Source code for Goulib.image

image processing with PIL's ease and skimage's power

* `scikit-image <>`_
* `PIL or Pillow <>`_

* `pdfminer.six <>`_ for pdf input


__author__ = "Philippe Guglielmetti"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2015, Philippe Guglielmetti"
__credits__ = ['Brad Montgomery']
__license__ = "LGPL"


import logging
import functools
import base64
import math
import sys
import io
import os
import skimage.color as skcolor

from urllib import request
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import PIL.Image as PILImage

import numpy as np
import skimage

from Goulib import itertools2, math2, plot, drawing, graph
from Goulib import colors as Gcolors

import warnings

warnings.filterwarnings("ignore")  # because too many are generated

urlopen = request.urlopen

[docs]class Mode(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, name, nchannels, type, min, max): = name.lower() self.nchannels = nchannels self.type = type self.min = min self.max = max
[docs] def __repr__(self): return "Mode('%s',%dx%s,[%d-%d]" % (, self.nchannels, self.type, self.min, self.max)
modes = { # # + some others '1': Mode('bool', 1, np.uint8, 0, 1), # binary 'F': Mode('gray', 1, np.float, 0, 1), # gray level 'U': Mode('gray', 1, np.uint16, 0, 65535), # skimage gray level 'I': Mode('gray', 1, np.int16, -32768, 32767), # skimage gray level 'L': Mode('gray', 1, np.uint8, 0, 255), # single layer or RGB(A) 'P': Mode('ind', 1, np.uint16, 0, 65535), # indexed color (palette) 'RGB': Mode('rgb', 3, np.float, 0, 1), # not uint8 as in PIL 'RGBA': Mode('rgba', 4, np.float, 0, 1), # not uint8 as in PIL 'CMYK': Mode('cmyk', 4, np.float, 0, 1), # not uint8 as in PIL 'LAB': Mode('lab', 3, np.float, -1, 1), # 'XYZ': Mode('xyz', 3, np.float, 0, 1), # 'HSV': Mode('hsv', 3, np.float, 0, 1), } # hash methods AVERAGE = 0 PERCEPTUAL = 1
[docs]def nchannels(arr): try: return 1 if len(arr.shape) == 2 else arr.shape[-1] except AttributeError: return 0
[docs]def guessmode(arr): n = nchannels(arr) if n > 1: return 'RGBA'[:n] if np.issubdtype(arr.dtype, float): return 'F' if arr.dtype == np.uint8: return 'L' if arr.max() > 1 else '1' if arr.dtype == np.uint16: return 'U' return 'I'
[docs]def adapt_rgb(func): """Decorator that adapts to RGB(A) images to a gray-scale filter. :param apply_to_rgb: function Function that returns a filtered image from an image-filter and RGB image. This will only be called if the image is RGB-like. """ # adapted from @functools.wraps(func) def _adapter(image, *args, **kwargs): if image.nchannels > 1 or image.mode == 'P': channels = image.split('RGB') for i in range(3): # RGB. If there is an A, it is untouched channels[i] = func(channels[i], *args, **kwargs) return Image(channels, 'RGB') else: return func(image, *args, **kwargs) return _adapter
[docs]class Image(plot.Plot):
[docs] def __init__(self, data=None, mode=None, **kwargs): """ :param data: can be either: * `PIL.Image` : makes a copy * string : path of image to load OR PNG encoded image * memoryview (extracted from a db blob) * None : creates an empty image with kwargs parameters: ** size : (y,x) pixel size tuple ** mode : 'F' (gray) by default ** color: to fill None=black by default ** colormap: Palette or matplotlib colormap """ if isinstance(data, bytes): # check if encoded string t = b'\x89PNG' if data[:4] == t: data = io.BytesIO(data) if isinstance(data, memoryview): data = io.BytesIO(data) if isinstance(data, io.BytesIO): data = if data is None: mode = mode or 'F' n = modes[mode].nchannels size = tuple(kwargs.get('size', (0, 0))) if n > 1: size = size + (n,) color = Gcolors.Color(kwargs.get('color', 'black')).rgb if n == 1: color = color[0] # somewhat brute data = np.ones(size, dtype=modes[mode].type) * color self._set(data, mode) elif isinstance(data, Image): # copy constructor self.mode = data.mode self.array = data.array self.palette = data.palette elif isinstance(data, str): # assume a path self.load(data, **kwargs) elif isinstance(data, tuple): # (image,palette) tuple return by convert self._set(data[0], 'P') self.setpalette(data[1]) else: # assume some kind of array try: # list of Images ? data = [im.array for im in data] except: pass self._set(data, mode) # make sure the image has a palette attribute try: self.palette except AttributeError: self.palette = None for arg in ['colormap', 'palette', 'colors']: # aliases try: self.setpalette(kwargs[arg]) break # found it except (AssertionError, KeyError): pass
