Source code for Goulib.statemachine

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8

state machines with graph representation
from scipy.stats.mstats_basic import argstoarray

__author__ = "Marc Nicole"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2015, Marc Nicole"
__credits__= [""]
__license__ = "LGPL"
#test rebase

import inspect

from Goulib.units import V
from Goulib.piecewise import Piecewise
from graphviz import Digraph

[docs]class StateDiagram(Digraph): """ helper to write State Diagrams graph in iPython notebook This library uses Graphviz that has to be installed separately ( """
[docs] def state(self,number,descr,actions,transitions): """ :parameter number: the state number (int) :parameter descr: a string describing the state :parameter actions: a string describing the various actions. use <br/> to make a new line :parameter transitions: a array of tuple (<new_state>,"condition") """ html= '<<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellborder="1"><tr><td>'+str(number)+'</td><td>'+descr+'</td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" align="left">'+actions+'</td></tr></table>>' self.node(str(number),html,shape='none') for transition in transitions: self.edge(str(number),str(transition[0]),transition[1]) #coucou
maxDiff = None
[docs]def noPrint(*args): pass
[docs]class Simulation: """ all simulation should derive from this class that has some helper """
[docs] def __init__(self): self.h1 = noPrint self.h2 = noPrint self.h3 = noPrint self.h = noPrint self.hinfo = noPrint self.hsuccess = noPrint self.hwarning = noPrint self.herror = noPrint self.displayState = noPrint self.displayPlot = noPrint
[docs] def setOutput(self,h1=noPrint,h2=noPrint,h3=noPrint,h=noPrint,hinfo=noPrint,hsuccess=noPrint,hwarning=noPrint,herror=noPrint,displayState=noPrint,displayObj=noPrint,displayPlot=noPrint): self.h1 = h1 self.h2 = h2 self.h3 = h3 self.h = h self.hinfo = hinfo self.hsuccess = hsuccess self.hwarning = hwarning self.herror = herror self.displayState = displayState self.displayPlot = displayPlot
#------------ for the logs -----------
[docs]class EventLog:
[docs] def log(self,stateMachine): stateMachine.log.append((stateMachine.time('s'),self))
[docs]class StateChangeLog(EventLog):
[docs] def __init__(self,newState): self.newState = newState
[docs]class WaitLog(EventLog):
[docs] def __init__(self,untilTime,waitForWhat): self.untilTime = untilTime self.waitForWhat = waitForWhat
[docs]class TooLateLog(EventLog):
[docs] def __init__(self,pastTime,missedWhat): self.pastTime = pastTime self.missedWhat = missedWhat
[docs]class TimeMarker:
[docs] def __init__(self,name): = name self.markers = [-float('inf')]
[docs] def set(self,time): self.markers.append(time('s'))
[docs] def __call__(self): return V(self.markers[-1],'s')
[docs] def __repr__(self): s = for t in self.markers[1:]: s += ' %f[s]' % t return s
[docs]class StateMachine:
[docs] def __init__(self,simulation=None,name=None,background_color="#F5ECCE"): self.displayMove = False self.time = V(0.0,'s') self.background_color = background_color self.simulation = simulation if name is None: = self.__class__.__name__ else: = name self.states = {} funcs = inspect.getmembers(self,predicate=inspect.ismethod) for (fname,f) in funcs: if fname[0:5]=='state': stateNumber = int(fname[5:]) self.states[stateNumber] = {'action':f} self.parseDoc(stateNumber,f) self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self): """ where all actuators should be declared and other variables""" self.__reset__() self.log = [] self.hasErrors = False self.hasWarnings = False
[docs] def __reset__(self): pass
[docs] def parseDoc(self,state,f): doclines = f.__doc__.split('\n') self.states[state]['title'] = doclines[0] self.states[state]['transitions'] = [] actions = [] for dl in doclines[1:]: d = dl.strip() if d[0:3] == '-->': t = d[3:].split(':',1) newState = int(t[0]) self.states[state]['transitions'].append((newState,t[1])) elif d != '': actions.append(d) self.states[state]['actions']=actions
[docs] def __call__(self,time): """ find the state at time. time must be in seconds """ for t,event in reversed(self.log): if t <= time and isinstance(event,StateChangeLog): return event.newState return None
def _repr_html_(self): html = '<table border="1"><caption>''</caption>' for state in self.states: html += '<tr><td>'+str(state)+'</td><td>'+self.states[state]['title']+'</td><td>'+'<br/>'.join(self.states[state]['actions'])+'</td></tr>' html += '</table>' return html
[docs] def displayGraph(self): from Goulib.notebook2 import display graph = StateDiagram( for state in self.states: graph.state(state,self.states[state]['title'], '<br/>'.join(self.states[state]['actions']), self.states[state]['transitions']) display(graph)
[docs] def checkOnTimeAndWait(self,time,what): """ checks that the self.time < time if this is not the case an error will be logged with the message""" if self.time > time: TooLateLog(time,what).log(self) self.herror(what,'is too late: ',self.time, 'instead of',time) else: WaitLog(time,what).log(self) self.hsuccess('waits for ',what,'from',self.time,'to',time) self.time = time
[docs] def wait(self,time,cause='unknown cause'): if time > self.time: self.time = time
#TODO rethink how to display info .....hinfo(' waits for ',cause)
[docs] def run(self,start=0,stops=[],startTime=None,maxSteps=100000,maxTime=V(1000,'s')): """ runs the behavioral simulation :params start: is the starting state of the simulation :params stops: a list of states that will stop the simulation (after having simulated this last state) :params startTime: a time to start this run if None takes self.time :params maxState: is the number of states being evaluated before the end of simulation :params maxTime: is the virtual time at which the simulation ends_in_comment_or_string :params displayStates: at every new state, display the state in Notebook as well as the time when entered :params displayMove: if True, every actuator.move displays the graph of the move returns the time when run finishes """ if startTime: self.time = startTime currentState = start steps = 0 while steps < maxSteps and self.time < maxTime: StateChangeLog(currentState).log(self) self.simulation.displayState(,currentState,self.states[currentState]['title'],self.time,self.background_color) = self.states[currentState]['transitions'][0][0] #by default the next state is the first transition self.states[currentState]['action']() if currentState in stops: break currentState = steps +=1 return self.time
[docs] def hinfo(self,*args): self.simulation.hinfo(*args)
[docs] def hsuccess(self,*args): self.simulation.hsuccess(*args)
[docs] def hwarning(self,*args): self.simulation.hwarning(*args) self.hasWarnings = True
[docs] def herror(self,*args): self.simulation.herror(*args) self.hasErrors = True
[docs] def lastExitTime(self,state): last = -float('inf') for i in range(len(self.log)): event = self.log[i][1] if isinstance(event,StateChangeLog) and event.newState==state: last = self.log[i+1][0] return V(last,'s')
[docs] def display(self,fromTime=None,toTime=None): p = Piecewise(init=self.log) from IPython.display import display,HTML display(HTML('<h4>{0}</h4>'.format( if fromTime is not None: fromTime = fromTime('s') if toTime is not None: toTime = toTime('s') display(p.svg(xlim=(fromTime,toTime)))