Source code for Goulib.motion

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
motion simulation (kinematics)
from Goulib.statemachine import StateMachine,StateChangeLog,TooLateLog,WaitLog,noPrint
import Goulib.table

__author__ = "Philippe Guglielmetti"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2013, Philippe Guglielmetti"
__credits__= [""]
__license__ = "LGPL"

from math import sin
from . import plot, polynomial, itertools2, math2
from Goulib.units import V,Table, View

from numpy import allclose

[docs]class PVA(plot.Plot): #TODO: make it an Expr """represents a function of time returning position, velocity, and acceleration """
[docs] def __init__(self,funcs): self.funcs=funcs
[docs] def __call__(self,t,t0=0): return tuple(f(t-t0) for f in self.funcs)
[docs]class Segment(PVA): """ a PVA defined between 2 times, null elsewhere """
[docs] def __init__(self,t0,t1,funcs): super(Segment, self).__init__(funcs) self.t0=t0 self.t1=t1 self.ticks= []
[docs] def dt(self): return self.t1-self.t0
[docs] def start(self): return super(Segment, self).__call__(self.t0, self.t0)
[docs] def startPos(self): return self.start()[0]
[docs] def startSpeed(self): return self.start()[1]
[docs] def startAcc(self): return self.start()[2]
[docs] def startJerk(self): return self.start()[3]
[docs] def startTime(self): return self.t0
[docs] def end(self): return super(Segment, self).__call__(self.t1, self.t0)
[docs] def endPos(self): return self.end()[0]
[docs] def endSpeed(self): return self.end()[1]
[docs] def endAcc(self): return self.end()[2]
[docs] def endJerk(self): return self.end()[3]
[docs] def endTime(self): return(self.t1)
[docs] def timeWhenPosBiggerThan(self,pos,resolution=0.010): """ search the first time when the position is bigger than pos :params pos: the pos that must at least be reached :params resolution: the time resolution in sec""" #brute force and stupid!!! for t in itertools2.arange(self.t0,self.t1,resolution): if self(t)[0] >= pos: break return t
[docs] def __call__(self,t): if t>=self.t0 and t<self.t1: return super(Segment, self).__call__(t, self.t0) else: return (0,)*len(self.funcs)
def _plot(self, ax, t0=None,t1=None, ylim=None, **kwargs): """ :params ticks: a list of (time,state) to add ticks """ if t0 is None: t0=self.t0 if t1 is None: t1=self.t1 step=(t1-t0)/500. x=[ t for t in itertools2.arange(t0,t1,step) ] y = [self(t) for t in x] y=map(list, zip(*y)) #transpose because of labels=['pos','vel','acc','jrk'] for y_arr, label in zip(y, labels): ax.plot(x, y_arr, label=label) ax.legend(loc='best') # for tick in self.ticks: # ax.axvline(x=tick[0],color='0.5') return ax
[docs]class Segments(Segment):
[docs] def __init__(self,segments=[],label='Segments'): """ can be initialized with a list of segment (that of course can also be a Segments) :param label: a label can be given """ self.label = label self.t0 = -float('inf') self.t1 = -float('inf') self.segments = [] self.add(segments)
[docs] def __str__(self): return self.label
[docs] def html(self): t = self.label+'<br/>' for s in self.segments: t += 't=%f (%f,%f,%f,%f) --> t=%f (%f,%f,%f,%f)<br/>'%(s.t0,s.start()[0],s.start()[1],s.start()[2],s.start()[3], s.t1,s.endPos(),s.endSpeed(),s.endAcc(),s.end()[3]) return t
[docs] def update(self): """ yet only calculates t0 and t1 """ for s in self.segments: if s.t0 < self.t0: self.t0 = s.t0 if s.t1 > self.t1: self.t1 = s.t1