def _set(self, data, mode=None, copy=False): data = np.asanyarray(data) if copy: data = data.copy() if mode == 'LAB' and np.max(data) > 1: data = data / 100 elif mode != '1' and data.dtype == np.uint8 and np.max(data) == 1: data = data * 255 s = data.shape if len(s) == 3: if s[0] < 10 and s[1] > 10 and s[2] > 10: data = np.transpose(data, (1, 2, 0)) self.mode = mode or guessmode(data) self.array = skimage.util.dtype.convert(data, modes[self.mode].type) @property def shape(self): # always return y,x,nchannels s = self.array.shape if len(s) == 2: s = (s[0], s[1], 1) return s @property def size(self): return self.shape[:2] @property def width(self): return self.size[0] @property def height(self): return self.size[1] @property def nchannels(self): return self.shape[2] @property def npixels(self): return math2.mul(self.size)
[docs] def __nonzero__(self): return self.npixels > 0
[docs] def __lt__(self, other): """ is smaller""" return self.npixels < other.npixels
[docs] def load(self, path): from skimage import io if not io.util.is_url(path): path = os.path.abspath(path) self.path = path ext = path[-3:].lower() if ext == 'pdf': data = read_pdf(path) else: with io.util.file_or_url_context(path) as context: data = io.imread(context) mode = guessmode(data) self._set(data, mode) return self
[docs] def save(self, path, autoconvert=True, **kwargs): """saves an image :param path: string with path/filename.ext :param autoconvert: bool, if True converts color planes formats to RGB :param kwargs: optional params passed to :return: self for chaining """ mode = self.mode if autoconvert: if self.nchannels == 1 and self.mode != 'P': mode = 'L' elif self.mode not in 'RGBA': # modes we can save directly mode = 'RGB' a = self.convert(mode).array # makes sure we have a copy of self.array if np.issubdtype(a.dtype, float): a = skimage.img_as_ubyte(a) if isinstance(path, io.BytesIO): import imageio imageio.imwrite(path, a, format=kwargs['format']) else:, a, **kwargs) return self
def _repr_svg_(self, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError() # and should never be ... # ... because it causes _repr_png_ to be called by Plot._repr_html_ # instead of render below
[docs] def render(self, fmt='png', **kwargs): buffer = io.BytesIO(), format=fmt, **kwargs) return buffer.getvalue()
# methods for PIL.Image compatibility (see )
[docs] @staticmethod def open(path): """PIL(low) compatibility""" return Image(path)
[docs] @staticmethod def new(mode, size, color='black'): """PIL(low) compatibility""" return Image(mode=mode, size=size, color=color)
@property def pil(self): """convert to PIL(low) Image :see: """ a = self.getdata() im = PILImage.fromarray(a) if self.mode == 'P': im.putpalette(self.palette.pil) return im
[docs] def getdata(self, dtype=np.uint8, copy=True): a = self.array if a.dtype == dtype: if copy: # to be coherent a = np.copy(self.array) elif dtype == np.float: a = skimage.img_as_float(a, copy) elif dtype == np.int16: a = skimage.img_as_int(a, copy) elif dtype == np.uint16: a = skimage.img_as_uint(a, copy) elif dtype == np.uint8: a = skimage.img_as_ubyte(a, copy) else: pass # keep the wrong type for now and see what happens return a
[docs] def split(self, mode=None): if mode: mode = mode.upper() if mode and mode != self.mode: im = self.convert(mode) else: im = self if self.nchannels == 1: return [self] # for coherency return [Image(im._get_channel(i)) for i in range(im.nchannels)]
[docs] def getpixel(self, yx): if self.nchannels == 1: return self.array[yx[0], yx[1]] else: return self.array[yx[0], yx[1], :]
[docs] def putpixel(self, yx, value): if isinstance(value, Gcolors.Color): value = value.convert(self.mode) if self.nchannels == 1: self.array[yx[0], yx[1]] = value else: self.array[yx[0], yx[1], :] = value
[docs] def getpalette(self, maxcolors=256): if self.mode == 'P': return self.palette return Gcolors.Palette(self.getcolors(maxcolors))
[docs] def setpalette(self, p): assert (self.mode == 'P') self.palette = Gcolors.Palette(p)
[docs] def getcolors(self, maxcolors=256): """ :return: an unsorted list of (count, color) tuples, where count is the number of times the corresponding color occurs in the image. If the maxcolors value is exceeded, the method stops counting and returns None. The default maxcolors value is 256. To make sure you get all colors in an image, you can pass in size[0]*size[1] (but make sure you have lots of memory before you do that on huge images). """ if self.mode == 'P': im = self else: im = self.convert('P', colors=maxcolors) count = np.bincount(im.array.flatten()) return zip(count, im.palette) # return palette KEYS
[docs] def replace(self, pairs): """replace a color by another currently works only for indexed color images :param pairs: iterable of (from,to) ints """ # assert (self.mode == 'P') # TODO: support other modes a = np.copy(self.array) for c in pairs: self.array[a == c[0]] = c[1] return self
