Source code for Goulib.motion

motion simulation (kinematics)

__author__ = "Philippe Guglielmetti"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2013, Philippe Guglielmetti"
__credits__ = [""]
__license__ = "LGPL"

from . import plot, polynomial, itertools2, math2

[docs]class PVA(plot.Plot): # TODO: make it an Expr """represents a function of time returning position, velocity, and acceleration """
[docs] def __init__(self, funcs): self.funcs = funcs
[docs] def __call__(self, t, t0=0): return tuple(f(t - t0) for f in self.funcs)
[docs]class Segment(PVA): """ a PVA defined between 2 times, null elsewhere """
[docs] def __init__(self, t0, t1, funcs): super(Segment, self).__init__(funcs) self.t0 = t0 self.t1 = t1 self.ticks = []
[docs] def dt(self): return self.t1 - self.t0
[docs] def start(self): return super(Segment, self).__call__(self.t0, self.t0)
[docs] def startPos(self): return self.start()[0]
[docs] def startSpeed(self): return self.start()[1]
[docs] def startAcc(self): return self.start()[2]
[docs] def startJerk(self): return self.start()[3]
[docs] def startTime(self): return self.t0
[docs] def end(self): return super(Segment, self).__call__(self.t1, self.t0)
[docs] def endPos(self): return self.end()[0]
[docs] def endSpeed(self): return self.end()[1]
[docs] def endAcc(self): return self.end()[2]
[docs] def endJerk(self): return self.end()[3]
[docs] def endTime(self): return (self.t1)
[docs] def timeWhenPosBiggerThan(self, pos, resolution=0.010): """ search the first time when the position is bigger than pos :params pos: the pos that must at least be reached :params resolution: the time resolution in sec""" # brute force and stupid!!! for t in itertools2.arange(self.t0, self.t1, resolution): if self(t)[0] >= pos: break return t
[docs] def __call__(self, t): if t >= self.t0 and t < self.t1: return super(Segment, self).__call__(t, self.t0) else: return (0,) * len(self.funcs)
def _plot(self, ax, t0=None, t1=None, ylim=None, **kwargs): """ :params ticks: a list of (time,state) to add ticks """ if t0 is None: t0 = self.t0 if t1 is None: t1 = self.t1 step = (t1 - t0) / 500. x = [t for t in itertools2.arange(t0, t1, step)] y = [self(t) for t in x] y = map(list, zip(*y)) # transpose because of labels = ['pos', 'vel', 'acc', 'jrk'] for y_arr, label in zip(y, labels): ax.plot(x, y_arr, label=label) ax.legend(loc='best') # for tick in self.ticks: # ax.axvline(x=tick[0],color='0.5') return ax
[docs]class Segments(Segment):
[docs] def __init__(self, segments=[], label='Segments'): """ can be initialized with a list of segment (that of course can also be a Segments) :param label: a label can be given """ self.label = label self.t0 = -float('inf') self.t1 = -float('inf') self.segments = [] self.add(segments)
[docs] def __str__(self): return self.label
[docs] def html(self): t = self.label + '<br/>' for s in self.segments: t += 't=%f (%f,%f,%f,%f) --> t=%f (%f,%f,%f,%f)<br/>' % ( s.t0, s.start()[0], s.start()[1], s.start()[2], s.start()[3], s.t1, s.endPos(), s.endSpeed(), s.endAcc(), s.end()[3]) return t
[docs] def update(self): """ yet only calculates t0 and t1 """ for s in self.segments: if s.t0 < self.t0: self.t0 = s.t0 if s.t1 > self.t1: self.t1 = s.t1
[docs] def insert(self, segment, autoJoin=True): """ insert a segment into Segments :param segment: the segment to add. must be in a range that is not already defined or it will rise a value error exception :param autoJoin: if True and the added segment has the same starting position as the last segment's end and both velocity are 0 then a segment of (pos,v=0,a=0) is automatically added. this help discribing movements only where there is curently a movement """ t0 = segment.t0 t1 = segment.t1 if self.segments == []: self.segments = [segment] self.t0 = segment.t0 self.t1 = segment.t1 return if t0 >= self.segments[-1].t1: previous = self.segments[-1] previousP = previous.endPos() previousT = previous.endTime() previousV = previous.endSpeed() segmentP = segment.start()[0] segmentV = segment.start()[1] if autoJoin and t0 > previousT and math2.allclose([previousP, previousV, segmentV], [segmentP, 0, 0], abs_tol=0.001): self.segments.append(SegmentPoly(previous.t1, t0, [previous.endPos()])) self.segments.append(segment) return if t1 <= self.segments[0].t0: self.segments.insert(0, segment) return for i in range(0, len(self.segments) - 1): if self.segments[i].t1 <= t0 and self.segments[i + 1].t0 >= t1: self.segments.insert(i + 1, segment) return l = '' for s in self.segments: l += '\n' + str(s.t0) + '-->' + str(s.t1) raise ValueError('impossible to add the segment t0=' + str(segment.t0) + ' t1=' + str( segment.t1) + ' to already existing segments' + l)
[docs] def add(self, segments, autoJoin=True): """ add a segment or a list of segment to the segments """ if type(segments) is not list: self.insert(segments, autoJoin) else: for s in segments: self.insert(s, autoJoin) self.update() self.label = 'Segments starts=' + str(self.t0) + ' ends=' + str(self.t1)
[docs] def start(self): if self.segments != []: return self.segments[0].start() else: return (0, 0, 0, 0)
[docs] def end(self): if self.segments != []: return self.segments[-1].end() else: return (0, 0, 0, 0)
[docs] def __call__(self, t): for s in self.segments: if t >= s.t0 and t < s.t1: return s(t) return (0, 0, 0, 0) # oversimplified: assuming PVAJ; should check that all segments are of the same nature
[docs]class SegmentPoly(Segment): """ a segment defined by a polynomial position law """
[docs] def __init__(self, t0, t1, p): p = polynomial.Polynomial(p) v = p.derivative() a = v.derivative() j = a.derivative() super(SegmentPoly, self).__init__(t0, t1, (p, v, a, j))
def _latex(self): """:return: string LaTex formula""" return 'pos(t)=%s' % self.funcs[0]._latex(x='t') def _repr_latex_(self): return '$%s$' % self._latex()
def _pva(val): try: p = val[0] except: p = val try: v = val[1] except: v = None try: a = val[2] except: a = None return p, v, a def _delta(x0, x1): try: return float(x1 - x0) except: return None
[docs]def ramp(dp, v0, v1, a): """ :param dp: float delta position or None if unknown :param v0: float initial velocity or None if unknown :param v1: float final velocity or None if unknown :param a: float acceleration :return: float shortest time to accelerate between constraints """ dt = [] dv = _delta(v0, v1) if dv: dt.append(dv / a) # time to accelerate try: # solve a.t^2/2+v0.t == dp dt.extend(list(math2.quad(a / 2., v0, -dp))) except: try: # solve v1.t-a.t^2/2 == dp dt.extend(list(math2.quad(-a / 2., v1, -dp))) except: pass return min(t for t in dt if t > 0) # return smallest positive
[docs]def trapeze(dp, vmax, a, v0=0, v2=0): """ :param dp: float delta position :param vmax: float maximal velocity :param a: float acceleration :param v0: float initial velocity, 0 by default :param v2: float final velocity, 0 by default :return: tuple of 6 values: * time at end of acceleration * position at end of acceleration * velocity at end of acceleration * time at begin of deceleration * position at begin of deceleration * total time """ t1 = ramp(dp / 2., v0, vmax, a) # acceleration time v1 = v0 + a * t1 # speed reached p1 = t1 * (v0 + v1) / 2. # position at end of acceleration t3 = ramp(dp / 2., v1, v2, -a) # deceleration time p2 = t3 * (v1 + v2) / 2. # distance to decelerate t2 = float(dp - p1 - p2) / v1 # time at constant velocity return t1, p1, v1, t1 + t2, dp - p2, t1 + t2 + t3
