None, buffer=None)[source]

generate unique elements, preserving order. :param iterable: iterable :param key: optional function defining which elements are considered equal :param buffer: optional integer defining how many of the last unique elements to keep in memory

# unique(‘AAAABBBCCDAABBB’) –> A B C D # unique(‘ABBCcAD’, str.lower) –> A B C D

Goulib.itertools2.count_unique(iterable, key=None)[source]

Count unique elements

# count_unique(‘AAAABBBCCDAABBB’) –> 4 # count_unique(‘ABBCcAD’, str.lower) –> 4


Do nothing and return the variable untouched

Goulib.itertools2.occurrences(it, exchange=False)[source]

Return dictionary with occurrences from iterable

Goulib.itertools2.cartesian_product(*iterables, **kwargs)[source]


Goulib.itertools2.combinations_with_replacement(iterable, r)[source]

combinations_with_replacement(‘ABC’, 2) –> AA AB AC BB BC CC same as combinations_with_replacement except it doesn’t generate duplicates

Goulib.itertools2.any(seq, pred=<class 'bool'>)[source]
Result:bool True if pred(x) is True for at least one element in the iterable
Goulib.itertools2.all(seq, pred=<class 'bool'>)[source]
Result:bool True if pred(x) is True for all elements in the iterable
Goulib.itertools2.no(seq, pred=<class 'bool'>)[source]
Result:bool True if pred(x) is False for every element in the iterable
Goulib.itertools2.takenth(n, iterable, default=None)[source]
Result:nth item of iterable
Goulib.itertools2.nth(n, iterable, default=None)
Result:nth item of iterable

Cartesian product of sequences (recursive version)

Goulib.itertools2.quantify(iterable, pred=<class 'bool'>)[source]
Result:int count how many times the predicate is true
Goulib.itertools2.interleave(l1, l2)[source]
  • l1 – iterable
  • l2 – iterable of same length, or 1 less than l1

iterable interleaving elements from l1 and l2, starting by l1[0]

Param:array to shuffle by Fisher-Yates algorithm
Result:shuffled array (IN PLACE!)
Result:range(size) shuffled

generates all i,j pairs for i,j from 0-size

Goulib.itertools2.index_min(values, key=<function identity>)[source]
Result:min_index, min_value
Goulib.itertools2.index_max(values, key=<function identity>)[source]
Result:max_index, max_value
Goulib.itertools2.best(iterable, key=None, n=1, reverse=False)[source]

generate items corresponding to the n best values of key sort order

Goulib.itertools2.sort_indexes(iterable, key=<function identity>, reverse=False)[source]
Returns:iterator over indexes of iterable that correspond to the sorted iterable
Goulib.itertools2.filter2(iterable, condition)[source]

like python.filter but returns 2 lists : - list of elements in iterable that satisfy condition - list of those that don’t

Goulib.itertools2.ifind(iterable, f, reverse=False)[source]

iterates through items in iterable where f(item) == True.

Goulib.itertools2.iremove(iterable, f)[source]

removes items from an iterable based on condition :param iterable: iterable . will be modified in place :param f: function of the form lambda line:bool returning True if item should be removed :yield: removed items backwards

Goulib.itertools2.removef(iterable, f)[source]

removes items from an iterable based on condition :param iterable: iterable . will be modified in place :param f: function of the form lambda line:bool returning True if item should be removed :result: list of removed items.

Goulib.itertools2.find(iterable, f)[source]

Return first item in iterable where f(item) == True.

Goulib.itertools2.isplit(iterable, sep, include_sep=False)[source]

split iterable by separators or condition :param sep: value or function(item) returning True for items that separate :param include_sep: bool. If True the separators items are included in output, at beginning of each sub-iterator :result: iterates through slices before, between, and after separators

Goulib.itertools2.split(iterable, sep, include_sep=False)[source]

like https://docs.python.org/2/library/stdtypes.html#str.split, but for iterable :param sep: value or function(item) returning True for items that separate :param include_sep: bool. If True the separators items are included in output, at beginning of each sub-iterator :result: list of iterable slices before, between, and after separators