[docs] def optimize(self, maxcolors=256): """remove unused colors from the palette """ assert (self.mode == 'P') hist = self.getcolors(maxcolors) # replace palette indices by in indices hist2 = [] for i, c in enumerate(hist): hist2.append(tuple((i, c[1], c[0]))) # index, key, count # sort by decreasing occurences hist = sorted(hist2, key=lambda c: c[2], reverse=True) new = Gcolors.Palette() pairs = [] for old, key, count in hist: i = len(new) if count == 0: break # hist is in decreasing order, so it's over if i < maxcolors: new[key] = self.palette[key] # copy useful color j = i else: # find nearest color in new palette j = new.index(self.palette[key], 0) j = list(new.keys()).index(j) # convert to numeric index pairs.append((old, j)) # add index substitution self.replace(pairs) self.palette = new return self
[docs] def crop(self, lurb): """ :param lurl: 4-tuple with left,up,right,bottom int coordinates :return: Image """ l, u, r, b = lurb if self.nchannels == 1: a = self.array[u:b, l:r] else: a = self.array[u:b, l:r, :] return Image(a, self.mode)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, slice): try: a = self.getpixel(slice) except TypeError: pass else: s = a.shape if len(s[:2]) <= 1: # single pixel return a else: return Image(a, self.mode) l, u, r, b = slice[1].start, slice[0].start, slice[1].stop, slice[0].stop # calculate box module size so we handle negative coords like in slices w, h = self.size u = u % h if u else 0 b = b % h if b else h l = l % w if l else 0 r = r % w if r else w return self.crop((l, u, r, b))
@property def ratio(self): return self.size[0] / self.size[1]
[docs] def resize(self, size, filter=PILImage.BILINEAR, **kwargs): """Resize image :return: a resized copy of image. :param size: int tuple (width, height) requested size in pixels :param filter: * NEAREST (use nearest neighbour), * BILINEAR (linear interpolation in a 2x2 environment), * BICUBIC (cubic spline interpolation in a 4x4 environment) * ANTIALIAS (a high-quality downsampling filter) :param kwargs: extra parameters passed to skimage.transform.resize """ if not kwargs: # faster using PIL: return Image(self.pil.resize(size, filter)) from skimage.transform import resize order = 0 if filter in ( None, PILImage.NEAREST) else 1 if filter == PILImage.BILINEAR else 3 order = kwargs.pop('order', order) array = resize(self.array, size, order, ** kwargs) # preserve_range=True ? return Image(array, self.mode)
[docs] def rotate(self, angle, **kwargs): """Rotate image :return: a rotated copy of image. :param angle: float rotation angle in degrees in counter-clockwork direction :param kwargs: extra parameters passed to skimage.transform.rotate """ from skimage.transform import rotate # gives the best results in most cases kwargs.setdefault('mode', 'edge') array = rotate(self.array, angle, **kwargs) return Image(array, self.mode)
[docs] def flip(self, flipx=True, flipy=False): """Flip image :return: a flipped copy of image. :param flipx: bool flip X direction :param flipy: bool flip Y direction :param kwargs: extra parameters passed to skimage.transform.rotate """ array = self.array if flipx: array = np.fliplr(array) if flipy: array = np.flipud(array) return Image(array, self.mode)
[docs] def paste(self, image, box=None, mask=None): """Pastes another image into this image. :param image: image to paste, or color given as a single numerical value for single-band images, and a tuple for multi-band images. :param box: 2-tuple giving the upper left corner or 4-tuple defining the left, upper, right, and lower pixel coordinate, or None (same as (0, 0)). If a 4-tuple is given, the size of the pasted image must match the size of the region. :param mask:optional image to update only the regions indicated by the mask. You can use either “1”, “L” or “RGBA” images (in the latter case, the alpha band is used as mask). Where the mask is 255, the given image is copied as is. Where the mask is 0, the current value is preserved. Intermediate values can be used for transparency effects. Note that if you paste an “RGBA” image, the alpha band is ignored. You can work around this by using the same image as both source image and mask. """ if mask is not None: raise (NotImplementedError('masking not yet implemented')) if box is None: l, u = 0, 0 else: # ignore r,b if they're specified, recalculated below l, u = box[0:2] h, w = image.size r, b = l + w, u + h try: self.array[u:b, l:r] = image.array except: self.array[u:b, l:r] = image.array return self
[docs] def threshold(self, level=None): from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu if level is None: level = threshold_otsu(self.array) return Image(self.array > level, '1')
