Source code for Goulib.geom

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
2D geometry
from __future__ import division #"true division" everywhere

__author__ = "Alex Holkner, Philippe Guglielmetti"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2006 Alex Holkner"
__license__ = "LGPL"
__credits__ = [

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
__version__ = '$Id$'
__revision__ = '$Revision$'

import operator, six, abc

from math import pi,sin,cos,atan2,sqrt,hypot,copysign
from .math2 import angle, sat, sign, isclose

_reltol=1e-6 #relative tolerance used for isclose comparisons

def _hash(v):
    """hash function for vectors"""
    primes=[73856093, 19349663, 83492791]
    for x,p in zip(v,primes):
        res=res^int(x*p) # ^ is xor
    return res

import copy as copier

# Geometry
# Much maths thanks to Paul Bourke,
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]class Geometry(object): """ The following classes are available for dealing with simple 2D geometry. The interface to each shape is similar; in particular, the ``connect`` and ``distance`` methods are defined identically for each. For example, to find the closest point on a line to a circle:: >>> circ = Circle(Point2(3., 2.), 2.) >>> line = Line2(Point2(0., 0.), Point2(-1., 1.)) >>> line.connect(circ).p1 Point2(0.50, -0.50) To find the corresponding closest point on the circle to the line:: >>> line.connect(circ).p2 Point2(1.59, 0.59) """
[docs] def __init__(self,*args): """ this constructor is called by descendant classes at copy it is replaced to copy some graphics attributes in module drawings """ return
def _connect_unimplemented(self, other): raise AttributeError('Cannot connect %s to %s' % \ (self.__class__, other.__class__)) def _intersect_unimplemented(self, other): raise AttributeError('Cannot intersect %s and %s' % \ (self.__class__, other.__class__)) _intersect_line2 = _intersect_unimplemented _intersect_circle = _intersect_unimplemented _connect_point2 = _connect_unimplemented _connect_line2 = _connect_unimplemented _connect_circle = _connect_unimplemented _intersect_line3 = _intersect_unimplemented _intersect_sphere = _intersect_unimplemented _intersect_plane = _intersect_unimplemented _connect_point3 = _connect_unimplemented _connect_line3 = _connect_unimplemented _connect_sphere = _connect_unimplemented _connect_plane = _connect_unimplemented
[docs] def point(self, u): ":return: Point2 or Point3 at parameter u" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def tangent(self, u): ":return: Vector2 or Vector3 tangent at parameter u" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def intersect(self, other): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def connect(self, other): ":return: Geometry shortest (Segment2 or Segment3) that connects self to other" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def distance(self, other): c = self.connect(other) if c: return c.length else: return None
def _u(self, pt): """:return: float parameter corresponding to pt""" raise NotImplementedError def _u_in(self, u): """:return: bool true if u is a valid parameter of geometry""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def __contains__(self,pt): return isclose(self.distance(pt),0,_reltol)
[docs]def argPair(x,y=None): """Process a pair of values passed in various ways.""" if y is None: try: return (x[0], x[1]) except: pass try: return x.xy except: pass else: return (x,y)
[docs]class Vector2(object): """ Mutable 2D vector: Construct a vector in the obvious way:: >>> Vector2(1.5, 2.0) Vector2(1.50, 2.00) >>> Vector3(1.0, 2.0, 3.0) Vector3(1.00, 2.00, 3.00) **Element access** Components may be accessed as attributes (examples that follow use *Vector3*, but all results are similar for *Vector2*, using only the *x* and *y* components):: >>> v = Vector3(1, 2, 3) >>> v.x 1 >>> v.y 2 >>> v.z 3 Vectors support the list interface via slicing:: >>> v = Vector3(1, 2, 3) >>> len(v) 3 >>> v[0] 1 >>> v[:] (1, 2, 3) You can also "swizzle" the components (*a la* GLSL or Cg):: >>> v = Vector3(1, 2, 3) >>> (1, 2, 3) >>> v.zx (3, 1) >>> v.zzzz (3, 3, 3, 3) **Operators** Addition and subtraction are supported via operator overloading (note that in-place operators perform faster than those that create a new object):: >>> v1 = Vector3(1, 2, 3) >>> v2 = Vector3(4, 5, 6) >>> v1 + v2 Vector3(5.00, 7.00, 9.00) >>> v1 -= v2 >>> v1 