Source code for Goulib.graph

efficient Euclidian Graphs for :mod:`networkx` and related algorithms

* `networkx <>`_
* `matplotlib <>`_

* `scipy <>`_ for delauney triangulation
* `rtree <>`_ for faster GeoGraph algorithms

__author__ = "Philippe Guglielmetti"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2014, Philippe Guglielmetti"
__credits__ = []
__license__ = "LGPL"

import logging
import math
import json

import networkx as nx  #
import numpy
import scipy

from . import plot  # set matplotlib backend
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # after import .plot

from . import math2, itertools2

finding the nearest neighbor in a large GeoGraph is much faster with the
RTree package, but it's not generally available, so a pure python fallback
is provided

    from rtree import index  #
    RTREE = True
except ImportError:  # fallback, especially because I couldn't manage to install rtree on travis-ci
    RTREE = False
    # logging.warning('rtree not available')

[docs] class index: # pylint: disable=function-redefined # mimics rtree.index module
[docs] class Property:
[docs] def set_dimension(self, n): self.n = n
[docs] class Index(dict): """fallback for rtree.index"""
[docs] def __init__(self, properties): self.prop = properties self.bounds = [None]*properties.n*2 # minx,miny,maxx,maxy, ...
[docs] def count(self, ignored): return len(self)
[docs] def insert(self, k, p, _): self[k] = p for i, c in enumerate(p): v = self.bounds[i] self.bounds[i] = min(c if v is None else v, c) v = self.bounds[self.prop.n+i] self.bounds[self.prop.n+i] = max(c if v is None else v, c)
[docs] def delete(self, k, _): del self[k]
[docs] def nearest(self, p, num_results, objects='raw'): """ very inefficient, but remember it's a fallback...""" return, key=lambda q: math2.dist(p, q), n=num_results)
_nk = 0 # node key try: # pygraphviz is optional from pygraphviz import AGraph # except Exception:
[docs] class AGraph(): pass # dummy class to let _Geo.__init__ work nevertheless
[docs]def to_networkx_graph(data, create_using=None, multigraph_input=False): """Make a NetworkX graph from a known data structure. enhances `networkx.convert.to_networkx_graph` :param data: any type handled by `convert.to_networkx_graph`, plus: * :class:`scipy.spatial.qhull.Delaunay` to enable building a graph from a delauney triangulation If create_using is a :class:`GeoGraph`and data is a Graph where nodes have a 'pos' attribute, then this attribute will be used to rename nodes as (x,y,...) tuples suitable for GeoGraph. """ if isinstance(data, scipy.spatial.qhull.Delaunay): create_using.delauney = data triangles = data.points[data.simplices] for point in triangles: p = list(map(tuple, point)) # convert from numpy to regular list create_using.add_edge(p[0], p[1]) create_using.add_edge(p[1], p[2]) create_using.add_edge(p[2], p[0]) elif isinstance(create_using, _Geo): tol = create_using.tol create_using.tol = 0 # zero tolerance when copying if isinstance(data, nx.Graph): create_using.clear() create_using.add_nodes_from(data.nodes(data=True)) create_using.add_edges_from(data.edges(data=True)) else: create_using = nx.convert.to_networkx_graph( data, create_using, multigraph_input) create_using.tol = tol # revert tolerance else: create_using = nx.convert.to_networkx_graph( data, create_using, multigraph_input) return create_using
# pylint: disable=no-member, unsupported-membership-test, unsubscriptable-object class _Geo(plot.Plot): """base class for graph with nodes at specified positions. if edges have a "length" attribute, it is used to compute distances, otherwise euclidian distance between nodes is used by default """ def __init__(self, parent, data=None, nodes=None, **kwargs): """ :param parent: type of the graph. nx.Graph, nx.DiGraph or nx.MultiGraph :param data: see :meth:`to_networkx_graph` for valid types """ self.parent = parent self.idx = None # index is created at first call to add_node self._map = {} # map from original node name to position for AGraph and other graphs were 'pos' is a node attribute if data: if isinstance(data, str): # suppose data is a filename ext = data.split('.')[-1].lower() if ext == 'dot': # data = nx.nx_pydot.read_dot(data) elif ext == 'json': data = read_json( data, directed=self.is_directed(), multigraph=self.multi) else: raise(Exception('unknown file format')) elif isinstance(data, AGraph): if not getattr(data, 'has_layout', False): data.layout() to_networkx_graph(data, self) elif nodes: for node in nodes: self.add_node(node) self.render_args = {} def copy(self): """ :return: copy of self graph """ # does not use deepcopy because the rtree index must be rebuilt return self.