[docs] def quantize(self, colors=256, method=None, kmeans=0, palette=None): """ (PIL.Image compatible) Convert the image to 'P' mode with the specified number of colors. :param colors: The desired number of colors, <= 256 :param method: 0 = median cut 1 = maximum coverage 2 = fast octree 3 = libimagequant :param kmeans: Integer :param palette: Quantize to the :py:class:`PIL.ImagingPalette` palette. :returns: A new image """ a = quantize(self.array, colors) return Image(a, 'P')
[docs] def convert(self, mode, **kwargs): """convert image mode :param mode: string destination mode :param kwargs: optional params passed to converter(s). can contain: * palette : to force using a palette instead of the image's one for indexed images :return: image in desired mode """ if self.mode == 'P': kwargs.setdefault('palette', self.palette) a = convert(self.array, self.mode, mode, **kwargs) return Image(a, mode=mode)
def _get_channel(self, channel): """Return a specific dimension out of the raw image data slice.""" # a = self.array[:, :, channel] return a def _set_channel(self, channel, value): """Set a specific dimension in the raw image data slice.""" # self.array[:, :, channel] = value # representations, data extraction and conversions
[docs] def __repr__(self): s = getattr(self, 'shape', 'unknown') return "%s(mode=%s shape=%s type=%s)" % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.mode, s, )
# hash and distance # # def _hash_prepare(self, img_size=8): """common code for image hash methods below""" if self.nchannels > 1: image = self.grayscale() else: image = self while image.npixels > (img_size * 16) ** 2: s = image.size image = image.resize((s[0] // 8, s[1] // 8), PILImage.NEAREST) self.thumb = image.resize((img_size, img_size), PILImage.ANTIALIAS) return np.array(self.thumb.array, dtype=np.float).reshape((img_size, img_size)) @staticmethod def _hash_result(result): return math2.num_from_digits(itertools2.flatten(result), 2)
[docs] def average_hash(self, hash_size=8): """Average Hash :see: :param hash_size: int sqrt of the hash size. 8 (64 bits) is perfect for usual photos :return: int of hash_size**2 bits """ pixels = self._hash_prepare(hash_size) return Image._hash_result(pixels > pixels.mean())
[docs] def perceptual_hash(self, hash_size=8, highfreq_factor=4): """Perceptual Hash :see: :param hash_size: int sqrt of the hash size. 8 (64 bits) is perfect for usual photos :return: int of hash_size**2 bits """ import scipy.fftpack pixels = self._hash_prepare(hash_size * highfreq_factor) dct = scipy.fftpack.dct(scipy.fftpack.dct(pixels, axis=0), axis=1) dctlowfreq = dct[:hash_size, :hash_size] return Image._hash_result(dctlowfreq > np.median(dctlowfreq))
[docs] def dist(self, other, method=AVERAGE, hash_size=8, symmetries=False): """ distance between images :param hash_size: int sqrt of the hash size. 8 (64 bits) is perfect for usual photos :return: float =0 if images are equal or very similar (same average_hash) =1 if images are completely decorrelated (half of the hash bits are the same by luck) =2 if images are inverted """ def h(im): return [im.average_hash, im.perceptual_hash][method](hash_size) h1 = h(self) def diff(im): h2 = h(im) if h1 == h2: return 0 # d = bin(h1 ^ h2).count("1") # ^is XOR return 2 * d / (hash_size * hash_size) d = diff(other) if d == 0 or not symmetries: return d other = other.thumb # generated at _hash_prepare above res = [] # try all 4 main rotations for sym in [itertools2.identity, lambda x: x.flip(True)]: im = sym(other) for rot in [ itertools2.identity, lambda x: x.rotate(90), lambda x: x.rotate(90), # Y flip is faster + better than 180° rotation lambda x: x.flip(False, True) ]: r = diff(rot(im)) if r < 0.01: return r res.append(r) return min(res)
[docs] def __hash__(self): return self.average_hash(8)
[docs] def __abs__(self): """:return: float Frobenius norm of image""" return np.linalg.norm(self.array)
[docs] def invert(self): return Image(modes[self.mode].max - self.array, self.mode)
__neg__ = __inv__ = invert # aliases
[docs] def grayscale(self, mode=None): """convert (color) to grayscale :param mode: string target mode (should be in 'FUIL') or automatic if none """ if mode is None: mode = 'F' if np.issubdtype(self.array.dtype, np.float) else 'L' return self.convert(mode)
[docs] def colorize(self, color0, color1=None): """colorize a grayscale image :param color0,color1: 2 colors. - If only one is specified, image is colorized from white (for 0) to the specified color (for 1) - if 2 colors are specified, image is colorized from color0 (for 0) to color1 (for 1) :return: RGB(A) color """ if color1 is None: color1 = color0 color0 = 'white' color0 = Gcolors.Color(color0).rgb color1 = Gcolors.Color(color1).rgb a = gray2rgb(self.array, color0, color1) return Image(a, 'RGB')
