Goulib.expr module

simple symbolic math expressions

class Goulib.expr.Context[source]

Bases: object

constants = {<class 'bool'>: {True: (None, None, 'True', 'True', 'True'), False: (None, None, 'False', 'False', 'False')}, <class 'float'>: {3.141592653589793: (None, None, 'pi', 'pi', '\\pi'), 2.718281828459045: (None, None, 'e', 'e', '\\e'), 6.283185307179586: (None, None, 'tau', 'tau', '\\tau'), inf: (None, None, 'inf', 'inf', '\\inf'), nan: (None, None, 'nan', 'nan', '\\nan')}, <class 'complex'>: {1j: (None, None, 'i', 'i', 'i')}}
variables = {}
functions = {'abs': (<built-in function abs>, 9999, None, None, '\\lvert{%s}\\rvert'), 'acos': (<built-in function acos>, 9999, None, None, '\\arccos'), 'acosh': (<built-in function acosh>, 9999, None, None, '\\cosh^{-1}'), 'asin': (<built-in function asin>, 9999, None, None, '\\arcsin'), 'asinh': (<built-in function asinh>, 9999, None, None, '\\sinh^{-1}'), 'atan': (<built-in function atan>, 9999, None, None, '\\arctan'), 'atan2': (<built-in function atan2>, 9999, None, None, None), 'atanh': (<built-in function atanh>, 9999, None, None, '\\tanh^{-1}'), 'ceil': (<built-in function ceil>, 9999, None, None, '\\left\\lceil{%s}\\right\\rceil'), 'copysign': (<built-in function copysign>, 9999, None, None, None), 'cos': (<built-in function cos>, 9999, None, None, None), 'cosh': (<built-in function cosh>, 9999, None, None, None), 'degrees': (<built-in function degrees>, 9999, None, None, '%s\\cdot\\frac{360}{2\\pi}'), 'erf': (<built-in function erf>, 9999, None, None, None), 'erfc': (<built-in function erfc>, 9999, None, None, None), 'exp': (<built-in function exp>, 9999, None, None, 'e^{%s}'), 'expm1': (<built-in function expm1>, 9999, None, None, 'e^{%s}-1'), 'fabs': (<built-in function fabs>, 9999, None, None, '\\lvert{%s}\\rvert'), 'factorial': (<built-in function factorial>, 9999, '%s!', 'fact', '%s!'), 'factorial2': (<function factorial2>, 9999, '%s!', 'fact', '%s!!'), 'floor': (<built-in function floor>, 9999, None, None, '\\left\\lfloor{%s}\\right\\rfloor'), 'fmod': (<built-in function fmod>, 9999, None, None, None), 'frexp': (<built-in function frexp>, 9999, None, None, None), 'fsum': (<built-in function fsum>, 9999, None, None, None), 'gamma': (<built-in function gamma>, 9999, None, None, '\\Gamma'), 'gcd': (<built-in function gcd>, 9999, None, None, None), 'hypot': (<built-in function hypot>, 9999, None, None, None), 'isclose': (<built-in function isclose>, 9999, None, None, None), 'isfinite': (<built-in function isfinite>, 9999, None, None, None), 'isinf': (<built-in function isinf>, 9999, None, None, None), 'isnan': (<built-in function isnan>, 9999, None, None, None), 'ldexp': (<built-in function ldexp>, 9999, None, None, None), 'lgamma': (<built-in function lgamma>, 9999, 'log(abs(gamma(%s)))', 'log(abs(gamma(%s)))', '\\ln\\lvert\\Gamma\\left({%s}\\rvert)\\right)'), 'log': (<built-in function log>, 9999, None, None, '\\ln'), 'log10': (<built-in function log10>, 9999, None, None, '\\log_{10}'), 'log1p': (<built-in function log1p>, 9999, None, None, '\\ln\\left(1-{%s}\\rvert)'), 'log2': (<built-in function log2>, 9999, None, None, '\\log_2'), 'modf': (<built-in function modf>, 9999, None, None, None), 'normal_pdf': (<function normal_pdf>, 9999, None, None, None), 'pow': (<built-in function pow>, 9999, None, None, None), 'radians': (<built-in function radians>, 9999, None, None, '%s\\cdot\\frac{2\\pi}{360}'), 'remainder': (<built-in function remainder>, 9999, None, None, None), 'sin': (<built-in function sin>, 9999, None, None, None), 'sinh': (<built-in function sinh>, 9999, None, None, None), 'sqrt': (<function sqrt>, 9999, None, None, '\\sqrt{%s}'), 'tan': (<built-in function tan>, 9999, None, None, None), 'tanh': (<built-in function tanh>, 9999, None, None, None), 'trunc': (<built-in function trunc>, 9999, None, None, '\\left\\lfloor{%s}\\right\\rfloor')}
operators = {<class '_ast.Or'>: (<built-in function or_>, 300, ' or ', ' or ', ' \\vee '), <class '_ast.And'>: (<built-in function and_>, 400, ' and ', ' and ', ' \\wedge '), <class '_ast.Not'>: (<built-in function not_>, 500, 'not ', 'not ', '\\neg'), <class '_ast.Eq'>: (<built-in function eq>, 600, '=', ' == ', ' = '), <class '_ast.Gt'>: (<built-in function gt>, 600, ' > ', ' > ', ' \\gtr '), <class '_ast.GtE'>: (<built-in function ge>, 600, ' >= ', ' >= ', ' \\gec '), <class '_ast.Lt'>: (<built-in function lt>, 600, ' < ', ' < ', ' \\ltr '), <class '_ast.LtE'>: (<built-in function le>, 600, ' <= ', ' <= ', ' \\leq '), <class '_ast.BitXor'>: (<built-in function xor>, 800, ' xor ', ' xor ', ' xor '), <class '_ast.LShift'>: (<built-in function lshift>, 1000, ' << ', ' << ', ' \\ll '), <class '_ast.RShift'>: (<built-in function rshift>, 1000, ' >> ', ' >> ', ' \\gg '), <class '_ast.Add'>: (<built-in function add>, 1100, '+', '+', '+'), <class '_ast.Sub'>: (<built-in function sub>, 1101, '-', '-', '-'), <class '_ast.Mult'>: (<built-in function mul>, 1200, '*', '*', ' \\cdot '), <class '_ast.Div'>: (<built-in function truediv>, 1201, '/', '/', '\\frac{%s}{%s}'), <class '_ast.FloorDiv'>: (<built-in function floordiv>, 1201, '//', '//', '\\left\\lfloor\\frac{%s}{%s}\\right\\rfloor'), <class '_ast.Mod'>: (<built-in function mod>, 1200, ' mod ', '%', ' \\bmod '), <class '_ast.Invert'>: (<built-in function not_>, 1300, '~', '~', '\\sim '), <class '_ast.UAdd'>: (<built-in function pos>, 1150, '+', '+', '+'), <class '_ast.USub'>: (<built-in function neg>, 1150, '-', '-', '-'), <class '_ast.Pow'>: (<function pow>, 1400, '^', '**', '^'), <class '_ast.Call'>: (None, 9000), <class '_ast.Name'>: (None, 9000), <class '_ast.Num'>: (None, 9000), <class '_ast.Constant'>: (None, 9000)}
add_function(f, s=None, r=None, l=None)[source]