Vector3(-3.00, -3.00, -3.00) Multiplication and division can be performed with a scalar only:: >>> Vector3(1, 2, 3) * 2 Vector3(2.00, 4.00, 6.00) >>> v1 = Vector3(1., 2., 3.) >>> v1 /= 2 >>> v1 Vector3(0.50, 1.00, 1.50) The magnitude of a vector can be found with ``abs``:: >>> v = Vector3(1., 2., 3.) >>> abs(v) 3.7416573867739413 A vector can be normalized in-place (note that the in-place method also returns ``self``, so you can chain it with further operators):: >>> v = Vector3(1., 2., 3.) >>> v.normalize() Vector3(0.27, 0.53, 0.80) >>> v Vector3(0.27, 0.53, 0.80) The following methods do *not* alter the original vector or their arguments: ``magnitude()`` Returns the magnitude of the vector; equivalent to ``abs(v)``. Example:: >>> v = Vector3(1., 2., 3.) >>> v.magnitude() 3.7416573867739413 ``magnitude_squared()`` Returns the sum of the squares of each component. Useful for comparing the length of two vectors without the expensive square root operation. Example:: >>> v = Vector3(1., 2., 3.) >>> v.magnitude_squared() 14.0 ``normalized()`` Return a unit length vector in the same direction. Note that this method differs from ``normalize`` in that it does not modify the vector in-place. Example:: >>> v = Vector3(1., 2., 3.) >>> v.normalized() Vector3(0.27, 0.53, 0.80) >>> v Vector3(1.00, 2.00, 3.00) ``dot(other)`` Return the scalar "dot" product of two vectors. Example:: >>> v1 = Vector3(1., 2., 3.) >>> v2 = Vector3(4., 5., 6.) >>> 32.0 ``cross()`` and ``cross(other)`` Return the cross product of a vector (for **Vector2**), or the cross product of two vectors (for **Vector3**). The return type is a vector. Example:: >>> v1 = Vector3(1., 2., 3.) >>> v2 = Vector3(4., 5., 6.) >>> v1.cross(v2) Vector3(-3.00, 6.00, -3.00) In two dimensions there can be no argument to ``cross``:: >>> v1 = Vector2(1., 2.) >>> v1.cross() Vector2(2.00, -1.00) ``reflect(normal)`` Return the vector reflected about the given normal. In two dimensions, *normal* is the normal to a line, in three dimensions it is the normal to a plane. The normal must have unit length. Example:: >>> v = Vector3(1., 2., 3.) >>> v.reflect(Vector3(0, 1, 0)) Vector3(1.00, -2.00, 3.00) >>> v = Vector2(1., 2.) >>> v.reflect(Vector2(1, 0)) Vector2(-1.00, 2.00) ``rotate_around(axes, theta)`` For 3D vectors, return the vector rotated around axis by the angle theta. >>> v = Vector3(1., 2., 3.) >>> axes = Vector3(1.,1.,0) >>> v.rotate_around(axes,math.pi/4) Vector3(2.65, 0.35, 2.62) """
[docs] def __init__ ( self, *args ): """Constructor. :param *args: x,y values """ self.x,self.y=argPair(*args)
@property def xy(self): """:return: tuple (x,y)""" return (self.x, self.y)
[docs] def __repr__(self): return '%s%s' % (self.__class__.__name__,self.xy)
[docs] def __hash__(self): return _hash(self.xy)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """ Tests for equality include comparing against other sequences:: >>> v2 = Vector2(1, 2) >>> v2 == Vector2(3, 4) False >>> v2 != Vector2(1, 2) False >>> v2 == (1, 2) True >>> v3 = Vector3(1, 2, 3) >>> v3 == Vector3(3, 4, 5) False >>> v3 != Vector3(1, 2, 3) False >>> v3 == (1, 2, 3) True """ try: #quick if self.xy == other.xy : return True except: pass try: if self.x == other[0] and self.y == other[1]: return True except: pass return isclose((self-Vector2(other)).mag(),0,_reltol)
[docs] def __len__(self): return 2
[docs] def __iter__(self): return iter(self.xy)
[docs] def __add__(self, other): x,y=argPair(other) # Vector - Vector -> Vector # Vector - Point -> Point # Point - Point -> Vector if self.__class__ is other.__class__: _class = Vector2 else: _class = Point2 return _class(self.x + x, self.y + y)
__radd__ = __add__
[docs] def __iadd__(self, other): x,y=argPair(other) self.x += x self.y += y return self
[docs] def __sub__(self, other): x,y=argPair(other) # Vector - Vector -> Vector # Vector - Point -> Point # Point - Point -> Vector if self.__class__ is other.__class__: _class = Vector2 else: _class = Point2 return _class(self.x - x, self.y - y)
[docs] def __rsub__(self, other): """ Point2 - Vector 2 substraction :param other: Point2 or (x,y) tuple :return: Vector2 """ x,y=argPair(other) return Vector2(x - self.x, y - self.y)
[docs] def __mul__(self, other): # assert type(other) in (int, int, float) return Vector2(self.x * other, self.y * other)
__rmul__ = __mul__
[docs] def __imul__(self, other): # assert type(other) in (int, int, float) self.x *= other self.y *= other return self