[docs] @adapt_rgb def dither(self, method=None, n=2): if method is None: method = FLOYDSTEINBERG a = dither(self.array, method, N=n) if n == 2: return Image(a, '1') else: return Image(a / (n - 1), 'F')
[docs] def normalize(self, newmax=None, newmin=None): # # warning : this normalizes each channel independently, so we don't use @adapt_rgb here newmax = newmax or modes[self.mode].max newmin = newmin or modes[self.mode].min arr = normalize(self.array, newmax, newmin) return Image(arr)
[docs] @adapt_rgb def filter(self, f): try: # scikit-image filter or similar ? a = f(self.array) return Image(a) except Exception: pass im = self.pil im = im.filter(f) return Image(im, mode=self.mode)
[docs] def correlation(self, other): """Compute the correlation between two, single-channel, grayscale input images. The second image must be smaller than the first. :param other: the Image we're looking for """ from scipy import signal input = self.array match = other.array c = signal.correlate2d(input, match) return Image(c)
[docs] def scale(self, s): """resize image by factor s :param s: (sx, sy) tuple of float scaling factor, or scalar s=sx=sy :return: Image scaled """ try: s[1] except: s = [s, s] if self.mode == 'P': a = self.array for axis, r in enumerate(s): a = np.repeat(a, r, axis=axis) return Image(a, 'P', colors=self.palette) w, h = self.size return self.resize((int(w * s[0] + 0.5), int(h * s[1] + 0.5)))
[docs] @adapt_rgb def shift(self, dx, dy, **kwargs): from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import shift as shift2 a = shift2(self.array, (dy, dx), **kwargs) return Image(a, self.mode)
[docs] def expand(self, size, ox=None, oy=None): """ :return: image in larger canvas size, pasted at ox,oy """ im = Image(None, self.mode, size=size, colormap=self.palette) (h, w) = self.size if w * h == 0: # resize empty image... return im if ox is None: # center ox = (size[1] - w) // 2 elif ox < 0: # from the right ox = size[1] - w + ox if oy is None: # center oy = (size[0] - h) // 2 elif oy < 0: # from bottom oy = size[0] - h + oy if math2.is_integer(ox) and math2.is_integer(oy): im.paste(self, tuple(map(math2.rint, (ox, oy, ox + w, oy + h)))) elif ox >= 0 and oy >= 0: im.paste(self, (0, 0, w, h)) im = im.shift(ox, oy) else: # TODO; something for negative offsets... raise NotImplementedError() return im
[docs] def compose(self, other, a=0.5, b=0.5, mode=None): """compose new image from a*self + b*other """ mode = mode or 'F' if self.nchannels == 1 else 'RGB' if self: d1 = self.convert(mode).array else: d1 = None if other: d2 = other.convert(mode).array else: d2 = None if d1 is not None: if d2 is not None: return Image(a * d1 + b * d2, mode) else: return Image(a * d1, mode) else: return Image(b * d2, mode)
[docs] def add(self, other, pos=(0, 0), alpha=1, mode=None): """ simply adds other image at px,py (subbixel) coordinates """ # TOD: use if self.npixels == 0: return Image(other * alpha) px, py = pos assert px >= 0 and py >= 0 im1, im2 = self, other size = (max(im1.size[0], int(im2.size[0] + py + 0.999)), max(im1.size[1], int(im2.size[1] + px + 0.999))) if not im1.mode: # empty image im1.mode = im2.mode im1 = im1.expand(size, 0, 0) im2 = im2.expand(size, px, py) return im1.compose(im2, 1, alpha, mode)
[docs] def __add__(self, other): return self.add(other)
[docs] def __radd__(self, other): """only to allow sum(images) easily""" assert other == 0 return self
[docs] def sub(self, other, pos=(0, 0), alpha=1, mode=None): return self.add(other, pos, -alpha, mode)
[docs] def __sub__(self, other): return self.sub(other)
[docs] def deltaE(self, other): import skimage.color as skcolor a = skcolor.deltaE_ciede2000( self.convert('lab').array, other.convert('lab').array, ) return Image(a, 'F')
[docs] def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, str): return self.colorize('black', other) if math2.is_number(other): return self.compose(None, other) if other.nchannels > self.nchannels: return other * self if other.nchannels == 1: if self.nchannels == 1: return self.compose(None, other.array) rgba = list(self.split('RGBA')) rgba[-1] = rgba[-1] * other return Image(rgba, 'RGBA') raise NotImplementedError('%s * %s' % (self, other))
[docs] def __div__(self, f): return self * (1 / f)