__class__(self, **self.graph) def __eq__(self, other): """ :return: True if self and other are equal """ def eq(a, b): return a == b return nx.is_isomorphic(self, other, node_match=eq, edge_match=eq) def __nonzero__(self): """ :return: True if graph has at least one node """ return self.number_of_nodes() > 0 __bool__ = __nonzero__ def clear(self): # saves some graph attributes cleared by convert._prep_create_using t, m = self.tol, self.multi self.parent.clear(self) self.multi = m self.graph['tol'] = t @property def tol(self): return self.graph['tol'] @tol.setter def tol(self, tol): self.graph['tol'] = tol @property def multi(self): return self.graph.get('multi', True) @multi.setter def multi(self, s): self.graph['multi'] = s def is_multigraph(self): """used internally in constructor""" try: return self.multi except AttributeError: return self.parent.is_multigraph(self) def pos(self, nodes=None): """ :param nodes: a single node, an iterator of all nodes if None :return: the position of node(s) """ try: return self.nodes[nodes]['pos'] except KeyError: pass if isinstance(nodes, tuple): return nodes if nodes is None: nodes = self return (self.pos(n) for n in nodes) def dist(self, u, v): """ :return: float distance between nodes u and v """ try: edge = self[u][v] return edge['length'] except KeyError: return math2.dist(self.pos(u), self.pos(v)) def length(self, edges=None): """ :param edges: iterator over edges either as (u,v,data) or (u,v,key,data). If None, all edges are taken :returns: sum of 'length' attributes of edges """ if edges is None: # take all edges return self.size(weight="length") res = 0 for edge in edges: data = edge[-1] (u, v) = edge[:2] try: l = data['length'] except: l = self.dist(u, v) data['length'] = l res += l return res def box(self): """:return: nodes bounding box as (xmin,ymin,...),(xmax,ymax,...)""" if self.idx is None: # empty graph return (0, 0) minmax = self.idx.bounds n = len(minmax)//2 return tuple(minmax[:n]), tuple(minmax[n:]) def box_size(self): """:return: (x,y) size""" a, b = try: a[0], b[0] # at least one dimension ? return tuple(math2.vecsub(b, a)) except: return (0, 0) def contiguity(self, pts): """ :return: int number of points from pts already in graph """ res = 0 for pt in pts: if pt in self: res += 1 return res def closest_nodes(self, p, n=1, skip=False): """ nodes closest to a given position :param p: (x,y) position tuple :param skip: optional bool to skip n itself :return: list of nodes, minimal distance """ if skip: n += 1 if n == 1: if p in self: return [p], 0 res, d = [], None for p2 in self.idx.nearest(p, num_results=n, objects='raw'): d = self.dist(p, p2) if skip and d <= self.tol: continue res.append(p2) return res, d def closest_edges(self, p, data=False): """:return: container of edges close to p and distance""" edges = [] n = 0 while not edges and n < 10: n += 1 # handle more and more nodes until we find one with edges nbunch, d = self.closest_nodes(p, n) edges = self.edges(nbunch=nbunch, data=data) return edges, d def add_node(self, p, **attr): """add a node or return one already very close :return (x,y,...) node id """ if p in self: # point already exists return p id = p # save the node id as the position might differ if type(p) is not tuple: # try to find a position tuple somewhere if p in self._map: return self._map[p] p = attr.get('pos', id) if isinstance(p, str): p = p.split(',') try: p = tuple(float(x) for x in p) except ValueError: # assign a random position, but keep node id from random import random attr['pos'] = p = tuple((random(), random())) if self.idx is None: # now we know the dimension, so we can create the index n = len(p) prop = index.Property() prop.set_dimension(n) self.idx = index.Index(properties=prop) if self.tol > 0: # search for those within tolerance close, d = self.closest_nodes(p) if close and d <= self.tol: return close[0] # point doesn't exist yet : create it global _nk # unique int node identifier for RTREE _nk += 1 self.idx.insert(_nk, p, p) # use RTREE key for networkX attr['key'] = _nk self.parent.add_node(self, id, **attr) # ._map links both id self._map[id] = p return id def add_nodes_from(self, nodes, **attr): # must override here because Graph.add_nodes_from doesn't call add_node # so attributes and self.idx wouldn't be handled correctly for n in nodes: attr.update(n[1]) self.add_node(n[0], **attr) def remove_node(self, n): """ :param n: node tuple remove node from graph and rtree """ n1 = self.number_of_nodes() n2 = self.idx.count(self.idx.bounds) if n1 != n2: logging.error('GeoGraph has %d!