[docs]def Segment2ndDegree(t0, t1, start, end=(None)): """calculates a constant acceleration Segment between start and end :param t0,t1: float start,end time. one of both may be None for undefined :param start: (position, velocity, acceleration) float tuple. some values may be None for undefined :param end: (position, velocity, acceleration) float tuple. some values may be None for undefined :return: :class:`SegmentPoly` the function can cope with almost any combination of defined/undefined parameters, among others (see tests): * Segment2ndDegree(t0,t1,(p0,v0),p1) # time interval and start + end positions + initial speed * Segment2ndDegree(t0,t1,(p0,v0,a)) # time interval and start with acceleration * Segment2ndDegree(t0,t1,None,(p1,v1,a)) # time interval and end pva * Segment2ndDegree(t0,None,(p0,v0),(p1,v1)) # start + end positions + velocities * Segment2ndDegree(t0,None,(p0,v0,a),(None,v1)) # start pva + end velocity * Segment2ndDegree(None,t1,p0,(p1,v1,a)) # end pva + start position the function also accepts some combinations of overconstraining parameters: * Segment2ndDegree(t0,t1,(p0,v0,a),p1) # time interval, start pva, end position => adjust t1 * Segment2ndDegree(t0,t1,(p0,v0,a),(None,v1)) # time interval, start pva, v1=max vel => adjust t1 :raise ValueError: when not enough parameters are specified to define the Segment univoquely """ p0, v0, a0 = _pva(start) p1, v1, a1 = _pva(end) if a0 is None: a0 = a1 # to handle the many possible cases, we evaluate missing information in a loop for _retries in range(2): # two loops are enough to solve all cases , according to tests dt = _delta(t0, t1) dp = _delta(p0, p1) dv = _delta(v0, v1) if not itertools2.anyf((dt, p0, v0, a0), lambda x: x is None): # we have all required data res = SegmentPoly(t0, t1, [p0, v0, a0 / 2.]) end = res.end() if p1 is not None and not math2.isclose(end[0], p1): # consider p1 as max position res2 = Segment2ndDegree(t0, None, (p0, v0, a0), p1) if res2.dt() < res.dt(): # this case arises earlier res = res2 if v1 is not None and not math2.isclose(end[1], v1): # consider v1 as max velocity res2 = Segment2ndDegree(t0, None, (p0, v0, a0), (None, v1)) if res2.dt() < res.dt(): # this case arises earlier res = res2 return res if dt is None: # try to determine it from available params if a0: dt = ramp(dp, v0, v1, a0) else: try: dt = 2. * dp / (v0 + v1) # time to reach the position except: pass if t0 is None: try: t0 = t1 - dt except: pass if t1 is None: try: t1 = t0 + dt except: pass if a0 is None: try: a0 = float(dv) / dt except: try: a0 = 2. * (dp - v0 * dt) / dt * dt except: pass if v0 is None: try: v0 = v1 - a0 * dt except: pass if p0 is None: try: p0 = p1 - dt * float(v1 + v0) / 2. except: pass raise ValueError
[docs]def Segment4thDegree(t0, t1, start, end): """smooth trajectory from an initial position and initial speed (p0,v0) to a final position and speed (p1,v1) * if t1<=t0, t1 is calculated """ p0, v0, _a0 = _pva(start) p1, v1, _a1 = _pva(end) if t1 <= t0: dt = float(p1 - p0) / ((v1 - v0) / 2. + v0) # truediv t1 = t0 + dt else: dt = t1 - t0 return SegmentPoly(t0, t1, [p0, v0, 0, float(v1 - v0) / (dt * dt), -float(v1 - v0) / (2 * dt * dt * dt)]) # truediv
[docs]def SegmentsTrapezoidalSpeed(t0, p0, p3, a, T=0, vmax=float('inf'), v0=0, v3=0): """ :param t0: float start time :param p0: float start position :param p3: float end position :param a: float specified acceleration. if =0, use specified time :param T: float specified time. if =0 (default), use specified acceleration :param vmax: float max speed. default is infinity (i.e. triangular speed) :param v0: initial speed :param v3: final speed if T <> 0 then v3 = v0 v1 +-------+ / \ / + v3 v0 + | | | | t0 t1 t2 t3 """ dp = p3 - p0 if T != 0: assert t0 == 0.0, 'must fix this bug' assert v3 == v0, 'if T is the constraint, v0 must equal v3' t1 = T / 2 v1 = dp / t1 - v0 # (v0+v1)/2 *t1 = dp/2 ==> v0*t1 + v1*t1 =dp if v1 > vmax: RuntimeError('vmax not yet implemented: must be infinite') else: a = (v1 - v0) / t1 (t1, p1, v1, t2, p2, t3) = trapeze(dp, vmax, a, v0, v3) label = 'Trapeze start={0}, end={1}'.format(t0, t0 + t3) acc = Segment2ndDegree(t0, t1 + t0, (p0, v0, a)) cst = SegmentPoly(t1 + t0, t2 + t0, [p1 + p0, v1]) dec = Segment2ndDegree(t2 + t0, t3 + t0, (p2 + p0, v1, -a)) trap = Segments([acc, cst, dec], label=label) return trap