__truediv__ = __div__
[docs]def alpha_composite(front, back): """Alpha composite two RGBA images. Source: Keyword Arguments: front -- PIL RGBA Image object back -- PIL RGBA Image object The algorithm comes from """ front = np.asarray(front) back = np.asarray(back) result = np.empty(front.shape, dtype=np.float) alpha = np.index_exp[:, :, 3:] rgb = np.index_exp[:, :, :3] falpha = front[alpha] / 255.0 balpha = back[alpha] / 255.0 result[alpha] = falpha + balpha * (1 - falpha) old_setting = np.seterr(invalid='ignore') result[rgb] = (front[rgb] * falpha + back[rgb] * balpha * (1 - falpha)) / result[alpha] np.seterr(**old_setting) result[alpha] *= 255 np.clip(result, 0, 255) # astype('uint8') maps np.nan and np.inf to 0 result = result.astype(np.uint8) result = PILImage.fromarray(result, 'RGBA') return result
[docs]def alpha_composite_with_color(image, color=(255, 255, 255)): """Alpha composite an RGBA image with a single color image of the specified color and the same size as the original image. Keyword Arguments: image -- PIL RGBA Image object color -- Tuple r, g, b (default 255, 255, 255) """ back ='RGBA', size=image.size, color=color + (255,)) return alpha_composite(image, back)
[docs]def pure_pil_alpha_to_color_v1(image, color=(255, 255, 255)): """Alpha composite an RGBA Image with a specified color. NOTE: This version is much slower than the alpha_composite_with_color solution. Use it only if numpy is not available. Source: Keyword Arguments: image -- PIL RGBA Image object color -- Tuple r, g, b (default 255, 255, 255) """ def blend_value(back, front, a): return (front * a + back * (255 - a)) / 255 def blend_rgba(back, front): result = [blend_value(back[i], front[i], front[3]) for i in (0, 1, 2)] return tuple(result + [255]) im = image.copy() # don't edit the reference directly p = im.load() # load pixel array for y in range(im.size[1]): for x in range(im.size[0]): p[x, y] = blend_rgba(color + (255,), p[x, y]) return im
[docs]def pure_pil_alpha_to_color_v2(image, color=(255, 255, 255)): """Alpha composite an RGBA Image with a specified color. Simpler, faster version than the solutions above. Source: Keyword Arguments: image -- PIL RGBA Image object color -- Tuple r, g, b (default 255, 255, 255) """ image.load() # needed for split() background ='RGB', image.size, color) background.paste(image, mask=image.split()[3]) # 3 is the alpha channel return background
[docs]def disk(radius, antialias=PILImage.ANTIALIAS): from skimage.draw import circle, circle_perimeter_aa size = math2.rint(2 * radius) size = (size, size) img = np.zeros(size, dtype=np.double) rr, cc = circle(radius, radius, radius) img[rr, cc] = 1 # antialiased perimeter works only with ints ? """ rr, cc, val = circle_perimeter_aa(radius,radius,radius) img[rr, cc] = val """ return Image(img)
[docs]def fspecial(name, **kwargs): """mimics the Matlab image toolbox fspecial function """ if name == 'disk': return disk(kwargs.get('radius', 5)) # 5 is default in Matlab raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]def normalize(a, newmax=255, newmin=0): # # warning : don't use @adapt_rgb here as it would normalize each channel independently array = np.array(a) t = array.dtype if len(array.shape) == 2: # single channel n = 1 minval = array.min() maxval = array.max() array += newmin - minval if maxval is not None and minval != maxval: array = array.astype(np.float) array *= newmax / (maxval - minval) else: n = min(array.shape[2], 3) # if RGBA, ignore A channel minval = array[:, :, 0:n].min() maxval = array[:, :, 0:n].max() array = array.astype(np.float) for i in range(n): array[..., i] += newmin - minval if maxval is not None and minval != maxval: array[..., i] *= newmax / (maxval - minval) return array.astype(t)
[docs]def read_pdf(path, **kwargs): """ reads a bitmap graphics on a .pdf file :param path: string path :param kwargs: params passed to Drawing.draw in case the .pdf contains only vector graphics :return: Image """ from pdfminer.pdfparser import PDFParser from pdfminer.pdfdocument import PDFDocument from pdfminer.pdfpage import PDFPage from pdfminer.pdfinterp import PDFResourceManager from pdfminer.pdfinterp import PDFPageInterpreter from pdfminer.pdfdevice import PDFDevice # PDF's are fairly complex documents organized hierarchically # PDFMiner parses them using a stack and calls a "Device" to process entities # so here we define a Device that processes only "paths" one by one: class _Device(PDFDevice): def render_image(self, name, stream): try: = except Exception as e: logging.error(e) # then all we have to do is to launch PDFMiner's parser on the file fp = open(path, 'rb') parser = PDFParser(fp) document = PDFDocument(parser, fallback=False) rsrcmgr = PDFResourceManager() device = _Device(rsrcmgr) = None # in case we can't find an image in file interpreter = PDFPageInterpreter(rsrcmgr, device) for page in PDFPage.create_pages(document): interpreter.process_page(page) break # handle one page only im = if im is None: # it's maybe a drawing fig = drawing.Drawing(path).draw(**kwargs) im = fig2img(fig) return Image(im)