# geometry requires truediv even in Python 2...
[docs] def __div__(self, other): # assert type(other) in (int, int, float) return Vector2(operator.truediv(self.x, other), operator.truediv(self.y, other))
[docs] def __rdiv__(self, other): # assert type(other) in (int, int, float) return Vector2(operator.truediv(other, self.x), operator.truediv(other, self.y))
[docs] def __floordiv__(self, other): # assert type(other) in (int, int, float) return Vector2(operator.floordiv(self.x, other), operator.floordiv(self.y, other))
[docs] def __rfloordiv__(self, other): # assert type(other) in (int, int, float) return Vector2(operator.floordiv(other, self.x), operator.floordiv(other, self.y))
[docs] def __truediv__(self, other): # assert type(other) in (int, int, float) return Vector2(operator.truediv(self.x, other), operator.truediv(self.y, other))
[docs] def __rtruediv__(self, other): # assert type(other) in (int, int, float) return Vector2(operator.truediv(other, self.x), operator.truediv(other, self.y))
[docs] def __neg__(self): return Vector2(-self.x, -self.y)
[docs] def __pos__(self): return copy(self)
[docs] def __abs__(self): return hypot(self.x,self.y)
mag = __abs__ length = property(lambda self: abs(self))
[docs] def mag2(self): return self.x*self.x + self.y*self.y
[docs] def normalize(self): d = self.mag() if d!=0: self.x /= d self.y /= d return self
[docs] def normalized(self): res=copy(self) return res.normalize()
[docs] def dot(self, other): x,y=argPair(other) return self.x * x + self.y * y
[docs] def cross(self): return Vector2(self.y, -self.x)
[docs] def reflect(self, normal): # assume normal is normalized # assert isinstance(normal, Vector2) d = 2 * (self.x * normal.x + self.y * normal.y) return Vector2(self.x - d * normal.x, self.y - d * normal.y)
[docs] def angle(self, other=None, unit=False): """angle between two vectors. :param unit: bool True if vectors are unit vectors. False increases computations :return: float angle in radians to the other vector, or self direction if other=None """ if other is None: return atan2(self.y,self.x) else: return angle(self,other,unit=unit)
[docs] def project(self, other): """Return the projection (the component) of the vector on other.""" n = other.normalized() return*n
def _apply_transform(self, mat3): x = mat3.a * self.x + mat3.b * self.y y = mat3.e * self.x + mat3.f * self.y self.x,self.y=x,y return self
def _intersect_line2_line2(A, B): d = B.v.y * A.v.x - B.v.x * A.v.y if d == 0: #both lines are parallel if A.distance(B.p)==0: #colinear return A if isinstance(A,Segment2) else B else: return None dy = A.p.y - B.p.y dx = A.p.x - B.p.x ua = (B.v.x * dy - B.v.y * dx) / d if not A._u_in(ua): return None ub = (A.v.x * dy - A.v.y * dx) / d if not B._u_in(ub): return None return Point2(A.p.x + ua * A.v.x, A.p.y + ua * A.v.y) def _intersect_line2_circle(L, C): """Line2/Circle intersection :param L: Line2 (or derived class) :param C: Circle (or derived class) :return: None, single Point2 or [Point2,Point2] """ a = L.v.mag2() b = 2 * (L.v.x * (L.p.x - C.c.x) + L.v.y * (L.p.y - C.c.y)) c = C.c.mag2() + L.p.mag2() - 2 * - C.r ** 2 det = b ** 2 - 4 * a * c if det < 0: return None sq = sqrt(det) u1 = (-b + sq) / (2 * a) u2 = (-b - sq) / (2 * a) p1 = L.point(u1) p2 = L.point(u2) if p1 is None: return p2 if p2 is None: return p1 return [p1,p2] def _intersect_circle_circle(c1,c2): """Circle/Circle intersection :param c1: Line2 (or derived class) :param c2: Circle (or derived class) :return: None, single Point2, [Point2,Point2] or smallest Circle if inscribed """ # v=c2.c-c1.c #vector between centers d = v.mag() if d>(c1.r+c2.r): #disjoint return None if d<=abs(c1.r-c2.r): #one circle is inside the other. return c1 if c1.r<=c2.r else c2 # x = (d*d+ c1.r*c1.r - c2.r*c2.r)/(2*d) y = sqrt(c1.r*c1.r - x*x) v.normalize() p=c1.c+x*v if isclose(y,0): return p v=v.cross() return [p+y*v,p-y*v] def _connect_point2_line2(P, L): # d = L.v.mag2() if d==0: #L is degenerate to a point return Segment2(P,L.p) u=( if not L._u_in(u): u = sat(u,0,1) return Segment2(P,L.point(u)) def _connect_point2_circle(P, C): v = P - C.c v.normalize() v *= C.r return Segment2(P, Point2(C.c.x + v.x, C.c.y + v.y)) def _connect_line2_line2(A, B): d = B.v.y * A.v.x - B.v.x * A.v.y if d == 0: # Parallel, connect an endpoint with a line if isinstance(B, (Ray2,Segment2)): return _connect_point2_line2(B.p, A) # No endpoint (or endpoint is on A), possibly choose arbitrary point # on line. return _connect_point2_line2(A.p, B) dy = A.p.y - B.p.y dx = A.p.x - B.p.x ua = (B.v.x * dy - B.v.y * dx) / d if not A._u_in(ua): ua = max(min(ua, 1.0), 0.0) ub = (A.v.x * dy - A.v.y * dx) / d if not B._u_in(ub): ub = max(min(ub, 1.0), 0.0) return Segment2(Point2(A.p + ua * A.v), Point2(B.p + ub * B.v)) def _connect_circle_line2(C, L): d = L.v.mag2() # assert d != 0 u = ((C.c.x - L.p.x) * L.v.x + (C.c.y - L.p.y) * L.v.y) / d if not L._u_in(u): u = max(min(u, 1.0), 0.0) point = Point2(L.p.x + u * L.v.x, L.p.y + u * L.v.y) v = (point - C.c) v.normalize() v *= C.r return Segment2(Point2(C.c.x + v.x, C.c.y + v.y), point) def _connect_circle_circle(A, B): v = B.c - A.c d = v.mag() if A.r >= B.r and d < A.r: #centre B inside A s1,s2 = +1, +1 elif B.r > A.r and d < B.r: #centre A inside B s1,s2 = -1, -1 elif d >= A.r and d >= B.r: s1,s2 = +1, -1 v.normalize() return Segment2(Point2(A.c + s1 * v * A.r), Point2(B.c + s2 * v * B.r))