Goulib.itertools2.dictsplit(dic, keys)[source]

extract keys from dic :param dic: dict source :param keys: iterable of dict keys :result: dict,dict : the first contains entries present in source, the second the remaining entries

Goulib.itertools2.next_permutation(seq, pred=<function <lambda>>)[source]

Like C++ std::next_permutation() but implemented as generator. see http://blog.bjrn.se/2008/04/lexicographic-permutations-using.html :param seq: iterable :param pred: a function (a,b) that returns a negative number if a<b, like cmp(a,b) in Python 2.7

class Goulib.itertools2.iter2(iterable)[source]

Bases: object

Takes in an object that is iterable. http://code.activestate.com/recipes/578092-flattening-an-arbitrarily-deep-list-or-any-iterato/ Allows for the following method calls (that should be built into iterators anyway...) calls: - append - appends another iterable onto the iterator. - insert - only accepts inserting at the 0 place, inserts an iterable before other iterables. - adding. an iter2 object can be added to another object that is iterable. i.e. iter2 + iter (not iter + iter2). It’s best to make all objects iter2 objects to avoid syntax errors. :D

insert(place, iterable)[source]

alias of type


Implement delattr(self, name).

__dir__() → list

default dir() implementation


Return self==value.


default object formatter


Return self>=value.


Return getattr(self, name).


Return self>value.


Return hash(self).


Return self<=value.


Return self<value.


Return self!=value.


Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.


helper for pickle


helper for pickle


Return repr(self).


Implement setattr(self, name, value).

__sizeof__() → int

size of object in memory, in bytes


Return str(self).

Goulib.itertools2.subdict(d, keys)[source]

extract “sub-dictionary” :param d: dict :param keys: container of keys to extract: :result: dict: :see: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5352546/best-way-to-extract-subset-of-key-value-pairs-from-python-dictionary-object/5352649#5352649

exception Goulib.itertools2.SortingError[source]

Bases: Exception


exception cause


alias of type


exception context


Implement delattr(self, name).

__dir__() → list

default dir() implementation


Return self==value.


default object formatter


Return self>=value.


Return getattr(self, name).


Return self>value.


Return hash(self).


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Return self<=value.


Return self<value.


Return self!=value.


Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.


helper for pickle


Return repr(self).


Implement setattr(self, name, value).

__sizeof__() → int

size of object in memory, in bytes


Return str(self).


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

Goulib.itertools2.ensure_sorted(iterable, key=None)[source]

makes sure iterable is sorted according to key

Yields:items of iterable
Raise:SortingError if not
Goulib.itertools2.sorted_iterable(iterable, key=None, buffer=100)[source]

sorts an “almost sorted” (infinite) iterable

  • iterable – iterable
  • key – function used as sort key
  • buffer – int size of buffer. elements to swap should not be further than that
Goulib.itertools2.diff(iterable1, iterable2)[source]

generate items in sorted iterable1 that are not in sorted iterable2


generates itersection of N iterables

Parameters:its – any number of SORTED iterables
Yields:elements that belong to all iterables
class Goulib.itertools2.keep(iterable)[source]

Bases: collections.abc.Iterator

iterator that keeps the last value

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset()

alias of ABCMeta


Implement delattr(self, name).

__dir__() → list

default dir() implementation


Return self==value.


default object formatter


Return self>=value.


Return getattr(self, name).


Return self>value.


Return hash(self).


Return self<=value.


Return self<value.


Return self!=value.


Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.


helper for pickle


helper for pickle


Return repr(self).


Implement setattr(self, name, value).

__sizeof__() → int

size of object in memory, in bytes

__slots__ = ()

Return str(self).

Goulib.itertools2.first_match(iter1, iter2, limit=None)[source]

” :param limit: int max number of loops :return: integer i first index where iter1[i]==iter2[i]

Goulib.itertools2.floyd(iterable, limit=1000000.0)[source]

Detect a cycle in iterable using Floyd “tortue hand hare” algorithm



  • iterable – iterable
  • limit – int limit to prevent infinite loop. no limit if None

(i,l) tuple of integers where i=index of cycle start, l=length if no cycle is found, return (None,None)

Goulib.itertools2.detect_cycle(iterable, limit=1000000.0)[source]