[docs]def fig2img(fig): """ Convert a Matplotlib figure to a PIL Image in RGBA format and return it :param fig: matplotlib figure :return: PIL image """ # fig.canvas.draw() # Get the RGBA buffer from the figure w, h = fig.canvas.get_width_height() buf = np.fromstring(fig.canvas.tostring_argb(), dtype=np.uint8) buf.shape = (w, h, 4) # canvas.tostring_argb give pixmap in ARGB mode. Roll the ALPHA channel to have it in RGBA mode buf = np.roll(buf, 3, axis=2) w, h, _ = buf.shape return PILImage.frombytes("RGBA", (w, h), buf.tostring())
# from # see for more
[docs]def quantize(image, N=2, L=None): """Quantize a gray image. :param image: ndarray input image. :param N: int number of quantization levels. :param L: float max value. """ L = L or modes[guessmode(image)].max # max level of image T = np.linspace(0, L, N, endpoint=False)[1:] return np.digitize(image.flat, T).reshape(image.shape)
[docs]def randomize(image, N=2, L=None): L = L or modes[guessmode(image)].max # max level of image img_dither_random = image + \ np.abs(np.random.normal(size=image.shape, scale=L / (3 * N))) return quantize(img_dither_random, N, L)
[docs]class Ditherer(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, name, method): = name self.method = method
[docs] def __call__(self, image, N=2): return self.method(image, N)
[docs] def __repr__(self): return
[docs]class ErrorDiffusion(Ditherer):
[docs] def __init__(self, name, positions, weights, wsum=None): Ditherer.__init__(self, name, None) if not wsum: wsum = sum(weights) weights = math2.vecdiv(weights, wsum) self.matrix = list(zip(positions, weights))
[docs] def __call__(self, image, N=2): image = skimage.img_as_float(image, True) # normalize to [0..1] T = np.linspace(0., 1., N, endpoint=False)[1:] out = np.zeros_like(image, dtype=int) rows, cols = image.shape for i in range(rows): for j in range(cols): # Quantize out[i, j], = np.digitize( [image[i, j]], T) # pylint: disable=unsupported-assignment-operation # Propagate quantization noise d = (image[i, j] - out[i, j] / (N - 1)) for (ii, jj), w in self.matrix: ii = i + ii jj = j + jj if ii < rows and jj < cols: image[ii, jj] += d * w return out
[docs]class FloydSteinberg(ErrorDiffusion):
[docs] def __init__(self): ErrorDiffusion.__init__(self, 'floyd-steinberg', positions=[(0, 1), (1, -1), (1, 0), (1, 1)], weights=[7, 3, 5, 1] )
[docs] def __call__(self, image, N=2): return ErrorDiffusion.__call__(self, image, N)
# PIL+SKIMAGE dithering methods NEAREST = PILImage.NEAREST FLOYDSTEINBERG = PILImage.FLOYDSTEINBERG PHILIPS = FLOYDSTEINBERG + 1 SIERRA = PHILIPS + 1 STUCKI = SIERRA + 1 JARVIS = STUCKI + 1 ATKINSON = JARVIS + 1 BURKES = ATKINSON + 1 RANDOM = JARVIS + 10 dithering = { NEAREST: Ditherer('nearest', quantize), RANDOM: Ditherer('random', randomize), # ORDERED : 'ordered', # Not yet implemented in Pillow # RASTERIZE : 'rasterize', # Not yet implemented in Pillow FLOYDSTEINBERG: FloydSteinberg(), PHILIPS: ErrorDiffusion('philips', [(0, 0)], [1]), # SIERRA: ErrorDiffusion('sierra lite', [(0, 1), (1, -1), (1, 0)], [2, 1, 1]), STUCKI: ErrorDiffusion('stucki', positions=[(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, -2), (1, -1), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, -2), (2, -1), (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2)], weights=[8, 4, 2, 4, 8, 4, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2, 1] ), JARVIS: ErrorDiffusion('Jarvis, Judice, and Ninke', # positions=[(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, -2), (1, -1), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, -2), (2, -1), (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2)], weights=[7, 5, 3, 5, 7, 5, 3, 1, 3, 4, 3, 1] ), ATKINSON: ErrorDiffusion('Atkinson', positions=[(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, -1), (1, 0), (1, 1), (2, 0)], weights=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], wsum=8 ), BURKES: ErrorDiffusion('Burkes', positions=[(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, -2), (1, -1), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2)], weights=[8, 4, 2, 4, 8, 4, 2] ), }
[docs]def dither(image, method=FLOYDSTEINBERG, N=2): """Quantize a gray image, using dithering. :param image: ndarray input image. :param method: key in dithering dict :param N: int number of quantization levels. References ---------- """ if method in dithering: return dithering[method](image, N) logging.warning( 'dithering method %s not yet implemented. fallback to Floyd-Steinberg' % dithering[method]) return dither(image, FLOYDSTEINBERG, N)