[docs]class Point2(Vector2, Geometry): """ A point on a 2D plane. Construct in the obvious way:: >>> p = Point2(1.0, 2.0) >>> p Point2(1.00, 2.00) **Point2** subclasses **Vector2**, so all of **Vector2** operators and methods apply. In particular, subtracting two points gives a vector:: >>> Point2(2.0, 3.0) - Point2(1.0, 0.0) Vector2(1.00, 3.00) ``connect(other)`` Returns a **Segment2** which is the minimum length line segment that can connect the two shapes. *other* may be a **Point2**, **Line2**, **Ray2**, **Segment2** or **Circle**. """
[docs] def distance(self,other): """ absolute minimum distance to other object :param other: Point2, Line2 or Circle :return: float positive distance between self and other """ try: #quick for other Point2 dx,dy=self.x-other.x,self.y-other.y except: try: #also quick for dx,dy=self.x-other[0],self.y-other[1] except: # for all other objects return self.connect(other).length return hypot(dx,dy)
[docs] def __contains__(self,pt): """ :return: True if self and pt are the same point, False otherwise needed for coherency """ if not isinstance(pt,Point2): return False return isclose(self.distance(pt),0,_reltol)
[docs] def intersect(self, other): """Point2/object intersection :return: Point2 copy of self if on other object, None if not """ return Point2(self) if self in other else None
def _intersect_circle(self, circle): return self.intersect(circle)
[docs] def connect(self, other): return other._connect_point2(self)
def _connect_point2(self, other): return Segment2(other, self) def _connect_line2(self, other): c = _connect_point2_line2(self, other) if c: return c.swap() def _connect_circle(self, other): c = _connect_point2_circle(self, other) if c: return c.swap() def _apply_transform(self, mat3): x = mat3.a * self.x + mat3.b * self.y + mat3.c y = mat3.e * self.x + mat3.f * self.y + mat3.g self.x,self.y=x,y return self
[docs]def Polar(mag,angle): return Vector2(mag*cos(angle),mag*sin(angle))
[docs]class Line2(Geometry): """ A **Line2** is a line on a 2D plane extending to infinity in both directions; a **Ray2** has a finite end-point and extends to infinity in a single direction; a **Segment2** joins two points. All three classes support the same constructors, operators and methods, but may behave differently when calculating intersections etc. You may construct a line, ray or line segment using any of: * another line, ray or line segment * two points * a point and a vector * a point, a vector and a length For example:: >>> Line2(Point2(1.0, 1.0), Point2(2.0, 3.0)) Line2(<1.00, 1.00> + u<1.00, 2.00>) >>> Line2(Point2(1.0, 1.0), Vector2(1.0, 2.0)) Line2(<1.00, 1.00> + u<1.00, 2.00>) >>> Ray2(Point2(1.0, 1.0), Vector2(1.0, 2.0), 1.0) Ray2(<1.00, 1.00> + u<0.45, 0.89>) Internally, lines, rays and line segments store a Point2 *p* and a Vector2 *v*. You can also access (but not set) the two endpoints *p1* and *p2*. These may or may not be meaningful for all types of lines. The following methods are supported by all three classes: ``intersect(other)`` If *other* is a **Line2**, **Ray2** or **Segment2**, returns a **Point2** of intersection, or None if the lines are parallel. If *other* is a **Circle**, returns a **Segment2** or **Point2** giving the part of the line that intersects the circle, or None if there is no intersection. ``connect(other)`` Returns a **Segment2** which is the minimum length line segment that can connect the two shapes. For two parallel lines, this line segment may be in an arbitrary position. *other* may be a **Point2**, **Line2**, **Ray2**, **Segment2** or **Circle**. ``distance(other)`` Returns the absolute minimum distance to *other*. Internally this simply returns the length of the result of ``connect``. **Segment2** also has a *length* property which is read-only. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args): super(Line2,self).__init__(*args) if len(args) == 1: # Line2 or derived class self.p = Point2(args[0].p) self.v = Vector2(args[0].v) else: self.p = Point2(args[0]) if type(args[1]) is Vector2: self.v = Vector2(args[1]) else: self.v = Point2(args[1]) - self.p if len(args) == 3: self.v=self.v*args[2]/abs(self.v)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """lines are "equal" only if base points and vector are strictly equal. to compare if lines are "same", use line1.distance(line2)==0 """ try: return self.p==other.p and self.v==other.v except: return False
[docs] def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s,%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__,self.p,self.v)
def _u_in(self, u): return True
[docs] def point(self, u): ":return: Point2 at parameter u" if self._u_in(u): return self.p+u*self.v else: return None
[docs] def tangent(self, u): ":return: Vector2 tangent at parameter u. Warning : tangent is generally not a unit vector" if self._u_in(u): return self.v else: return None
def _apply_transform(self, t): self.p = t * self.p self.v = t * self.v
[docs] def intersect(self, other): return other._intersect_line2(self)
def _intersect_line2(self, line): return _intersect_line2_line2(self, line) def _intersect_circle(self, circle): """Line2/Circle intersection :return: None, Point2 or [Point2,Point2] """ return _intersect_line2_circle(self, circle)