[docs] def insert(self,segment,autoJoin=True): """ insert a segment into Segments :param segment: the segment to add. must be in a range that is not already defined or it will rise a value error exception :param autoJoin: if True and the added segment has the same starting position as the last segment's end and both velocity are 0 then a segment of (pos,v=0,a=0) is automatically added. this help discribing movements only where there is curently a movement """ t0 = segment.t0 t1 = segment.t1 if self.segments == []: self.segments = [segment] self.t0 = segment.t0 self.t1 = segment.t1 return if t0 >= self.segments[-1].t1: previous = self.segments[-1] previousP = previous.endPos() previousT = previous.endTime() previousV = previous.endSpeed() segmentP = segment.start()[0] segmentV = segment.start()[1] if autoJoin and t0 > previousT and allclose([previousP,previousV,segmentV],[segmentP,0,0],atol=0.001): self.segments.append(SegmentPoly(previous.t1,t0,[previous.endPos()])) self.segments.append(segment) return if t1 <= self.segments[0].t0: self.segments.insert(0,segment) return for i in range(0,len(self.segments)-1): if self.segments[i].t1 <= t0 and self.segments[i+1].t0 >= t1: self.segments.insert(i+1, segment) return l = '' for s in self.segments: l += '\n'+str(s.t0)+'-->'+str(s.t1) raise ValueError('impossible to add the segment t0='+str(segment.t0)+' t1='+str(segment.t1)+' to already existing segments'+l)
[docs] def add(self,segments,autoJoin=True): """ add a segment or a list of segment to the segments """ if type(segments) is not list: self.insert(segments,autoJoin) else: for s in segments: self.insert(s,autoJoin) self.update() self.label = 'Segments starts='+str(self.t0)+' ends='+str(self.t1)
[docs] def start(self): if self.segments != []: return self.segments[0].start() else: return (0,0,0,0)
[docs] def end(self): if self.segments != []: return self.segments[-1].end() else: return (0,0,0,0)
[docs] def __call__(self,t): for s in self.segments: if t>=s.t0 and t<s.t1: return s(t) return (0,0,0,0) #oversimplified: assuming PVAJ; should check that all segments are of the same nature
[docs]class SegmentPoly(Segment): """ a segment defined by a polynomial position law """
[docs] def __init__(self,t0,t1,p): p=polynomial.Polynomial(p) v=p.derivative() a=v.derivative() j=a.derivative() super(SegmentPoly, self).__init__(t0,t1,(p,v,a,j))
def _latex(self): """:return: string LaTex formula""" return 'pos(t)=%s'%self.funcs[0]._latex(x='t') def _repr_latex_(self): return '$%s$'%self._latex()
[docs]class Actuator(): """ simulate an actuator. each movements are recorded in a Segments object the goal of this class is to simplify the writing in most common cases """
[docs] def __init__(self,stateMachine,vmax,acc,name='',pos=V(0,'m'),distPerTurn=V(1,'mm'),angle=V(0,'deg'),mass=V(1,'kg'),friction=V(0,'N')): """ :params stateMachine: a stateMachine. the only requirement for the simulation is to have a .time as V(time,'s') and a .displayMove boolean :params acc: the default acceleration of the actuator :params vmax: the default vmax :params name: name of the actuator :params pos: the initial position :params distPerTurn: the distance of the actuator per motor (or reductor) turn :params angle: if 0, the mass is moving horizontally, if 90° vertically: CAREFULL in that case the bigger the position, the higher :params mass: the mass to move (for both intertia and lifting force) :params friction: the friction force TODO: currently no difference between u0 and udynamique intertia of the pulley should be taken into consideration WARNING: the maxForce simulation is minimalist: as we know nothing about the reversibility of the grears and where is the friction, friction is always added even if it might be compensated by the mass in the case we go down """ self.segs = Segments([]) self.log = [] #list of (startTime,startPos,endTime,endPos) one tuple per move = name self.stateMachine = stateMachine self.vmax = vmax self.acc = acc self.pos = pos self.distPerTurn = distPerTurn self.angle = angle self.mass = mass self.friction ='N') self._maxAbsAcc = V(0,'m/s^2') self._maxAbsSpeed = V(0,'m/s') self._maxForce = V(0,'N')