# converter functions complementing those in skimage.color are defined below # function should be named "source2dest" in order to be inserted in converters graph gray2bool = dither
[docs]def rgb2cmyk(rgb): from skimage.color.colorconv import _prepare_colorarray arr = _prepare_colorarray(rgb) cmy = 1 - arr k = np.amin(cmy, axis=2) w = 1 # -k c = (cmy[:, :, 0] - k) / w m = (cmy[:, :, 1] - k) / w y = (cmy[:, :, 2] - k) / w return np.concatenate([x[..., np.newaxis] for x in [c, m, y, k]], axis=-1)
[docs]def cmyk2rgb(cmyk): cmyk = np.asanyarray(cmyk) cmyk = skimage.img_as_float(cmyk) k = 1 - cmyk[:, :, 3] w = 1 # -k r = k - cmyk[:, :, 0] * w g = k - cmyk[:, :, 1] * w b = k - cmyk[:, :, 2] * w return np.concatenate([x[..., np.newaxis] for x in [r, g, b]], axis=-1)
[docs]def gray2rgb(im, color0=(0, 0, 0), color1=(1, 1, 1)): im = skimage.img_as_float(im) color0 = np.asarray(color0, np.float) color1 = np.asarray(color1, np.float) d = color1 - color0 a = np.outer(im, d) a = a.reshape([im.shape[0], im.shape[1], d.shape[0]]) + color0 return a
bool2rgb = gray2rgb # works also
[docs]def bool2gray(im): return im * 255
[docs]def rgb2rgba(array): s = array.shape if s[2] == 4: # already RGBA return array a = np.ones((s[0], s[1], 1), array.dtype) array = np.append(array, a, 2) return array
try: skcolor.rgba2rgb # will be available soon except: def rgba2rgb(array): # trivial version ignoring alpha channel for now return array[:, :, :3]
[docs]def palette(im, ncolors, tol=1 / 100): """extract the color palette of image array (in its own colorspace. use Lab for best results) :param im: nparray (x,y,n) containing image :param ncolors: int number of colors :param tol: tolerance for precision/speed compromise. 1/100 means about 100 points per color are taken for kmeans segmentation :return: array of ncolors most used in image (center of kmeans centroids) """ # # but without scipy-learn (for now) from scipy.cluster.vq import kmeans w, h, d = im.shape s = w * h # number of pixels im = np.reshape(im, (s, d)) # flatten for kmeans # keep only ~100 points per color for speed decimate = int(tol * s / ncolors) if decimate > 1: im = im[::decimate] return kmeans(im, ncolors)[0]
[docs]def lab2ind(im, colors=256): """convert a Lab image to indexed colors :param a: nparray (x,y,n) containing image :param colors: int number of colors or predefined Palette :ref: """ # if isinstance(colors, int): p = palette(im, colors) # pal = [Gcolors.Color(c, 'lab') for c in p] else: pal = colors p = [c.lab for c in itertools2.flatten(pal)] w, h, d = im.shape s = w * h # number of pixels flat = np.reshape(im, (s, d)) from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree # compiled is MUCH faster mytree = KDTree(p) _, indexes = mytree.query(flat) im = indexes.reshape(w, h) return im, pal
[docs]def ind2any(im, palette, dest): palette = [c.convert(dest) for c in palette.values()] w, h = im.shape image = np.zeros((w, h, 3)) for i in range(w): for j in range(h): image[i, j] = palette[im[i, j]] return image
[docs]def ind2rgb(im, palette): return ind2any(im, palette, 'rgb')
# build a graph of available converters # inspired by # WATCH OUT! converters must be defined above this line... # a nx.DiGraph() would suffice, but my DiGraph are better converters = graph.DiGraph(multi=False) for source in modes: for target in modes: key = (modes[source].name, modes[target].name) if key[0] == key[1]: continue convname = '%s2%s' % key converter = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], convname, None) if converter is None: converter = getattr(skcolor, convname, None) if converter: converters.add_edge(key[0], key[1], f=converter)
[docs]def convert(a, source, target, **kwargs): """convert an image between modes, eventually using intermediary steps :param a: nparray (x,y,n) containing image :param source: string : key of source image mode in modes :param target: string : key of target image mode in modes """ import networkx as nx # source, target = modes[source.upper()], modes[target.upper()] a = np.clip(a, source.min, source.max) # , out=a) try: path = converters.shortest_path(, except nx.exception.NetworkXError: raise NotImplementedError( 'no conversion between %s and %s modes' % (, ) for u, v in itertools2.pairwise(path): if u == v: continue # avoid converting from gray to gray try: edge = converters[u][v][0] except: path = converters.shortest_path(, pass # but something is wrong... f = edge['f'] try: a = f(a, **kwargs) except TypeError as e: if kwargs: # maybe the converter doesn't support args ? retry! a = f(a) else: raise (e) try: a = skimage.util.dtype.convert(a, target.type) except ValueError as e: # probably a tuple (indexed, palette) pass # do not force int type here # a=tuple((skimage.util.dtype.convert(a[0],target.type),a[1])) return a # isn't it beautiful ?