[docs] def connect(self, other): return other._connect_line2(self)
def _connect_point2(self, other): return _connect_point2_line2(other, self) def _connect_line2(self, other): return _connect_line2_line2(other, self) def _connect_circle(self, other): return _connect_circle_line2(other, self)
[docs]class Ray2(Line2): def _u_in(self, u): return u >= 0.0
[docs]class Segment2(Line2): p1 = property(lambda self: self.p) p2 = property(lambda self: Point2(self.p.x + self.v.x, self.p.y + self.v.y))
[docs] def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s,%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__,self.p,self.p2)
def _u_in(self, u): return u >= 0.0 and u <= 1.0
[docs] def __abs__(self): return abs(self.v)
[docs] def mag2(self): return self.v.mag2()
length = property(lambda self: abs(self.v))
[docs] def swap(self): # used by connect methods to switch order of points self.p = self.p2 self.v *= -1 return self
[docs] def midpoint(self): return self.point(0.5)
[docs] def bisect(self): res=Line2(self.midpoint(),self.v.cross()) res.v.normalize() #because usually we do geometry with it return res
[docs]class Circle(Geometry): """ Circles are constructed with a center **Point2** and a radius:: >>> c = Circle(Point2(1.0, 1.0), 0.5) >>> c Circle(<1.00, 1.00>, radius=0.50) Internally there are two attributes: *c*, giving the center point and *r*, giving the radius. The following methods are supported: ``connect(other)`` Returns a **Segment2** which is the minimum length line segment that can connect the two shapes. *other* may be a **Point2**, **Line2**, **Ray2**, **Segment2** or **Circle**. ``distance(other)`` Returns the absolute minimum distance to *other*. Internally this simply returns the length of the result of ``connect``. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args): """:param args: can be * Circle * center, point on circle * center, radius """ if len(args) == 1: # Circle or derived class super(Circle,self).__init__(*args) self.c = Point2(args[0].c) self.p = Point2(args[0].p) self.r = args[0].r else: #2 first params are used to stay compatible with Arc2 self.c = Point2(args[0]) if isinstance(args[1],(float,int)): self.r = args[1] self.p = self.c+Vector2(args[1],0) #for coherency + transform else: self.p=Point2(args[1]) #one point on circle self.r=self.p.distance(self.c)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other,Circle): return False return self.c==other.c and self.r==other.r
[docs] def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s,%g)' % (self.__class__.__name__,self.c,self.r)
def _apply_transform(self, t): self.c = t * self.c self.p = t * self.p self.r=abs(self.p-self.c)
[docs] def __abs__(self): """:return: float perimeter""" return 2.0*pi*self.r
length = property(lambda self: abs(self))
[docs] def point(self, u): ":return: Point2 at angle u radians" return self.c+Polar(self.r,u)
[docs] def tangent(self, u): ":return: Vector2 tangent at angle u. Warning : tangent has magnitude r != 1" return Polar(self.r,u+pi/2.)
[docs] def __contains__(self,pt): ":return: True if pt is ON or IN the circle" d=self.c.distance(pt) if d<self.r: return True #IN the circle return isclose(d,self.r,_reltol)
[docs] def intersect(self, other): """ :param other: Line2, Ray2 or Segment2**, **Ray2** or **Segment2**, returns a **Segment2** giving the part of the line that intersects the circle, or None if there is no intersection. """ return other._intersect_circle(self)
def _intersect_line2(self, other): return _intersect_line2_circle(other, self) def _intersect_circle(self, other): return _intersect_circle_circle(other, self)
[docs] def connect(self, other): return other._connect_circle(self)
def _connect_point2(self, other): return _connect_point2_circle(other, self) def _connect_line2(self, other): c = _connect_circle_line2(self, other) if c: return c.swap() def _connect_circle(self, other): return _connect_circle_circle(other, self)
[docs] def swap(self): pass #for consistency
def _center_of_circle_from_3_points(a,b,c): """ constructs circle passing through 3 distinct points :param a,b,c: Point2 :return: x,y coordinates of center of circle geometrical implementation for reference: l1=Segment2(a,b).bisect() l2=Segment2(a,c).bisect() return = l1.intersect(l2).xy """ #this implementation is much faster d = (a.x * (b.y - c.y) + b.x * (c.y - a.y) + c.x * (a.y - b.y)) * 2.0 if d == 0.0: return None a2,b2,c2=a.mag2(),b.mag2(),c.mag2() x = (a2 * (b.y - c.y) + b2 * (c.y - a.y) + c2 * (a.y - b.y)) / d y = (a2 * (c.x - b.x) + b2 * (a.x - c.x) + c2 * (b.x - a.x)) / d return x, y
[docs]def circle_from_3_points(a,b,c): """ constructs Circle passing through 3 distinct points :param a,b,c: Point2 :return: the unique Circle through the three points a, b, c """ # future generalization : x,y = _center_of_circle_from_3_points(a,b,c) return Circle((x, y), hypot(x - a.x, y - a.y))
[docs]def arc_from_3_points(a,b,c): """ constructs Arc2 starting in a, going through b and ending in c :param a,b,c: Point2 :return: the unique Arc2 starting in a, going through b and ending in c """ #more efficient method Ian Galton, "An efficient three-point arc algorithm" #see x,y = _center_of_circle_from_3_points(a,b,c) res=Arc2((x,y),a,c) if not b in res: res.dir=-res.dir return res