[docs] def move(self,newpos,relative=False,time = None, wait=True, vmax=None,acc=None): """ moves the actuator to newpos :params newpos: the new absolute position :params time: the starting time of the move. by default (None) the state machine time will be used but one can force the starting poing in the past typically to do parallel moves of different actuators :params vmax: by default the values given at initialisation, but a value for this move can be given :params acc: by default the values given at initialisation, but a value for this move can be given """ if time is None: time = self.stateMachine.time if time < self.endTime(): self.stateMachine.hwarning(,'received at',time,'an order to move while it was already moving. had to wait',self.endTime()) time = self.endTime() if relative: newpos = self.pos + newpos if newpos == self.pos: if self.stateMachine.displayMove: from IPython.display import display,HTML display(HTML('<h4>{0}</h4> already in place @ {1}[m]'.format(,newpos))) return self.segs elif newpos > self.pos: acc = self.acc if acc is None else acc vmax = self.vmax if vmax is None else vmax else: acc = - self.acc if acc is None else -acc vmax= - self.vmax if vmax is None else -vmax self._maxAbsAcc = max(abs(acc),self._maxAbsAcc) s = sin(self.angle) fg = (self.mass*s*V(1,'gravity')).to('N') fa = (self.mass*acc).to('N') fm = abs(fg+fa) ft = fm+self.friction self._maxForce = max(self._maxForce, ft) m = SegmentsTrapezoidalSpeed(time('s'), self.pos('m'), newpos('m'), a=acc('m/s^2'), vmax=vmax('m/s')) self._maxAbsSpeed = max(self._maxAbsSpeed,V(abs(m.segments[0].endSpeed()),'m/s')) self.lastmove = m self.log.append((time,self.pos,V(m.endTime(),'s'),newpos)) self.stateMachine.simulation.displayPlot(,m) self.pos = newpos self.segs.add(m) self.stateMachine.time = max(V(m.endTime(),'s'),self.stateMachine.time) return m
[docs] def endTime(self): return V(self.segs.endTime(),'s')
[docs] def P(self,t): if isinstance(t, V): t = t('s') _p = self.segs(t)[0] return V(_p,'m')
[docs] def maxAbsAcc(self): return self._maxAbsAcc
[docs] def maxAbsSpeed(self): return self._maxAbsSpeed
[docs] def maxForce(self): return self._maxForce
[docs] def maxTork(self): return (self._maxForce*self.distPerTurn/V(360,'deg')).to('N m')
[docs] def maxRpm(self): return self.maxAbsSpeed()/self.distPerTurn
[docs] def displayLast(self): from IPython.display import display display(self.lastmove.svg())
[docs] def display(self,fromTime=None,toTime=None): from IPython.display import display,HTML display(HTML('<h4>{0}</h4>'.format( if fromTime is not None: fromTime = fromTime('s') if toTime is not None: toTime =toTime('s') self.segs.ticks = self.stateMachine.log display(self.segs.svg(xlim=(fromTime,toTime))) table = Table(,[],self.varNames()) table.appendCol('values',self.varDict()) v = View(table,rowUnits=self.varRowUnits()) display(v) timeTable = Table('timing',[' cycle',('start time','s'),('start pos','mm'),('stop time','s'),('stop pos','mm')],[]) for i,l in enumerate(self.log): timeTable.appendRow('move {:0>4d}'.format(i), [self.stateMachine(l[0]('s')),l[0],l[1],l[2],l[3]]) display(timeTable)
[docs] def varNames(self): """ returns a list of internal variables. intended to be used in the Table.__init__ """ return ['.mass','.friction','.dist/turn','.maxSpeed','.maxAcc','.maxForce','.maxRpm','.maxTork', ]
[docs] def varRowUnits(self): return {'.mass' : 'kg','.friction' : 'N','.dist/turn': 'mm','.maxSpeed' : 'm/s','.maxAcc' : 'm/s^2','.maxForce' : 'N','.maxRpm' : 'rpm','.maxTork' : 'N m', }
[docs] def varDict(self): return {'.mass' : self.mass,'.friction': self.friction,'.dist/turn': self.distPerTurn,'.maxSpeed' : self.maxAbsSpeed(),'.maxAcc' : self.maxAbsAcc(),'.maxForce' : self.mass*self.maxAbsAcc()+self.friction,'.maxRpm' : self.maxRpm(),'.maxTork' : self.maxTork(), }
[docs]class TimeDiagram(plot.Plot):
[docs] def __init__(self,actuators,stateMachines=[],fromTime=None,toTime=None): """ :params stateMachines: [(stateMachine,pos,posShift),...] """ self.actuators = actuators self.t0 = min(a.segs.startTime() for a in actuators) if fromTime is None else fromTime('s') self.t1 = max(a.segs.endTime() for a in actuators) if toTime is None else toTime('s') self.stateMachines = stateMachines
