Source code for Goulib.optim

various optimization algorithms : knapsack, traveling salesman, simulated annealing, differential evolution

__author__ = "Philippe Guglielmetti"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2015, Philippe Guglielmetti"
__credits__ = [
__license__ = "LGPL"

import logging
import math
import random
import copy

from .itertools2 import all_pairs, index_min, sort_indexes
from .stats import mean
from .math2 import vecadd, vecsub, vecmul

import copy

[docs]class ObjectiveFunction: '''class to wrap an objective function and keep track of the best solution evaluated'''
[docs] def __init__(self, objective_function): self.objective_function = objective_function = None self.best_score = None
[docs] def __call__(self, solution): score = self.objective_function(solution) if is None or score > self.best_score: self.best_score = score = solution'new best score: %f', self.best_score) return score
[docs]def nelder_mead(f, x_start, step=0.1, no_improve_thr=10e-6, no_improv_break=10, max_iter=0, alpha=1., gamma=2., rho=-0.5, sigma=0.5): """ Pure Python implementation of the Nelder-Mead algorithm. also called "downhill simplex method" taken from Reference: :param f: function to optimize, must return a scalar score and operate over a numpy array of the same dimensions as x_start :param x_start: (numpy array) initial position :param step: (float) look-around radius in initial step :param no_improv_thr, no_improv_break: (float,int): break after no_improv_break iterations with an improvement lower than no_improv_thr :param max_iter: (int): always break after this number of iterations. Set it to 0 to loop indefinitely. :param alpha, gamma, rho, sigma: (floats): parameters of the algorithm (see Wikipedia page for reference) """ # init dim = len(x_start) prev_best = f(x_start) no_improv = 0 res = [[x_start, prev_best]] for i in range(dim): x = copy.copy(x_start) x[i] = x[i] + step score = f(x) res.append([x, score]) # simplex iter iters = 0 while 1: # order res.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) best = res[0][1] # break after max_iter if max_iter and iters >= max_iter: return res[0] iters += 1 # break after no_improv_break iterations with no improvement' so far:%s' % best) if best < prev_best - no_improve_thr: no_improv = 0 prev_best = best else: no_improv += 1 if no_improv >= no_improv_break: return res[0] # centroid x0 = [0.] * dim for tup in res[:-1]: for i, c in enumerate(tup[0]): x0[i] += c / (len(res)-1) # reflection xr = vecadd(x0, vecmul(alpha, vecsub(x0, res[-1][0]))) rscore = f(xr) if res[0][1] <= rscore < res[-2][1]: del res[-1] res.append([xr, rscore]) continue # expansion if rscore < res[0][1]: xe = vecadd(x0, vecmul(gamma, vecsub(x0, res[-1][0]))) escore = f(xe) if escore < rscore: del res[-1] res.append([xe, escore]) continue else: del res[-1] res.append([xr, rscore]) continue # contraction xc = vecadd(x0, vecmul(rho, vecsub(x0, res[-1][0]))) cscore = f(xc) if cscore < res[-1][1]: del res[-1] res.append([xc, cscore]) continue # reduction x1 = res[0][0] nres = [] for tup in res: redx = vecadd(x1, vecmul(sigma*(tup[0] - x1))) score = f(redx) nres.append([redx, score]) res = nres
class _Bin(): def __init__(self, capacity, f=lambda x: x): """a container with a limited capacity :param capacity: int,flot,tuple of whatever defines the capacity of the Bin :param f: function f(x) returning the capacity used by item x. Must return the empty capacity when f(0) is called """ self._capacity = capacity self._f = f # functions that return the cached values of an item self._used = f(0) def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s/%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self._used, self._capacity) def _add(self, value, tot=None): """update sum when item is added""" if not tot: tot = self._used if isinstance(value, (int, float)): return tot + value if isinstance(value, set): return tot | value return list(map(self._add, list(zip(value, tot)))) def _recalc(self): self._used = self._f(0) for item in self: self._used = self._add(self._f(item)) def _sub(self, value, tot=None): """update sum AFTER item is removed""" if not tot: tot = self._used if isinstance(value, (int, float)): return tot - value if isinstance(value, set): if isinstance(tot, (int, float)): return tot - len(value) else: try: i = self._used(tot) # index of set except: i = None self._recalc() return self._used[i] if i is not None else self._used return list(map(self._sub, list(zip(value, tot)))) def size(self): return self._sub(self._used, self._capacity) def _fits(self, value, cap=None): """compare value to capacity""" if cap is None: cap = self._capacity if isinstance(value, (int, float)): return value <= cap if isinstance(value, set): return len(value) <= cap return all(map(self._fits, list(zip(value, cap)))) def fits(self, item): """:return: bool True if item fits in bin without exceeding capacity""" return self._fits(self._add(self._f(item))) def __iadd__(self, item): """addition of an element : MUST BE OVERLOADED by subclasses""" if not self.fits(item): raise OverflowError self._used = self._add(self._f(item)) return self def __isub__(self, item): """removal of an element : MUST BE OVERLOADED by subclasses and called AFTER item is removed""" self._used = self._sub(self._f(item)) return self
