Source code for Goulib.datetime2

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
additions to :mod:`datetime` standard library
__author__ = "Philippe Guglielmetti"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012, Philippe Guglielmetti"
__credits__ = []
__license__ = "LGPL"

import six, re

from Goulib import math2, interval, decorators
from datetime import datetime,date,time,timedelta
import datetime as dt

# classes extending builtin

[docs]class datetime2(dt.datetime):
[docs] def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): super(datetime2,self).__init__(*args,**kwargs)
[docs] def __sub__(self,other): d=super(datetime2,self).__sub__(self,other) return timedelta(d)
[docs]class date2(
[docs] def init__(self,*args,**kwargs): super(date2,self).__init__(*args,**kwargs)
[docs]class time2(dt.time):
[docs] def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): super(time2,self).__init__(*args,**kwargs)
[docs]class timedelta2(dt.timedelta):
[docs] def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): super(timedelta2,self).__init__(*args,**kwargs) self.test='ok'
[docs] def isoformat(self): #allow seamless json serialization return str(self)
#useful constants timedelta0=timedelta(0) onesecond=timedelta(seconds=1) oneminute=timedelta(minutes=1) onehour=timedelta(hours=1) oneday=timedelta(days=1) oneweek=timedelta(weeks=1) datemin=date(year=dt.MINYEAR,month=1,day=1) midnight=time()
[docs]def datetimef(d,t=None,fmt='%Y-%m-%d'): """"converts something to a datetime :param d: can be: - datetime : result is a copy of d with time optionally replaced - date : result is date at time t, (00:00AM by default) - int or float : if fmt is None, d is considered as Excel date numeric format (see ) - string or specified format: result is datetime parsed using specified format string :param fmt: format string. See :param t: optional time. replaces the time of the datetime obtained from d. Allows datetimef(date,time) :return: datetime """ if isinstance(d,dt.datetime): d=d elif isinstance(d, d=datetime(year=d.year, month=d.month, elif isinstance(d,(six.integer_types,float)): d=datetime(year=1900,month=1,day=1)+timedelta(days=d-2) #WHY -2 ? else: d=datetime.strptime(str(d),fmt) if t: d=d.replace(hour=t.hour,minute=t.minute,second=t.second) return d
[docs]def datef(d,fmt='%Y-%m-%d'): '''converts something to a date. See datetimef''' if isinstance(d,dt.datetime): return if isinstance(d, return d if isinstance(d,(six.string_types,six.integer_types,float)): return datetimef(d,fmt=fmt).date() return date(d) #last chance...
[docs]def timef(t,fmt='%H:%M:%S'): '''converts something to a time. See datetimef''' if isinstance(t,dt.datetime): return t.time() if isinstance(t,dt.time): return t if isinstance(t,(six.integer_types,float)): if not '%d' in fmt: # t is in hours s=math2.rint(t*3600) h,m=divmod(s,3600) m,s=divmod(m,60) return time(hour=h,minute=m,second=s) else: # t is in days (Excel pass return datetimef(t,fmt=fmt).time()
[docs]def fmt2regex(fmt): """converts a date/time format string to the regex that comiles it :param fmt: string :return: compiled regex """ expr=fmt.replace('%D','(?P<days>-?[0-9]\d*)') expr=expr.replace('%H','(?P<hours>-?[0-9]\d*)') expr=expr.replace('%M','(?P<minutes>\d+)') expr=expr.replace('%S','(?P<seconds>\d+(\.\d+)?)') return re.compile(expr)
[docs]def timedeltaf(t,fmt=None): """converts something to a timedelta. :param t: can be: * already a timedelta, or a time, or a int/float giving a number of days (Excel) * or a string in HH:MM:SS format by default * or a string in timedelta str() output format """ if isinstance(t,timedelta): return t if isinstance(t,time): return time_sub(t,midnight) elif isinstance(t,(six.integer_types,float)): return timedelta(days=t) # if fmt is None: fmt='(%D day[s]?[,]? )?%H:%M:%S*' m=re.match(fmt2regex(fmt),t) if m is None: raise ValueError('"%s" does not match fmt=%s'%(t,fmt)) m=m.groupdict() d = {key: float(value) for key,value in m.items() if value is not None} td=timedelta(**d) return td
[docs]def strftimedelta(t,fmt='%H:%M:%S'): """ :param t: float seconds or timedelta """ if not math2.is_number(t): t=t.total_seconds() hours, remainder = divmod(t, 3600) minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60) res=fmt.replace('%H','%d'%hours) res=res.replace('%h','%d'%hours if hours else '') res=res.replace('%M','%02d'%minutes) res=res.replace('%m','%d'%minutes if minutes else '') res=res.replace('%S','%02d'%seconds) return res
[docs]def tdround(td,s=1): """ return timedelta rounded to s seconds """ return timedelta(seconds=s*round(td.total_seconds()/s))
[docs]def minutes(td): """ :param td: timedelta :return: float timedelta in minutes """ return td.total_seconds()/60.
[docs]def hours(td): """ :param td: timedelta :return: float timedelta in hours """ return td.total_seconds()/3600.
[docs]def daysgen(start,length,step=oneday): '''returns a range of dates or datetimes''' for i in range(length): yield start try: start=start+step except: start=time_add(start,step)
[docs]def days(start,length,step=oneday): return [x for x in daysgen(start,length,step)]
[docs]def timedelta_sum(timedeltas): return sum((d for d in timedeltas if d), timedelta0)
[docs]def timedelta_div(t1,t2): '''divides a timedelta by a timedelta or a number. should be a method of timedelta...''' if isinstance(t2,timedelta): return t1.total_seconds() / t2.total_seconds() else: return timedelta(seconds=t1.total_seconds() / t2)
[docs]def timedelta_mul(t1,t2): '''multiplies a timedelta. should be a method of timedelta...''' try: #timedelta is t1 return timedelta(seconds=t1.total_seconds() * t2) except: #timedelta is t2 return timedelta(seconds=t2.total_seconds() * t1)
[docs]def time_sub(t1,t2): '''substracts 2 time. should be a method of time...''' return datetimef(datemin,t1)-datetimef(datemin,t2)
[docs]def time_add(t,d): '''adds delta to time. should be a method of time...''' return (datetimef(datemin,t)+d).time()
[docs]def add_months(date,months): day = month = date.month + months - 1 #zero based year = date.year + month // 12 month = month % 12 + 1 #back to 1 based if month == 2: if day >= 29 and not year%4 and (year%100 or not year%400): day = 29 elif day > 28: day = 28 elif month in (4,6,9,11) and day > 30: day = 30 return date.replace(year, month, day)
[docs]def date_add(date,years=0,months=0,weeks=0,days=0): return add_months(date,years*12+months)+(weeks*7+days)*oneday
[docs]def equal(a,b,epsilon=timedelta(seconds=0.5)): """approximately equal. Use this instead of a==b :return: True if a and b are less than seconds apart """ try: d=abs(a-b) except: d=abs(time_sub(a,b)) return d<epsilon
[docs]def datetime_intersect(t1,t2): '''returns timedelta overlap between 2 intervals (tuples) of datetime''' a,b=interval.intersection(t1, t2) if not a:return timedelta0 return b-a
[docs]def time_intersect(t1,t2): '''returns timedelta overlap between 2 intervals (tuples) of time''' a,b=interval.intersection(t1, t2) if not a:return timedelta0 return time_sub(b,a)