Source code for Goulib.expr

simple symbolic math expressions

__author__ = "Philippe Guglielmetti, J.F. Sebastian, Geoff Reedy"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2013, Philippe Guglielmetti"
__credits__ = [
__license__ = "LGPL"

import logging
import copy
import collections
import inspect
import re
import ast
import math
import operator as op
from sortedcollections import SortedDict

from Goulib import plot  # sets matplotlib backend
from Goulib import itertools2, math2


# indexes in _operators, _ functions and _constants to use for corresponding symbols
_dialect_str = 2
_dialect_python = 3
_dialect_latex = 4

[docs]class Context: constants = { # constants in this dict are recognized in output bool: {True: (None, None, 'True', 'True', 'True'), False: (None, None, 'False', 'False', 'False')}, float: {}, complex: {complex(0, 1): (None, None, 'i', 'i', 'i')} } variables = {} # dict of variables to subsitute in expr functions = SortedDict() # only functions listed in this dict can be used in Expr # supported _operators with precedence and text + LaTeX repr # precedence as in # # table of allowed operators # note we very slightly prefer + over - and * over / for simpler expression generation operators = { ast.Or: (op.or_, 300, ' or ', ' or ', ' \\vee '), ast.And: (op.and_, 400, ' and ', ' and ', ' \\wedge '), ast.Not: (op.not_, 500, 'not ', 'not ', '\\neg'), ast.Eq: (op.eq, 600, '=', ' == ', ' = '), ast.Gt: (, 600, ' > ', ' > ', ' \\gtr '), ast.GtE: (, 600, ' >= ', ' >= ', ' \\gec '), ast.Lt: (, 600, ' < ', ' < ', ' \\ltr '), ast.LtE: (op.le, 600, ' <= ', ' <= ', ' \\leq '), ast.BitXor: (op.xor, 800, ' xor ', ' xor ', ' xor '), ast.LShift: (op.lshift, 1000, ' << ', ' << ', ' \\ll '), ast.RShift: (op.rshift, 1000, ' >> ', ' >> ', ' \\gg '), ast.Add: (op.add, 1100, '+', '+', '+'), ast.Sub: (op.sub, 1101, '-', '-', '-'), ast.Mult: (op.mul, 1200, '*', '*', ' \\cdot '), ast.Div: (op.truediv, 1201, '/', '/', '\\frac{%s}{%s}'), ast.FloorDiv: (op.floordiv, 1201, '//', '//', '\\left\\lfloor\\frac{%s}{%s}\\right\\rfloor'), ast.Mod: (op.mod, 1200, ' mod ', '%', ' \\bmod '), ast.Invert: (op.not_, 1300, '~', '~', '\\sim '), ast.UAdd: (op.pos, 1150, '+', '+', '+'), ast.USub: (op.neg, 1150, '-', '-', '-'), # returns an integer when result is integer ... ast.Pow: (math2.pow, 1400, '^', '**', '^'), # precedence of other types below ast.Call: (None, 9000), ast.Name: (None, 9000), ast.Num: (None, 9000), ast.Constant: (None, 9000), }
[docs] def add_function(self, f, s=None, r=None, l=None): ''' add a function to those allowed in Expr. :param f: function :param s: string representation, should be formula-like :param r: repr representation, should be cut&pastable in a calculator, or in python ... :param l: LaTeX representation ''' self.functions[f.__name__] = (f, 9999, s, r or s, l) return self.functions[f.__name__]
[docs] def add_constant(self, c, name, s=None, r=None, l=None): ''' add a constant to those recognized in Expr. :param c: constant :param s: string representation, should be formula-like :param r: repr representation, should be cut&pastable in a calculator, or in python ... :param l: LaTeX representation ''' self.constants[type(c)][c] = ( None, None, s or name, r or name, l or '\\' + name)
[docs] def add_module(self, module): for fname, f in module.__dict__.items(): if fname[0] == '_': continue if isinstance(f, collections.Callable): self.add_function(f) elif math2.is_number(f): self.add_constant(f, fname)
[docs] def eval(self, node): '''safe eval of ast node : only functions and _operators listed above can be used :param node: ast.AST to evaluate :param ctx: dict of varname : value to substitute in node :return: number or expression string ''' if isinstance(node, ast.Num): # <number> return node.n elif isinstance(node, ast.Name): return self.variables.get(, # return value or var elif isinstance(node, ast.Attribute): return getattr(self.variables, [], node.attr) elif isinstance(node, ast.Tuple): return tuple(self.eval(e) for e in node.elts) elif isinstance(node, ast.Call): params = [self.eval(arg) for arg in node.args] if not in self.functions: raise NameError('%s function not allowed' % f = self.functions[][0] res = f(*params) # try to correct small error return math2.int_or_float(res, 0, 1e-12) elif isinstance(node, ast.BinOp): # <left> <operator> <right> op = self.operators[type(node.op)] left = self.eval(node.left) right = self.eval(node.right) if math2.is_number(left) and math2.is_number(right): res = op[0](left, right) # no correction here ! return res else: return "%s%s%s" % (left, op[_dialect_python], right) elif isinstance(node, ast.UnaryOp): # <operator> <operand> e.g., -1 right = self.eval(node.operand) return self.operators[type(node.op)][0](right) elif isinstance(node, ast.Compare): left = self.eval(node.left) for op, right in zip(node.ops, node.comparators): # TODO: find what to do when multiple items in list return self.operators[type(op)][0](left, self.eval(right)) elif isinstance(node, ast.NameConstant): return node.value else: logging.warning(ast.dump(node, False, False)) return self.eval(node.body) # last chance
[docs] def __init__(self): self.add_module(math) self.add_function(abs, l='\\lvert{%s}\\rvert') self.add_function(math.fabs, l='\\lvert{%s}\\rvert') self.add_function(math.factorial, '%s!', 'fact', '%s!') self.add_function(math2.factorial2, '%s!', 'fact', '%s!!') self.add_function(math2.sqrt, l='\\sqrt{%s}') self.add_function(math.trunc, l='\\left\\lfloor{%s}\\right\\rfloor') self.add_function(math.floor, l='\\left\\lfloor{%s}\\right\\rfloor') self.add_function(math.ceil, l='\\left\\lceil{%s}\\right\\rceil') self.add_function(math.asin, l='\\arcsin') self.add_function(math.acos, l='\\arccos') self.add_function(math.atan, l='\\arctan') self.add_function(math.asinh, l='\\sinh^{-1}') self.add_function(math.acosh, l='\\cosh^{-1}') self.add_function(math.atanh, l='\\tanh^{-1}') self.add_function(math.log, l='\\ln') self.add_function(math.log1p, l='\\ln\\left(1-{%s}\\rvert)') self.add_function(math.log10, l='\\log_{10}') self.add_function(math.log2, l='\\log_2') self.add_function(math.gamma, l='\\Gamma') self.add_function(math.exp, l='e^{%s}') self.add_function(math.expm1, l='e^{%s}-1') self.add_function(math.lgamma, 'log(abs(gamma(%s)))', l='\\ln\\lvert\\Gamma\\left({%s}\\rvert)\\right)') self.add_function(math.degrees, l='%s\\cdot\\frac{360}{2\\pi}') self.add_function(math.radians, l='%s\\cdot\\frac{2\\pi}{360}')
default_context = Context()
[docs]def get_function_source(f): '''returns cleaned code of a function or lambda currently only supports: - lambda x:formula_of_(x) - def anything(x): return formula_of_(x) ''' f = inspect.getsource(f).rstrip('\n') # TODO: merge lines more subtly g ='lambda(.*):(.*)(\)|#)', f) if g: res = # remove leading+trailing spaces bra, ket = res.count('('), res.count(')') if bra == ket: return res else: # closing parenthesis ? return res[:-(ket - bra)] else: g ='def \w*\((.*)\):\s*return (.*)', f) if g is None: raise ValueError('not a valid function code %s' % f) res = return res
[docs]def plouffe(f, epsilon=1e-6): if f < 0: r = plouffe(-f) if isinstance(r, str): return '-' + r return f if f != 0 and math2.is_integer(1 / f, epsilon): f = '1/%d' % math2.rint(1 / f) elif math2.is_integer(f * f, epsilon): f = 'sqrt(%d)' % math2.rint(f * f) return f
[docs]class Expr(plot.Plot): ''' Math expressions that can be evaluated like standard functions combined using standard operators and plotted in IPython/Jupyter notebooks '''
[docs] def __init__(self, f, context=default_context): ''' :param f: function or operator, Expr to copy construct, or formula string ''' self.context = context if isinstance(f, Expr): # copy constructor self.body = f.body return elif isinstance(f, ast.AST): self.body = f return elif inspect.isfunction(f): try: f = get_function_source(f) except ValueError: f = '%s(x)' % f.__name__ elif isinstance(f, collections.Callable): # builtin function f = '%s(x)' % f.__name__ elif f in ('True', 'False'): f = bool(f == 'True') if type(f) is bool: self.body = ast.Num(f) return if type(f) is float: # try to beautify it if math2.is_integer(f): f = math2.rint(f) else: f = plouffe(f) if math2.is_number(f): # store it with full precision self.body = ast.Num(f) return # accept ^ as power operator rather than xor ... f = str(f).replace('^', '**') self.body = compile(f, 'Expr', 'eval', ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST).body