[docs]class Arc2(Circle):
[docs] def __init__(self, center, p1=0, p2=2*pi, r=None, dir=1): """ :param center: Point2 or (x,y) tuple :param p1: starting Point2 or angle in radians :param p2: ending Point2 or angle in radians :param r: float radius, needed only if p1 or p2 is an angle :param dir: arc direction. +1 is trig positive (CCW) and -1 is Clockwise """ if isinstance(center,Arc2): #copy constructor super(Arc2,self).__init__(center) self.p2=Point2(center.p2) self.dir=center.dir else: c=Point2(center) if isinstance(p1,(int,float)): p=c+Polar(r,p1) else: p=Point2(p1) r=c.distance(p) super(Arc2,self).__init__(c,p) if isinstance(p2,(int,float)): self.p2=c+Polar(r,p2) else: self.p2=Point2(p2) self.dir=dir self._apply_transform(None) #to set start/end angles
# self.a is now start angle in [-pi,pi] # self.b is now end angle in [-pi,pi]
[docs] def angle(self,b=None): """:return: float signed arc angle""" a=self.a if b is None: b=self.b if isclose(a,b,_reltol): b=a #handle complete arcs res=b-a if sign(res)==self.dir: return res else: #return complementary angle return self.dir*(2*pi-abs(res))
[docs] def __abs__(self): """:return: float arc length""" return abs(self.r*self.angle())
def _u_in(self, u): #unlike Circle, Arc2 is parametrized on [0,1] for coherency with Segment2 return u >= 0.0 and u <= 1.0
[docs] def point(self, u): ":return: Point2 at parameter u" a=self.a+u*self.angle() return self.c+Polar(self.r,a)
[docs] def tangent(self, u): """:return: Vector2 tangent at parameter u""" a=self.a+u*self.angle() res=Polar(self.r,a).cross() if self.dir>0: return -res else: return res
def _apply_transform(self, t): if t: super(Arc2,self)._apply_transform(t) #TODO: support ellipsification self.p2 = t * self.p2 self.dir=self.dir*t.orientation() #to handle symmetries... self.a=(self.p-self.c).angle() #start angle self.b=(self.p2-self.c).angle() #end angle
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): if not super(Arc2,self).__eq__(other): #support Circles must be the same return False if self.dir==other.dir: return self.p==other.p and self.p2==other.p2 else: return self.p==other.p2 and self.p2==other.p
[docs] def __repr__(self): return '%s(center=%s,p1=%s,p2=%s,r=%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__,self.c,self.p,self.p2,self.r)
[docs] def swap(self): # used by connect methods to switch order of points self.p,self.p2 = self.p2,self.p self.a,self.b = self.b,self.a self.dir=-self.dir return self
def _u(self,pt): a=(pt-self.c).angle() res=self.angle(a)/self.angle() return None if res<0 or res>1 else res
[docs] def __contains__(self,pt): ":return: True if pt is ON the Arc" return super(Arc2,self).__contains__(pt) and self._u(pt) is not None
[docs] def intersect(self, other): inters= other._intersect_circle(self) if not inters: return None try: inters[1] except: inters=tuple(inters) res=[] for pt in inters: if pt in self: res.append(pt) if len(res)==0: return None elif len(res)==1: return res[0] else: return res
def _intersect_line2(self, other): return self.intersect(other)
[docs]class Ellipse(Circle):
[docs] def __init__(self, *args): """:param args: can be * Ellipse * center, corner point * center, r1,r2,angle """ super(Ellipse,self).__init__(*args) if len(args) == 1: # Circle or derived class try: self.r2 = args[0].r2 except: self.r2 = self.r else: #2 first params are used to stay compatible with Arc2 try: self.r2 = args[2] self.p = self.c+Vector2(self.r,self.r2) #for coherency + transform except: self.p=Point2(args[1]) #point at ellipse "corner" self.r,self.r2=(self.p-self.c).xy
[docs] def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s,%g,%g)' % (self.__class__.__name__,self.c,self.r,self.r2)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): try: other=Ellipse(other) #in case it's a Circle except: return False return self.c==other.c and self.r==other.r and self.r2==other.r2
def _apply_transform(self, t): self.c = t * self.c self.p = t * self.p self.r,self.r2=(self.p-self.c).xy
[docs]class Matrix3(object): """ Two matrix classes are supplied, *Matrix3*, a 3x3 matrix for working with 2D affine transformations, and *Matrix4*, a 4x4 matrix for working with 3D affine transformations. The default constructor intializes the matrix to the identity:: >>> Matrix3() Matrix3([ 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00]) >>> Matrix4() Matrix4([ 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00]) **Element access** Internally each matrix is stored as a set of attributes named ``a`` to ``p``. The layout for Matrix3 is:: # a b c # e f g # i j k and for Matrix4:: # a b c d # e f g h # i j k l # m n o p If you wish to set or retrieve a number of elements at once, you can do so with a slice:: >>> m = Matrix4() >>> m[:] [1.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0] >>> m[12:15] = (5, 5, 5) >>> m Matrix4([ 1.