[docs] def __repr__(self): return 'Time Diagram from {0:f}[s] to {1:f}[s]'.format(self.t0,self.t1)
def _plot(self, ax, **kwargs): """ plots a list of actuators """ linewidth = kwargs.pop('linewidth',0) (t0,t1) = kwargs.setdefault('xlim',(self.t0,self.t1)) (ymin,ymax) = (-1000,1000) from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties fontP = FontProperties() fontP.set_size('xx-small') step=(t1-t0)/500. x=[ t for t in itertools2.arange(self.t0,self.t1,step) ] for a in self.actuators: y = [a.segs(t)[0] for t in x] ax.plot(x, y,, linewidth=linewidth) for s,pos,posShift in self.stateMachines: shift = False for (t,event) in s.log: if isinstance(event, StateChangeLog): if t >= t0 and t <= t1: y = posShift if shift else pos ax.text(t, y, '<'+str(event.newState), fontsize=(6), horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center') shift = not shift ax.text(t1,pos, elif isinstance(event,TooLateLog): tend = event.pastTime('s') if (t<=t1 and t>=t0) or (tend <= t1 and tend >= t1): ax.broken_barh([(tend,t-tend)],(ymin,ymax-ymin),facecolor='white',edgecolor='red') ax.broken_barh([(tend,t-tend)],(pos,posShift-pos),facecolor='red',edgecolor='') elif isinstance(event,WaitLog): tend = event.untilTime('s') if (t<=t1 and t>=t0) or (tend <= t1 and tend >= t1): ax.broken_barh([(tend,t-tend)],(ymin,ymax-ymin),facecolor='white',edgecolor='green') ax.broken_barh([(tend,t-tend)],(pos,posShift-pos),facecolor='green') # Shrink current axis by 20% box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height]) # Put a legend to the right of the current axis ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5),prop = fontP) return ax
[docs] def saveAsCsv(self,filename): step=(self.t1-self.t0)/500. x=[ t for t in itertools2.arange(self.t0,self.t1,step)] data=[['time']+x] for sm,_p,_sp in self.stateMachines: data.append(["'"]+[sm(t) for t in x]) for a in self.actuators: data.append(["'"]+[(a.P(t))('m') for t in x]) tab = Goulib.table.Table(data=data) tab.write_csv(filename)
def _pva(val): try: p=val[0] except: p=val try: v=val[1] except: v=None try: a=val[2] except: a=None return p,v,a def _delta(x0,x1): try: return float(x1-x0) except: return None
[docs]def ramp(dp,v0,v1,a): """ :param dp: float delta position or None if unknown :param v0: float initial velocity or None if unknown :param v1: float final velocity or None if unknown :param a: float acceleration :return: float shortest time to accelerate between constraints """ dt=[] dv=_delta(v0,v1) if dv: dt.append(dv/a) #time to accelerate try: # solve a.t^2/2+v0.t == dp dt.extend(list(math2.quad(a/2.,v0,-dp))) except: try: # solve v1.t-a.t^2/2 == dp dt.extend(list(math2.quad(-a/2.,v1, -dp))) except: pass return min(t for t in dt if t > 0) #return smallest positive
[docs]def trapeze(dp,vmax,a,v0=0,v2=0): """ :param dp: float delta position :param vmax: float maximal velocity :param a: float acceleration :param v0: float initial velocity, 0 by default :param v2: float final velocity, 0 by default :return: tuple of 6 values: * time at end of acceleration * position at end of acceleration * velocity at end of acceleration * time at begin of deceleration * position at begin of deceleration * total time """ t1=ramp(dp/2.,v0,vmax,a) #acceleration time v1=v0+a*t1 #speed reached p1=t1*(v0+v1)/2. #position at end of acceleration t3=ramp(dp/2.,v1,v2,-a) #deceleration time p2=t3*(v1+v2)/2. #distance to decelerate t2=float(dp-p1-p2)/v1 #time at constant velocity return t1,p1,v1,t1+t2,dp-p2,t1+t2+t3