@property def isNum(self): return isinstance(self.body, ast.Num) @property def isconstant(self): ''':return: True if Expr evaluates to a constant number or bool''' res = self() if math2.is_number(res): return True if isinstance(res, bool): return True return False
[docs] def __call__(self, x=None, **kwargs): '''evaluate the Expr at x OR compose self(x())''' if isinstance(x, Expr): # composition return self.applx(x) if itertools2.isiterable(x): return [self(x) for x in x] # return a displayable list if x is not None: kwargs['x'] = x kwargs['self'] = self # allows to call methods such as in Stats self.context.variables = kwargs try: e = self.context.eval(self.body) except TypeError: # some params remain symbolic return self except Exception as error: # ZeroDivisionError, OverflowError return None if math2.is_number(e): return e return Expr(e, self.context)
[docs] def __float__(self): return self()
[docs] def __repr__(self): return TextVisitor(_dialect_python).visit(self.body)
[docs] def __str__(self): return TextVisitor(_dialect_str).visit(self.body)
def _repr_html_(self): '''default rich format is LaTeX''' return self._repr_latex_()
[docs] def latex(self): ''':return: string LaTex formula''' return TextVisitor(_dialect_latex).visit(self.body)
def _repr_latex_(self): return r'${%s}$' % self.latex()
[docs] def points(self, xmin=-1, xmax=1, step=0.1): ''':return: x,y lists of float : points for a line plot''' if self.isconstant: return [xmin, xmax], [self(xmin), self(xmax)] x = list(itertools2.arange(xmin, xmax, step)) y = self(x) return x, y
def _plot(self, ax, x=None, y=None, **kwargs): if x is None: x, y = self.points() if y is None: y = self(x) # slightly shift the points to make superimposed curves more visible offset = kwargs.pop('offset', 0) points = list(zip(x, y)) # might contain (x,None) for undefined points # curves between defined points for xy in itertools2.isplit(points, lambda _: not math2.is_real(_[1])): x, y = [], [] # matplotlib doesn't support generators... for v in xy: x.append(v[0] + offset) y.append(v[1] + offset) ax.plot(x, y, **kwargs) return ax
[docs] def apply(self, f, right=None): '''function composition self o f = f(self(x))''' if right is None: if isinstance(f, ast.unaryop): node = ast.UnaryOp(f, self.body) else: # if not isinstance(f,Expr): f=Expr(f) #not useful as applx does the reverse return f.applx(self) else: if not isinstance(right, Expr): right = Expr(right, self.context) node = ast.BinOp(self.body, f, right.body) return Expr(node, self.context)
[docs] def applx(self, f, var='x'): '''function composition f o self = self(f(x))''' if isinstance(f, Expr): f = f.body class Subst(ast.NodeTransformer): def visit_Name(self, node): if == var: return f else: return node node = copy.deepcopy(self.body) return Expr(Subst().visit(node), self.context)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): if math2.is_number(other): try: return self() == other except: return False if not isinstance(other, Expr): other = Expr(other, self.context) return str(self()) == str(other())
[docs] def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other
[docs] def __lt__(self, other): if math2.is_number(other): try: return self() < other except Exception: return False if not isinstance(other, Expr): other = Expr(other, self.context) return float(self()) < float(other())
[docs] def __le__(self, other): return self < other or self == other
[docs] def __ge__(self, other): return not self < other
[docs] def __gt__(self, other): return self >= other and not self == other
[docs] def __add__(self, right): return self.apply(ast.Add(), right)
[docs] def __sub__(self, right): return self.apply(ast.Sub(), right)
[docs] def __neg__(self): return self.apply(ast.USub())
[docs] def __mul__(self, right): return self.apply(ast.Mult(), right)
[docs] def __rmul__(self, right): return Expr(right, self.context) * self
[docs] def __truediv__(self, right): return self.apply(ast.Div(), right)
[docs] def __pow__(self, right): return self.apply(ast.Pow(), right)
__div__ = __truediv__
[docs] def __invert__(self): return self.apply(ast.Invert())