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00]) Note that slices operate in column-major order, which makes them suitable for working directly with OpenGL's ``glLoadMatrix`` and ``glGetFloatv`` functions. **Class constructors** There are class constructors for the most common types of transform. ``new_identity`` Equivalent to the default constructor. Example:: >>> m = Matrix4.new_identity() >>> m Matrix4([ 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00]) ``new_scale(x, y)`` and ``new_scale(x, y, z)`` The former is defined on **Matrix3**, the latter on **Matrix4**. Equivalent to the OpenGL call ``glScalef``. Example:: >>> m = Matrix4.new_scale(2.0, 3.0, 4.0) >>> m Matrix4([ 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00]) ``new_translate(x, y)`` and ``new_translate(x, y, z)`` The former is defined on **Matrix3**, the latter on **Matrix4**. Equivalent to the OpenGL call ``glTranslatef``. Example:: >>> m = Matrix4.new_translate(3.0, 4.0, 5.0) >>> m Matrix4([ 1.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00]) ``new_rotate(angle)`` Create a **Matrix3** for a rotation around the origin. *angle* is specified in radians, anti-clockwise. This is not implemented in **Matrix4** (see below for equivalent methods). Example:: >>> import math >>> m = Matrix3.new_rotate(math.pi / 2) >>> m Matrix3([ 0.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00]) The following constructors are defined for **Matrix4** only. ``new_rotatex(angle)``, ``new_rotatey(angle)``, ``new_rotatez(angle)`` Create a **Matrix4** for a rotation around the X, Y or Z axis, respectively. *angle* is specified in radians. Example:: >>> m = Matrix4.new_rotatex(math.pi / 2) >>> m Matrix4([ 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00]) ``new_rotate_axis(angle, axis)`` Create a **Matrix4** for a rotation around the given axis. *angle* is specified in radians, and *axis* must be an instance of **Vector3**. It is not necessary to normalize the axis. Example:: >>> m = Matrix4.new_rotate_axis(math.pi / 2, Vector3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)) >>> m Matrix4([ 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00]) ``new_rotate_euler(heading, attitude, bank)`` Create a **Matrix4** for the given Euler rotation. *heading* is a rotation around the Y axis, *attitude* around the X axis and *bank* around the Z axis. All rotations are performed simultaneously, so this method avoids "gimbal lock" and is the usual method for implemented 3D rotations in a game. Example:: >>> m = Matrix4.new_rotate_euler(math.pi / 2, math.pi / 2, 0.0) >>> m Matrix4([ 0.00 -0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 -0.00 0.00 -0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00]) ``new_perspective(fov_y, aspect, near, far)`` Create a **Matrix4** for projection onto the 2D viewing plane. This method is equivalent to the OpenGL call ``gluPerspective``. *fov_y* is the view angle in the Y direction, in radians. *aspect* is the aspect ration *width* / *height* of the viewing plane. *near* and *far* are the distance to the near and far clipping planes. They must be positive and non-zero. Example:: >>> m = Matrix4.new_perspective(math.pi / 2, 1024.0 / 768, 1.0, 100.0) >>> m Matrix4([ 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.02 -2.02 0.00 0.00 -1.00 0.00]) **Operators** Matrices of the same dimension may be multiplied to give a new matrix. For example, to create a transform which translates and scales:: >>> m1 = Matrix3.new_translate(5.0, 6.0) >>> m2 = Matrix3.new_scale(1.0, 2.0) >>> m1 * m2 Matrix3([ 1.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 2.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 1.00]) Note that multiplication is not commutative (the order that you apply transforms matters):: >>> m2 * m1 Matrix3([ 1.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 2.00 12.00 0.00 0.00 1.00]) In-place multiplication is also permitted (and optimised):: >>> m1 *= m2 >>> m1 Matrix3([ 1.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 2.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 1.00]) Multiplying a matrix by a vector returns a vector, and is used to transform a vector:: >>> m1 = Matrix3.new_rotate(math.pi / 2) >>> m1 * Vector2(1.0, 1.0) Vector2(-1.00, 1.00) Note that translations have no effect on vectors. They do affect points, however:: >>> m1 = Matrix3.new_translate(5.0, 6.0) >>> m1 * Vector2(1.0, 2.0) Vector2(1.00, 2.00) >>> m1 * Point2(1.0, 2.0) Point2(6.00, 8.00) Multiplication is currently incorrect between matrices and vectors -- the projection component is ignored. Use the **Matrix4.transform** method instead. Matrix4 also defines **transpose** (in-place), **transposed** (functional), **determinant** and **inverse** (functional) methods. A **Matrix3** can be multiplied with a **Vector2** or any of the 2D geometry objects (**Point2**, **Line2**, **Circle**, etc). A **Matrix4** can be multiplied with a **Vector3** or any of the 3D geometry objects (**Point3**, **Line3**, **Sphere**, etc). For convenience, each of the matrix constructors are also available as in-place operators. For example, instead of writing:: >>> m1 = Matrix3.new_translate(5.0, 6.0) >>> m2 = Matrix3.new_scale(1.0, 2.0) >>> m1 *= m2 you can apply the scale directly to *m1*:: >>> m1 = Matrix3.new_translate(5.0, 6.0) >>> m1.scale(1.0, 2.0) Matrix3([ 1.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 2.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 1.00]) >>> m1 Matrix3([ 1.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 2.