[docs]class BinDict(_Bin, dict): #
[docs] def __isub__(self, key): item = self[key] super(BinDict, self).__delitem__(key) # must be first super(BinDict, self).__isub__(item) # must be next return self
__delitem__ = __isub__
[docs] def __iadd__(self, key, item): if key in self: del self[key] super(BinDict, self).__iadd__(item) # raises OverflowError if full super(BinDict, self).__setitem__(key, item) return self
__setitem__ = __iadd__
[docs]class BinList(_Bin, list): #
[docs] def __iadd__(self, item): super(BinList, self).__iadd__(item) # raises OverflowError if full super(BinList, self).append(item) return self
append = __iadd__
[docs] def insert(self, i, item): super(BinList, self).__iadd__(item) # raises OverflowError if full super(BinList, self).insert(i, item) return self
[docs] def extend(self, more): for x in more: self.append(x) return self
[docs] def __isub__(self, item): super(BinList, self).remove(item) super(BinList, self).__isub__(item) return self
remove = __isub__
[docs] def pop(self, i=-1): item = super(BinList, self).pop(i) super(BinList, self).__isub__(item) return item
[docs] def __setitem__(self, i, item): """called when replacing a value in list""" old = self[i] super(BinList, self).__isub__(old) super(BinList, self).__iadd__(item) # raises OverflowError if full super(BinList, self).__setitem__(i, item)
# Bin packing algorithms # see
[docs]def first_fit_decreasing(items, bins, maxbins=0): """ fit items in bins using the "first fit decreasing" method :param items: iterable of items :param bins: iterable of Bin s. Must have at least one Bin :return: list of items that didn't fit. (bins are filled by side-effect) """ nofit = [] items.sort(key=lambda x: bins[0]._f(x), reverse=True) for item in items: fit = False for b in bins: try: b += item fit = True break except OverflowError: continue # next bin ? if not fit: # may we add a bin ? if len(bins) < maxbins: # yes b = type(bins[0])(bins[0]._capacity, bins[0]._f) try: b += item bins.append(b) continue # next item except OverflowError: # item too large for a bin pass nofit.append(item) return nofit
[docs]def hillclimb(init_function, move_operator, objective_function, max_evaluations): ''' hillclimb until either max_evaluations is reached or we are at a local optima ''' best = init_function() best_score = objective_function(best) num_evaluations = 1'hillclimb started: score=%f', best_score) while num_evaluations < max_evaluations: # examine moves around our current position move_made = False for m in move_operator(best): if num_evaluations >= max_evaluations: break # see if this move is better than the current next_score = objective_function(m) num_evaluations += 1 if next_score > best_score: best = m best_score = next_score move_made = True break # depth first search if not move_made: # we couldn't find a better move (must be at a local maximum) break'hillclimb finished: num_evaluations=%d, best_score=%f', num_evaluations, best_score) return (num_evaluations, best_score, best)
[docs]def hillclimb_and_restart(init_function, move_operator, objective_function, max_evaluations): ''' repeatedly hillclimb until max_evaluations is reached ''' best = None best_score = 0 num_evaluations = 0 while num_evaluations < max_evaluations: remaining_evaluations = max_evaluations - num_evaluations'(re)starting hillclimb %d/%d remaining', remaining_evaluations, max_evaluations) evaluated, score, found = hillclimb( init_function, move_operator, objective_function, remaining_evaluations) num_evaluations += evaluated if score > best_score or best is None: best_score = score best = found return (num_evaluations, best_score, best)
[docs]def P(prev_score, next_score, temperature): if next_score > prev_score: return 1.0 else: return math.exp(-abs(next_score - prev_score) / temperature)
[docs]def kirkpatrick_cooling(start_temp, alpha): T = start_temp while True: yield T T = alpha * T
