Source code for Goulib.piecewise

piecewise-defined functions

__author__ = "Philippe Guglielmetti"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2013, Philippe Guglielmetti"
__license__ = "LGPL"

import bisect
import math

from Goulib import expr, math2, itertools2

[docs]class Piecewise(expr.Expr): ''' piecewise function defined by a sorted list of (startx, Expr) '''
[docs] def __init__(self, init=[], default=0, period=(-math2.inf, +math2.inf)): # Note : started by deriving a list of (point,value), but this leads to a problem: # the value is taken into account in sort order by bisect # so instead of defining one more class with a __cmp__ method, I split both lists if math2.is_number(period): period = (0, period) try: # copy constructor ? self.x = list(init.x) self.y = list(init.y) self.period = period or init.period # allow to force periodicity except AttributeError: self.x = [] self.y = [] self.period = period self.append(period[0], default) self.extend(init) # to initialize context and such stuff super(Piecewise, self).__init__(0) self.body = '?' # should not happen
[docs] def __len__(self): return len(self.x)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, i): return (self.x[i], self.y[i])
[docs] def is_periodic(self): if math.isinf(self.period[1]): return False return self.period[1] - self.period[0]
def _str_period(self): p = self.is_periodic() return ", period=%s" % p if p else ""
[docs] def __str__(self): return str(list(self)) + self._str_period()
[docs] def __repr__(self): return repr(list(self)) + self._str_period()
[docs] def latex(self): ''':return: string LaTex formula''' def condition(i): min = self[i][0] try: max = self[i + 1][0] except IndexError: max = math2.inf if i == 0: return r'{x}<{' + str(max) + '}' elif i == len(self) - 1: return r'{x}\geq{' + str(min) + '}' else: return r'{' + str(min) + r'}\leq{x}<{' + str(max) + '}' l = [f[1].latex() + '&' + condition(i) for i, f in enumerate(self)] return r'\begin{cases}' + r'\\'.join(l) + r'\end{cases}'
def _x(self, x): '''handle periodicity''' p = self.is_periodic() return x % p if p else x
[docs] def index(self, x): '''return index of piece''' return bisect.bisect_right(self.x, self._x(x)) - 1
[docs] def __call__(self, x): '''returns value of Expr at point x ''' if itertools2.isiterable(x): return [self(x) for x in x] i = self.index(x) xx = self._x(x) return self.y[i](xx)
[docs] def insort(self, x, v=None): '''insert a point (or returns it if it already exists) note : method name follows bisect.insort convention ''' x = self._x(x) i = bisect.bisect_left(self.x, x) # do not use self.index here ! if i < len(self) and x == self.x[i]: return i # insert either the v value, or copy the current value at x # note : we might have consecutive tuples with the same y value if v is not None: self.y.insert(i, expr.Expr(v)) else: # split the piece at x self.y.insert(i, self.y[i - 1]) self.x.insert(i, x) return i
[docs] def __iter__(self): '''iterators through discontinuities. take the opportunity to delete redundant tuples''' prev = None i = 0 while i < len(self): x, y = self.x[i], self.y[i] if y == prev: # simplify self.y.pop(i) self.x.pop(i) else: yield x, y prev = y i += 1
[docs] def append(self, x, y=None): '''appends a (x,y) piece. In fact inserts it at correct position''' if y is None: (x, y) = x x = self._x(x) i = self.insort(x, y) return self # to allow chained calls
[docs] def extend(self, iterable): '''appends an iterable of (x,y) values''' for p in iterable: self.append(p)
[docs] def iapply(self, f, right): '''apply function to self''' if not right: # monadic . apply to each expr self.y = [v.apply(f) for v in self.y] elif isinstance(right, Piecewise): # combine each piece of right with self for i, p in enumerate(right): try: self.iapply(f, (p[0], p[1], right[i + 1][0])) except: self.iapply(f, (p[0], p[1])) else: # assume a triplet (start,value,end) as called above i = self.insort(right[0]) try: j = self.insort(right[2]) if j < i: i, j = j, i except: j = len(self) for k in range(i, j): self.y[k] = self.y[k].apply(f, right[1]) # calls Expr.apply return self
[docs] def apply(self, f, right=None): '''apply function to copy of self''' return Piecewise(self).iapply(f, right)
[docs] def applx(self, f): ''' apply a function to each x value ''' self.x = [f(x) for x in self.x] self.y = [y.applx(f) for y in self.y] return self
[docs] def __lshift__(self, dx): return Piecewise(self).applx(lambda x: x - dx)
[docs] def __rshift__(self, dx): return Piecewise(self).applx(lambda x: x + dx)
def _switch_points(self, xmin, xmax): prevy = None firstpoint, lastpoint = False, False for x, y in self: y = y(x) if x < xmin: if firstpoint: continue firstpoint = True x = xmin if x > xmax: if lastpoint: break lastpoint = True x = xmax if prevy is not None and not math2.isclose(y, prevy): # step yield x, prevy yield x, y prevy = y
[docs] def points(self, xmin=None, xmax=None): ''':return: x,y lists of float : points for a line plot''' resx = [] resy = [] dx = self.x[-1] - self.x[1] p = self.is_periodic() if xmin is None: # by default we extend the range by 10% xmin = min(0, self.x[1] - dx * .1) if xmax is None: if p: # by default we show 2.5 periods xmax = xmin + p * 2.5 else: # by default we extend the range by 10% xmax = self.x[-1] + dx * .1 for x, y in self._switch_points(xmin, xmax): resx.append(x) resy.append(y) if xmax > x: resx.append(xmax) resy.append(self(xmax)) return resx, resy
def _plot(self, ax, xmax=None, **kwargs): '''plots function''' (x, y) = self.points(xmax=xmax) return super(Piecewise, self)._plot(ax, x, y, **kwargs)