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 1.00]) Note that these methods operate in-place (they modify the original matrix), and they also return themselves as a result. This allows you to chain transforms together directly:: >>> Matrix3().translate(1.0, 2.0).rotate(math.pi / 2).scale(4.0, 4.0) Matrix3([ 0.00 -4.00 1.00 4.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 1.00]) All constructors have an equivalent in-place method. For **Matrix3**, they are ``identity``, ``translate``, ``scale`` and ``rotate``. For **Matrix4**, they are ``identity``, ``translate``, ``scale``, ``rotatex``, ``rotatey``, ``rotatez``, ``rotate_axis`` and ``rotate_euler``. Both **Matrix3** and **Matrix4** also have an in-place ``transpose`` method. The ``copy`` method is also implemented in both matrix classes and behaves in the obvious way. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args): self.identity() if not args: return if len(args)==1: args=args[0][:] if len(args)==9: self[:] = args else: raise RuntimeError('%s.__init__(%s) failed'%(self.__class__.__name__,object))
[docs] def __repr__(self): t=self.transposed() #repr is by line while [:] is by column return ('%s%s') % (self.__class__.__name__,tuple(t))
[docs] def __iter__(self): return iter((self.a, self.e, self.i, self.b, self.f, self.j, self.c, self.g, self.k))
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): try: #is key a tuple ? key=3*key[0]+key[1] except: pass return [self.a, self.e, self.i, self.b, self.f, self.j, self.c, self.g, self.k][key]
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key, value): try: #is key a tuple ? key=3*key[0]+key[1] except: pass L = self[:] L[key] = value (self.a, self.e, self.i, self.b, self.f, self.j, self.c, self.g, self.k) = L
[docs] def __eq__(self,other): try: return list(self)==list(other) except: return False
[docs] def __sub__(self, other): return Matrix3(*(ai-bi for ai,bi in zip(self[:],other[:])))
[docs] def __imul__(self, other): # assert isinstance(other, Matrix3) # Cache attributes in local vars (see Matrix3.__mul__). Aa = self.a Ab = self.b Ac = self.c Ae = self.e Af = self.f Ag = self.g Ai = self.i Aj = self.j Ak = self.k Ba = other.a Bb = other.b Bc = other.c Be = other.e Bf = other.f Bg = other.g Bi = other.i Bj = other.j Bk = other.k self.a = Aa * Ba + Ab * Be + Ac * Bi self.b = Aa * Bb + Ab * Bf + Ac * Bj self.c = Aa * Bc + Ab * Bg + Ac * Bk self.e = Ae * Ba + Af * Be + Ag * Bi self.f = Ae * Bb + Af * Bf + Ag * Bj self.g = Ae * Bc + Af * Bg + Ag * Bk self.i = Ai * Ba + Aj * Be + Ak * Bi self.j = Ai * Bb + Aj * Bf + Ak * Bj self.k = Ai * Bc + Aj * Bg + Ak * Bk return self
[docs] def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(other,Matrix3): res = copy(self) res*=other else: res = copy(other) res._apply_transform(self) return res
[docs] def __call__(self,other): return self*other
[docs] def identity(self): self.a = self.f = self.k = 1. self.b = self.c = self.e = self.g = self.i = self.j = 0 return self
[docs] def scale(self, x, y=None): if y is None: y=x return Matrix3.new_scale(x, y)*self
[docs] def offset(self): return self*Point2(0,0)
[docs] def angle(self,angle=0): """ :param angle: angle in radians of a unit vector starting at origin :return: float bearing in radians of the transformed vector """ v=self*Polar(1.0,angle) return atan2(v.y,v.x)
[docs] def mag(self,v=None): """Return the net (uniform) scaling of this transform. """ if not v: v=Vector2(1,1) return (self*v).mag()/v.mag()
[docs] def translate(self, *args ): """ :param *args: x,y values """ x,y=argPair(*args) return Matrix3.new_translate(x,y)*self
[docs] def rotate(self, angle): return Matrix3.new_rotate(angle)*self
[docs] def new_identity(cls): self = cls() return self
[docs] def new_scale(cls, x, y): self = cls() self.a = x self.f = y return self
[docs] def new_translate(cls, x, y): self = cls() self.c = x self.g = y return self
[docs] def new_rotate(cls, angle): self = cls() s = sin(angle) c = cos(angle) self.a = self.f = c self.b = -s self.e = s return self
[docs] def mag2(self): return sum(x*x for x in self)
[docs] def __abs__(self): return sqrt(self.mag2())
[docs] def transpose(self): (self.a, self.e, self.i, self.b, self.f, self.j, self.c, self.g, self.k) = \ (self.a, self.b, self.c, self.e, self.f, self.g, self.i, self.j, self.k)
[docs] def transposed(self): M = copy(self) M.transpose() return M
[docs] def determinant(self): return (self.a*self.f*self.k + self.b*self.g*self.i + self.c*self.e*self.j - self.a*self.g*self.j - self.b*self.e*self.k - self.c*self.f*self.i)
[docs] def inverse(self): tmp = Matrix3() d = self.determinant() if abs(d) < 0.001: # No inverse, return identity return tmp else: d = 1.0 / d tmp.a = d * (self.f*self.k - self.g*self.j) tmp.b = d * (self.c*self.j - self.b*self.k) tmp.c = d * (self.b*self.g - self.c*self.f) tmp.e = d * (self.g*self.i - self.e*self.k) tmp.f = d * (self.a*self.k - self.c*self.i) tmp.g = d * (self.c*self.e - self.a*self.g) tmp.i = d * (self.e*self.j - self.f*self.i) tmp.j = d * (self.b*self.i - self.a*self.j) tmp.k = d * (self.a*self.f - self.b*self.e) return tmp
[docs] def orientation(self): """ :return: 1 if matrix is right handed, -1 if left handed """ from .geom3d import Vector3 #TODO: remove this v1=Vector3(self.a,self.b,self.c) v2=Vector3(self.e,self.f,self.g) v3=Vector3(self.i,self.j,self.k) return copysign(1,v1.cross(v2).dot(v3))