=%d' % (n1, n2)) raise RuntimeError('Nodes/Rtree mismatch') nk = self.nodes[n]['key'] self.parent.remove_node(self, n) self.idx.delete(nk, n) # in fact n is ignored, the nk key is used here def _last(self, u, v): """since multigraphs can have several edges from u to v, :return: dict of the edge added last """ try: edges = self.adj[u][v] except: # no edge between u and v yet return None # not {}, to make a diff with existing empty dict if len(edges) == 1: # quick return edges[0] else: return edges[max(edges.keys())] def _add_edge(self, u, v, key=None, **attr): """add an edge to graph :return: edge key """ u = self.add_node(u) # create or find nearest in tol v = self.add_node(v) # create or find nearest in tol if 'length' not in attr: attr['length'] = self.dist(u, v) if not self.is_multigraph(): # update already existing edge try: self[u][v] except KeyError: # no edge pass else: k = key or 0 self[u][v][k].update(attr) return k key = self.parent.add_edge(self, u, v, key=key) # note : NetworkX 1.x doesn't return the key ... if self.parent.is_multigraph(self): if key is None: # ... so we have to retrieve it now key = len(self[u][v])-1 self[u][v][key].update(attr) else: self[u][v].update(attr) key = None return key if nx.__version__ < '2': # backward compatibility for now def add_edge(self, u, v, key=None, attr_dict=None, **attr): # set up attribute dict # code copied from nx 1,11 if attr_dict is None: attr_dict = attr else: attr_dict.update(attr) return self._add_edge(u, v, key=key, **attr_dict) else: add_edge = _add_edge def add_edge2(self, u, v, key=None, **attrs): """add an edge to graph :return: edge data from created or existing edge """ key = self._add_edge(u, v, key, **attrs) try: return self[u][v][key or 0] except KeyError: return self[u][v] def remove_edge(self, u, v=None, key=None, clean=False): """ :param u: Node or Edge (Nodes tuple) :param v: Node if u is a single Node :param clean: bool removes disconnected nodes. must be False for certain nx algos to work :result: return attributes of removed edge remove edge from graph. NetworkX graphs do not remove unused nodes """ if v is None: u, v = u[0], u[1] if self.is_multigraph(): if key is None: key = self.adj[u][v] key = itertools2.first(key) data = self.adj[u][v][key] else: data = self.adj[u][v] self.parent.remove_edge(self, u, v, key) if clean: if == 0: self.remove_node(u) if == 0: self.remove_node(v) return data def number_of_nodes(self, doublecheck=False): # check that both structures are coherent at the same time n1 = self.parent.number_of_nodes(self) if doublecheck: n2 = self.idx.count(self.idx.bounds) if n1 else 0 if n1 != n2: raise KeyError('%s %s number of nodes %d!=%d' % (self.__class__.__name__,, n1, n2)) return n1 def shortest_path(self, source=None, target=None): # TODO : add distance weights return nx.shortest_path(self, source, target) def stats(self): """:return: dict of graph data to use in __repr__ or usable otherwise""" res = {} res['name'] = res['bbox'] = res['size'] = self.box_size() res['nodes'] = self.number_of_nodes() res['edges'] = self.number_of_edges() if not self.is_directed: # not implemented for directed type res['components'] = nx.number_connected_components(self) res['length'] = self.length() return res def __str__(self): """:returns: string representation, used mainly for logging and debugging""" return str(self.stats()) def draw(self, **kwargs): """ draw graph with default params""" kwargs.setdefault('with_labels', False) kwargs.setdefault('node_size', 0) return draw_networkx(self, **kwargs) """ for debug and compatibility check: kwargs.pop('edge_color',None) return nx.draw_networkx(self, **kwargs) """ def render(self, fmt='svg', **kwargs): """ render graph to bitmap stream :param fmt: string defining the format. 'svg' by default for INotepads :return: matplotlib figure as a byte stream in specified format """ self.render_args.update(kwargs) fig = self.draw(**self.render_args) from io import BytesIO output = BytesIO() fig.savefig(output, format=fmt, transparent=kwargs.get('transparent', True)) res = output.getvalue() plt.close(fig) return res def save(self, filename, **kwargs): """ save graph in various formats""" ext = filename.split('.')[-1].lower() if ext == 'dxf': write_dxf(self, filename) elif ext == 'dot': write_dot(self, filename) elif ext == 'json': write_json(self, filename, **kwargs) else: open(filename, 'wb').write(self.render(ext, **kwargs)) return self
[docs]class GeoGraph(_Geo, nx.MultiGraph): """ Undirected graph with nodes positions can be set to non multiedges anytime with attribute multi=False """