[docs] def __and__(self, right): return self.apply(ast.And(), right)
[docs] def __or__(self, right): return self.apply(ast.Or(), right)
[docs] def __xor__(self, right): return self.apply(ast.BitXor(), right)
[docs] def __lshift__(self, dx): return self.applx(ast.BinOp(ast.Name('x', None), ast.Add(), ast.Num(dx)))
[docs] def __rshift__(self, dx): return self.applx(ast.BinOp(ast.Name('x', None), ast.Sub(), ast.Num(dx)))
[docs] def complexity(self): ''' measures the complexity of Expr :return: int, sum of the precedence of used ops ''' def _node_complexity(node): try: res = self._operators[type(node.op)][1] except AttributeError: try: res = self._operators[type(node)][1] except AttributeError: res = 1 try: res += _node_complexity(node.operand) except AttributeError: pass try: res += _node_complexity(node.left) except AttributeError: pass try: res += _node_complexity(node.right) except AttributeError: pass return res return _node_complexity(self.body)
[docs]class TextVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor):
[docs] def __init__(self, dialect, context=default_context): ''':param dialect: int index in _operators of symbols to use ''' self.dialect = dialect self.context = context
[docs] def prec(self, op): ''' calculate the precedence of op ''' if isinstance(op, (ast.BinOp, ast.UnaryOp)): op = op.op if isinstance(op, ast.Num) and math2.is_real(op.n) and op.n < 0: return self.context.operators[ast.USub][1] try: return self.context.operators[type(op)][1] except KeyError: return self.context.operators[type(op)][1]
def _par(self, content): if self.dialect == _dialect_latex: return '\\left(%s\\right)' % content else: return '(%s)' % content
[docs] def visit_Call(self, n): args = r', '.join(map(self.visit, n.args)) func = self.visit(n.func) fname = self.context.functions[func][self.dialect] if fname is None: if self.dialect == _dialect_latex: fname = '\\' + func else: fname = func if '%s' in fname: if len(n.args) > 1: # TODO: or ... what ? args = self._par(args) return fname % args return fname + self._par(args)
[docs] def visit_Name(self, n): return
[docs] def visit_NameConstant(self, node): return str(node.value)
[docs] def visit_UnaryOp(self, n): op = self.visit(n.operand) if self.prec(n.op) > self.prec(n.operand): op = self._par(op) symbol = self.context.operators[type(n.op)][self.dialect] if '%s' in symbol: return symbol % op return symbol + op
def _Bin(self, left, op, right): # commute x*3 in 3*x if isinstance(op, ast.Mult): if isinstance(right, ast.Num): if not Expr(left, self.context).isconstant: return self._Bin(right, op, left) l, r = self.visit(left), self.visit(right) symbol = self.context.operators[type(op)][self.dialect] if '%s' in symbol: # no parenthesis required in this case return symbol % (l, r) # handle precedence (parenthesis) if needed if self.prec(op) > self.prec(left): l = self._par(l) if self.prec(op) > self.prec(right): if self.dialect == _dialect_latex and isinstance(op, ast.Pow): r = '{' + r + '}' else: r = self._par(r) # remove * if possible if self.dialect != _dialect_python and isinstance(op, ast.Mult): if not l[-1].isdigit() or not r[0].isdigit(): symbol = '' res = l + symbol + r # TODO: find a better way to do this ... plusminus = self.context.operators[ast.Add][self.dialect] + \ self.context.operators[ast.USub][self.dialect] minusminus = self.context.operators[ast.Sub][self.dialect] + \ self.context.operators[ast.USub][self.dialect] res = res.replace( plusminus, self.context.operators[ast.Sub][self.dialect]) res = res.replace( minusminus, self.context.operators[ast.Add][self.dialect]) return res
[docs] def visit_BinOp(self, n): return self._Bin(n.left, n.op, n.right)
[docs] def visit_Compare(self, n): # TODO: what to do with multiple ops/comparators ? return self._Bin(n.left, n.ops[0], n.comparators[0])
[docs] def visit_Num(self, n): try: d = self.context.constants[type(n.n)] return d[n.n][self.dialect] except KeyError: pass return str(math2.int_or_float(n.n))
[docs] def generic_visit(self, n): try: l = list(map(self.visit, n)) return ''.join(l) except TypeError: pass if isinstance(n, ast.AST): l = map(self.visit, [getattr(n, f) for f in n._fields]) return ''.join(l) else: return str(n)