add a function to those allowed in Expr.

  • f – function
  • s – string representation, should be formula-like
  • r – repr representation, should be cut&pastable in a calculator, or in python …
  • l – LaTeX representation
add_constant(c, name, s=None, r=None, l=None)[source]

add a constant to those recognized in Expr.

  • c – constant
  • s – string representation, should be formula-like
  • r – repr representation, should be cut&pastable in a calculator, or in python …
  • l – LaTeX representation

safe eval of ast node : only functions and _operators listed above can be used

  • node – ast.AST to evaluate
  • ctx – dict of varname : value to substitute in node

number or expression string


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


alias of builtins.type


Implement delattr(self, name).


Default dir() implementation.


Return self==value.


Default object formatter.


Return self>=value.


Return getattr(self, name).


Return self>value.


Return hash(self).


This method is called when a class is subclassed.

The default implementation does nothing. It may be overridden to extend subclasses.


Return self<=value.


Return self<value.


Return self!=value.


Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.


Helper for pickle.


Helper for pickle.


Return repr(self).


Implement setattr(self, name, value).


Size of object in memory, in bytes.


Return str(self).


returns cleaned code of a function or lambda currently only supports: - lambda x:formula_of_(x) - def anything(x): return formula_of_(x)

Goulib.expr.plouffe(f, epsilon=1e-06)[source]
class Goulib.expr.Expr(f, context=<Goulib.expr.Context object>)[source]

Bases: Goulib.plot.Plot

Math expressions that can be evaluated like standard functions combined using standard operators and plotted in IPython/Jupyter notebooks

Parameters:f – function or operator, Expr to copy construct, or formula string
__init__(f, context=<Goulib.expr.Context object>)[source]
Parameters:f – function or operator, Expr to copy construct, or formula string
Returns:True if Expr evaluates to a constant number or bool
__call__(x=None, **kwargs)[source]

evaluate the Expr at x OR compose self(x())


Return repr(self).


Return str(self).

Returns:string LaTex formula
points(xmin=-1, xmax=1, step=0.1)[source]
Returns:x,y lists of float : points for a line plot
apply(f, right=None)[source]

function composition self o f = f(self(x))

applx(f, var='x')[source]

function composition f o self = self(f(x))


Return self==value.


Return self!=value.


Return self<value.


Return self<=value.


Return self>=value.


Return self>value.


measures the complexity of Expr :return: int, sum of the precedence of used ops


alias of builtins.type


Implement delattr(self, name).


Default dir() implementation.


Default object formatter.


Return getattr(self, name).

__hash__ = None

This method is called when a class is subclassed.

The default implementation does nothing. It may be overridden to extend subclasses.


Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.


Helper for pickle.


Helper for pickle.


Implement setattr(self, name, value).


Size of object in memory, in bytes.


renders on IPython Notebook (alias to make usage more straightforward)

render(fmt='svg', **kwargs)
save(filename, **kwargs)
class Goulib.expr.TextVisitor(dialect, context=<Goulib.expr.Context object>)[source]

Bases: ast.NodeVisitor

Parameters:dialect – int index in _operators of symbols to use
__init__(dialect, context=<Goulib.expr.Context object>)[source]
Parameters:dialect – int index in _operators of symbols to use

calculate the precedence of op


alias of builtins.type


Implement delattr(self, name).


Default dir() implementation.


Return self==value.


Default object formatter.


Return self>=value.


Return getattr(self, name).


Return self>value.


Return hash(self).


This method is called when a class is subclassed.

The default implementation does nothing. It may be overridden to extend subclasses.


Return self<=value.


Return self<value.


Return self!=value.


Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.


Helper for pickle.


Helper for pickle.


Return repr(self).


Implement setattr(self, name, value).


Size of object in memory, in bytes.


Return str(self).


Visit a node.


Called if no explicit visitor function exists for a node.