[docs] def __init__(self, data=None, nodes=None, **kwargs): """ :param data: see :meth:`to_networkx_graph` for valid types :param kwargs: other parameters will be copied as attributes, especially: """ properties = kwargs try: properties.update(data.graph) except: pass # default tolerance on node positions properties.setdefault('tol', 0.010) nx.MultiGraph.__init__(self, None, **properties) _Geo.__init__(self, nx.MultiGraph, data, nodes)
[docs]class DiGraph(_Geo, nx.MultiDiGraph): """ directed graph with nodes positions can be set to non multiedges anytime with attribute multi=False """
[docs] def __init__(self, data=None, nodes=None, **kwargs): """ :param data: see :meth:`to_networkx_graph` for valid types :param kwargs: other parameters will be copied as attributes, especially: """ properties = kwargs try: properties.update(data.graph) except AttributeError: pass # default tolerance on node positions properties.setdefault('tol', 0.010) nx.MultiDiGraph.__init__(self, None, **properties) _Geo.__init__(self, nx.MultiDiGraph, data, nodes, directed=True)
[docs]def figure(g, box=None, **kwargs): """ :param g: _Geo derived Graph :param box: optional interval.Box if g has no box :return: matplotlib axis suitable for drawing graph g """ fig = plt.figure(**kwargs) try: box = except: pass # use 2nd parameter # draw a transparent diagonal to size everything plt.plot(box[0], box[1], alpha=0) plt.axis('equal') import pylab pylab.axis('off') # turn off axis return fig
[docs]def draw_networkx(g, pos=None, **kwargs): """ improves nx.draw_networkx :param g: NetworkX Graph :param pos: can be either : - optional dictionary of (x,y) node positions - function of the form lambda node:(x,y) that maps node positions. - None. in this case, nodes are directly used as positions if graph is a GeoGraph, otherwise nx.draw_shell is used :param **kwargs: passed to nx.draw method as described in with one tweak: - if edge_color is a function of the form lambda data:color string, it is mapped over all edges """ # build node positions if itertools2.iscallable(pos): # mapping function pos = dict(((node, pos(node)) for node in g)) if pos is None: try: pos = dict((node, data['pos'][:2]) for node, data in g.nodes(data=True)) except KeyError: pass if pos is None: try: pos = dict(((node, node[:2]) for node in g)) except TypeError: pass if pos is None: pos = nx.spring_layout(g) # default to spring layout try: # convert ndarray to python lists for k in pos: pos[k] = pos[k].tolist() except AttributeError: pass edgelist = list(kwargs.pop('edgelist', g.edges(data=True))) edge_color = kwargs.get('edge_color', None) if edge_color is None: # build edge_colors default = None try: # get default edge color default = g.color except AttributeError: pass if default is None: default = 'k' # black def f(data): # function to color edges, applied below c = data.get('color', default) return c if c else default edge_color = f if itertools2.iscallable(edge_color): # mapping function ? edge_color = list(map(edge_color, (data for u, v, data in edgelist))) if edge_color: # not empty kwargs['edge_color'] = edge_color fig = kwargs.pop('fig', None) if not fig: try: # we need a bounding box box = except: box = (math2.minimum(pos.values()), math2.maximum(pos.values())) fig = figure(g, box=box, figsize=kwargs.get('figsize', None)) if kwargs.get('node_size', 300) > 0: nx.draw_networkx_nodes(g, pos, **itertools2.subdict(kwargs, ( 'nodelist', 'node_size', 'node_color', 'node_shape', 'alpha', 'cmap', 'vmin', 'vmax', 'ax', 'linewidths', 'edgecolor', 'label' ))) nx.draw_networkx_edges(g, pos, edgelist, **itertools2.subdict(kwargs, ( 'width', 'edge_color', 'style', 'alpha', 'arrowstyle', 'arrowsize', 'edge_cmap', 'edge_vmin', 'edge_vmax', 'ax', 'arrows', 'label', 'node_size', 'nodelist', 'node_shape', 'connectionstyle', 'min_source_margin', 'min_target_margin' ))) labels = kwargs.pop('labels', False) if labels: if labels is True: labels = None # will be set automatically if itertools2.iscallable(labels): # mapping function ? labels = list(labels(u) for u in g.nodes(data=True)) if isinstance(labels, list): # a dict is expected: labels = dict(zip(g.nodes(), labels)) nx.draw_networkx_labels(g, pos, labels, **itertools2.subdict(kwargs, ( 'font_size', 'font_color', 'font_family', 'font_weight', 'alpha', 'bbox','horizontalalignment', 'verticalalignment', 'ax' ))) return fig