[docs]def Segment2ndDegree(t0,t1,start,end=(None)): """calculates a constant acceleration Segment between start and end :param t0,t1: float start,end time. one of both may be None for undefined :param start: (position, velocity, acceleration) float tuple. some values may be None for undefined :param end: (position, velocity, acceleration) float tuple. some values may be None for undefined :return: :class:`SegmentPoly` the function can cope with almost any combination of defined/undefined parameters, among others (see tests): * Segment2ndDegree(t0,t1,(p0,v0),p1) # time interval and start + end positions + initial speed * Segment2ndDegree(t0,t1,(p0,v0,a)) # time interval and start with acceleration * Segment2ndDegree(t0,t1,None,(p1,v1,a)) # time interval and end pva * Segment2ndDegree(t0,None,(p0,v0),(p1,v1)) # start + end positions + velocities * Segment2ndDegree(t0,None,(p0,v0,a),(None,v1)) # start pva + end velocity * Segment2ndDegree(None,t1,p0,(p1,v1,a)) # end pva + start position the function also accepts some combinations of overconstraining parameters: * Segment2ndDegree(t0,t1,(p0,v0,a),p1) # time interval, start pva, end position => adjust t1 * Segment2ndDegree(t0,t1,(p0,v0,a),(None,v1)) # time interval, start pva, v1=max vel => adjust t1 :raise ValueError: when not enough parameters are specified to define the Segment univoquely """ p0,v0,a0=_pva(start) p1,v1,a1=_pva(end) if a0 is None: a0=a1 #to handle the many possible cases, we evaluate missing information in a loop for _retries in range(2): #two loops are enough to solve all cases , according to tests dt=_delta(t0,t1) dp=_delta(p0,p1) dv=_delta(v0,v1) if not itertools2.any((dt,p0,v0,a0),lambda x:x is None): #we have all required data res=SegmentPoly(t0,t1,[p0,v0,a0/2.]) end=res.end() if p1 is not None and not math2.isclose(end[0],p1): #consider p1 as max position res2=Segment2ndDegree(t0,None,(p0,v0,a0),p1) if res2.dt()<res.dt(): #this case arises earlier res=res2 if v1 is not None and not math2.isclose(end[1],v1): #consider v1 as max velocity res2=Segment2ndDegree(t0,None,(p0,v0,a0),(None,v1)) if res2.dt()<res.dt(): #this case arises earlier res=res2 return res if dt is None: #try to determine it from available params if a0: dt=ramp(dp,v0,v1,a0) else: try: dt=2.*dp/(v0+v1) #time to reach the position except: pass if t0 is None: try: t0=t1-dt except: pass if t1 is None: try: t1=t0+dt except: pass if a0 is None: try: a0=float(dv)/dt except: try: a0=2.*(dp-v0*dt)/dt*dt except: pass if v0 is None: try: v0=v1-a0*dt except: pass if p0 is None: try: p0=p1-dt*float(v1+v0)/2. except: pass raise ValueError
[docs]def Segment4thDegree(t0,t1,start,end): """smooth trajectory from an initial position and initial speed (p0,v0) to a final position and speed (p1,v1) * if t1<=t0, t1 is calculated """ p0,v0,_a0=_pva(start) p1,v1,_a1=_pva(end) if t1<=t0: dt=float(p1-p0)/((v1-v0)/2. + v0) #truediv t1=t0+dt else: dt=t1-t0 return SegmentPoly(t0,t1,[p0,v0,0,float(v1-v0)/(dt*dt),-float(v1-v0)/(2*dt*dt*dt)]) #truediv
[docs]def SegmentsTrapezoidalSpeed(t0,p0,p3,a,T=0,vmax=float('inf'),v0=0,v3=0): """ :param t0: float start time :param p0: float start position :param p3: float end position :param a: float specified acceleration. if =0, use specified time :param T: float specified time. if =0 (default), use specified acceleration :param vmax: float max speed. default is infinity (i.e. triangular speed) :param v0: initial speed :param v3: final speed if T <> 0 then v3 = v0 v1 +-------+ / \ / + v3 v0 + | | | | t0 t1 t2 t3 """ dp = p3-p0 if T != 0: assert t0 == 0.0, 'must fix this bug' assert v3==v0,'if T is the constraint, v0 must equal v3' t1 = T/2 v1 = dp/t1 -v0 # (v0+v1)/2 *t1 = dp/2 ==> v0*t1 + v1*t1 =dp if v1 > vmax: RuntimeError('vmax not yet implemented: must be infinite') else: a = (v1-v0)/t1 (t1,p1,v1,t2,p2,t3) = trapeze(dp,vmax,a,v0,v3) label = 'Trapeze start={0}, end={1}'.format(t0,t0+t3) acc = Segment2ndDegree(t0,t1+t0,(p0,v0,a)) cst = SegmentPoly(t1+t0,t2+t0,[p1+p0,v1]) dec = Segment2ndDegree(t2+t0,t3+t0,(p2+p0,v1,-a)) trap = Segments([acc,cst,dec],label=label) return trap