[docs]def anneal(init_function, move_operator, objective_function, max_evaluations, start_temp, alpha): # wrap the objective function (so we record the best) objective_function = ObjectiveFunction(objective_function) current = init_function() current_score = objective_function(current) num_evaluations = 1 cooling_schedule = kirkpatrick_cooling(start_temp, alpha)'anneal started: score=%f', current_score) for temperature in cooling_schedule: done = False # examine moves around our current position for next in move_operator(current): if num_evaluations >= max_evaluations: done = True break next_score = objective_function(next) num_evaluations += 1 # probablistically accept this solution # always accepting better solutions p = P(current_score, next_score, temperature) if random.random() < p: current = next current_score = next_score break # see if completely finished if done: break best_score = objective_function.best_score best ='final temperature: %f', temperature)'anneal finished: num_evaluations=%d, best_score=%f', num_evaluations, best_score) return (num_evaluations, best_score, best)
[docs]def reversed_sections(tour): '''generator to return all possible variations where the section between two cities are swapped''' for i, j in all_pairs(len(tour)): if i and j and i < j: copy = tour[:] copy[i:j + 1] = reversed(tour[i:j + 1]) yield copy
[docs]def swapped_cities(tour): '''generator to create all possible variations where two cities have been swapped''' for i, j in all_pairs(len(tour)): if i < j: copy = tour[:] copy[i], copy[j] = tour[j], tour[i] yield copy
[docs]def tour_length(points, dist, tour=None): """generator of point-to-point distances along a tour""" if not tour: tour = list(range(len(points))) # will generate the closed tour length n = len(tour) for i in range(n): j = (i + 1) % n yield dist(points[tour[i]], points[tour[j]])
[docs]def tsp(points, dist, max_iterations=100, start_temp=None, alpha=None, close=True, rand=True): """Traveling Salesman Problem @see @param points : iterable containing all points @param dist : function returning the distance between 2 points : def dist(a,b): @param max_iterations :max number of optimization steps @param start_temp, alpha : params for the simulated annealing algorithm. if None, hill climbing is used @param close : computes closed TSP. if False, open TSP starting at points[0] @return iterations,score,best : number of iterations used, minimal length found, best path as list of indexes of points """ n = len(points) def init_function(): tour = list(range(1, n)) if rand: random.shuffle(tour) return [0] + tour def objective_function(tour): """total up the total length of the tour based on the dist ance function""" return -sum(tour_length(points, dist, tour if close else tour[:-1])) if start_temp is None or alpha is None: iterations, score, best = hillclimb_and_restart( init_function, reversed_sections, objective_function, max_iterations) else: iterations, score, best = anneal( init_function, reversed_sections, objective_function, max_iterations, start_temp, alpha) return iterations, score, best
[docs]class DifferentialEvolution(object): """ This is a python implementation of differential evolution taken from It assumes an evaluator class is passed in that has the following functionality data members: n :: The number of parameters domain :: a list [(low,high)]*n with approximate upper and lower limits for each parameter x :: a place holder for a final solution also a function called 'target' is needed. This function should take a parameter vector as input and return a the function to be minimized. The code below was implemented on the basis of the following sources of information: 1. 2. 3. The developers of the differential evolution method have this advice: (taken from ref. 1) If you are going to optimize your own objective function with DE, you may try the following classical settings for the input file first: Choose method e.g. DE/rand/1/bin, set the number of parents NP to 10 times the number of parameters, select weighting factor F=0.8, and crossover constant CR=0.9. It has been found recently that selecting F from the interval [0.5, 1.0] randomly for each generation or for each difference vector, a technique called dither, improves convergence behaviour significantly, especially for noisy objective functions. It has also been found that setting CR to a low value, e.g. CR=0.2 helps optimizing separable functions since it fosters the search along the coordinate axes. On the contrary this choice is not effective if parameter dependence is encountered, something which is frequently occuring in real-world optimization problems rather than artificial test functions. So for parameter dependence the choice of CR=0.9 is more appropriate. Another interesting empirical finding is that rasing NP above, say, 40 does not substantially improve the convergence, independent of the number of parameters. It is worthwhile to experiment with these suggestions. Make sure that you initialize your parameter vectors by exploiting their full numerical range, i.e. if a parameter is allowed to exhibit values in the range [-100, 100] it's a good idea to pick the initial values from this range instead of unnecessarily restricting diversity. Keep in mind that different problems often require different settings for NP, F and CR (have a look into the different papers to get a feeling for the settings). If you still get misconvergence you might want to try a different method. We mostly use DE/rand/1/... or DE/best/1/... . The crossover method is not so important although Ken Price claims that binomial is never worse than exponential. In case of misconvergence also check your choice of objective function. There might be a better one to describe your problem. Any knowledge that you have about the problem should be worked into the objective function. A good objective function can make all the difference. Note: NP is called population size in the routine below.) Note: [0.5,1.0] dither is the default behavior unless f is set to a value other then None. """
[docs] def __init__(self, evaluator, population_size=50, f=None, cr=0.9, eps=1e-2, n_cross=1, max_iter=10000, monitor_cycle=200, out=None, show_progress=False, show_progress_nth_cycle=1, insert_solution_vector=None, dither_constant=0.4): self.dither = dither_constant self.show_progress = show_progress self.show_progress_nth_cycle = show_progress_nth_cycle self.evaluator = evaluator self.population_size = population_size self.f = f = cr self.n_cross = n_cross self.max_iter = max_iter self.monitor_cycle = monitor_cycle self.vector_length = evaluator.n self.eps = eps self.population = [] self.seeded = False if insert_solution_vector is not None: assert len(insert_solution_vector) == self.vector_length self.seeded = insert_solution_vector for _ in range(self.population_size): self.population.append([0.]*self.vector_length) self.scores = [1000]*self.population_size self.optimize() self.best_score = min(self.scores) self.best_vector = self.population[index_min(self.scores)[0]] self.evaluator.x = self.best_vector if self.show_progress: self.evaluator.print_status( min(self.scores), mean(self.scores), self.population[index_min(self.scores)[0]], 'Final')
[docs] def optimize(self): # initialise the population please self.make_random_population() # score the population please self.score_population() converged = False monitor_score = min(self.scores) self.count = 0 while not converged: self.evolve() # location,_ = index_min(self.scores) if self.show_progress: if self.count % self.show_progress_nth_cycle == 0: # make here a call to a custom print_status function in the evaluator function # the function signature should be (min_target, mean_target, best vector) self.evaluator.print_status( min(self.scores), mean(self.scores), self.population[index_min(self.scores)[0]], self.count) self.count += 1 if self.count % self.monitor_cycle == 0: if (monitor_score - min(self.scores)) < self.eps: converged = True else: monitor_score = min(self.scores) rd = (mean(self.scores) - min(self.scores)) rd = rd * rd / (min(self.scores) * min(self.scores) + self.eps) if (rd < self.eps): converged = True if self.count >= self.max_iter: converged = True
[docs] def make_random_population(self): for ii in range(self.vector_length): delta = self.evaluator.domain[ii][1] - self.evaluator.domain[ii][0] offset = self.evaluator.domain[ii][0] random_values = [ random.uniform(offset, offset+delta) for _ in range(self.population_size - 1) ] # now place these values ni the proper places in the # vectors of the population we generated for vector, item in zip(self.population, random_values): vector[ii] = item if self.seeded is not False: self.population[0] = self.seeded
[docs] def score_population(self): for vector, ii in zip(self.population, range(self.population_size)): tmp_score = self.scores[ii] = tmp_score
[docs] def evolve(self): for ii in range(self.population_size): rnd = [random.random() for _ in range(self.population_size - 1)] permut = sort_indexes(rnd) # make parent indices i1 = permut[0] if (i1 >= ii): i1 += 1 i2 = permut[1] if (i2 >= ii): i2 += 1 i3 = permut[2] if (i3 >= ii): i3 += 1 # x1 = self.population[i1] x2 = self.population[i2] x3 = self.population[i3] if self.f is None: use_f = random.random() / 2.0 + 0.5 else: use_f = self.f vi = vecadd(x1, vecmul(use_f, vecsub(x2, x3))) # prepare the offspring vector rnd = [random.random() for _ in range(self.vector_length)] permut = sort_indexes(rnd) test_vector = copy.copy(self.population[ii]) # deep_copy ? # first the parameters that sure cross over for jj in range(self.vector_length): if (jj < self.n_cross): test_vector[permut[jj]] = vi[permut[jj]] else: if (rnd[jj] > test_vector[permut[jj]] = vi[permut[jj]] # get the score test_score = # check if the score if lower if test_score < self.scores[ii]: self.scores[ii] = test_score self.population[ii] = test_vector