[docs]def to_drawing(g, d=None, edges=[]): """ draws Graph to a `Drawing` :param g: :class:`Graph` :param d: existing :class:`Drawing` to draw onto, or None to create a new Drawing :param edges: iterable of edges (with data) that will be added, in the same order. By default all edges are drawn :return: :class:`Drawing` Graph edges with an 'entity' property """ from . import drawing, geom if d is None: d = drawing.Drawing() if not edges: edges = g.edges(data=True) for edge in edges: u, v, data = edge[0], edge[1], edge[-1] try: e = data['entity'] except KeyError: u = g.pos(u) v = g.pos(v) e = geom.Segment2(u, v) d.append(e) return d
[docs]def write_dxf(g, filename): """writes :class:`networkx.Graph` in .dxf format""" to_drawing(g).save(filename)
[docs]def write_dot(g, filename): try: import pygraphviz from networkx.drawing.nx_agraph import write_dot as _write_dot"using package pygraphviz") except ImportError: try: import pydot from networkx.drawing.nx_pydot import write_dot as _write_dot"using package pydot") except ImportError: logging.error("Both pygraphviz and pydot were not found. See \ \ for info") raise if isinstance(g, _Geo) or any(map(lambda n: hasattr(n, 'pos'), g.nodes())): g = g.copy() for n in g.nodes(data=True): try: pos = g.pos(n[0]) except AttributeError: pos = n[1].get('pos', None) if pos is not None: # format pos as neato wants it : "x,y" n[1]['pos'] = '"%s,%s"' % pos _write_dot(g, filename)
[docs]def to_json(g, **kwargs): """ :return: string JSON representation of a graph """ from datetime import datetime, date, time, timedelta def json_serial(obj): """JSON serializer for objects not serializable by default json code""" if hasattr(obj, 'isoformat'): return obj.isoformat() try: return str(obj) except Exception: pass raise TypeError("Type %s not serializable" % (type(obj))) from networkx.readwrite import json_graph g = json_graph.node_link_data(g) for node in g['nodes']: pos = node.pop('pos', None) if pos: node['x'] = pos[0] node['y'] = pos[1] # node['fixed']=True kwargs.setdefault('default', json_serial) return json.dumps(g, **kwargs)
[docs]def write_json(g, filename, **kwargs): """write a JSON file, suitable for D*.js representation """ with open(filename, 'w') as file: file.write(to_json(g, **kwargs))
[docs]def read_json(filename, directed=False, multigraph=True, attrs=None): with open(filename) as f: js_graph = json.load(f) return nx.node_link_graph(js_graph, directed, multigraph, attrs)
[docs]def delauney_triangulation(nodes, qhull_options='', incremental=False, **kwargs): """ :param nodes: _Geo graph or list of (x,y) or (x,y,z) node positions :param qhull_options: string passed to :meth:`scipy.spatial.Delaunay`, which passes it to Qhull ( ) *'Qt' ensures all points are connected *'Qz' required when nodes lie on a sphere *'QJ' solves some singularity situations :param kwargs: passed to the :class:`GeoGraph` constructor :return: :class:`GeoGraph` with delauney triangulation between nodes """ if isinstance(nodes, _Geo): nodes = list(nodes.pos()) # points = numpy.array(nodes) tri = scipy.spatial.Delaunay( points, qhull_options=qhull_options, incremental=incremental) kwargs['multi'] = False # to avoid duplicating triangle edges below g = GeoGraph(tri, dimension=tri.ndim, **kwargs) return g
[docs]def euclidean_minimum_spanning_tree(nodes, **kwargs): """ :param nodes: list of (x,y) nodes positions :return: :class:`GeoGraph` with minimum spanning tree between nodes see """ g = GeoGraph(None, **kwargs) d = delauney_triangulation(nodes, **kwargs) g.add_edges_from(nx.minimum_spanning_edges(d, weight='length')) return g
# Function to distribute N points on the surface of a sphere # (source:
[docs]def points_on_sphere(N): pts = [] inc = math.pi * (3 - math.sqrt(5)) off = 2 / float(N) for k in range(0, int(N)): y = k * off - 1 + (off / 2) r = math.sqrt(1 - y*y) phi = k * inc pts.append((math.cos(phi)*r, y, math.sin(phi)*r)) return pts