Source code for Goulib.table

"mini pandas.DataFrame"
Table class with Excel + CSV I/O, easy access to columns, HTML output, and much more.
__author__ = "Philippe Guglielmetti"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2013, Philippe Guglielmetti"
__credits__ = []
__license__ = "LGPL"

import logging

import csv
import itertools
import codecs
import json
import collections

from datetime import datetime, date, time, timedelta

from Goulib import itertools2, markup, datetime2

    from lxml import etree as ElementTree
    defaultparser = ElementTree.HTMLParser
    Element = ElementTree._Element
except ImportError: #TODO: find why it happens in LiClipse
    from xml.etree import ElementTree
    Element = ElementTree.Element

[docs]def attr(args): res = '' for key, val in args.items(): k = "class" if key == "_class" else key res += ' %s="%s"' % (k, val) return res
[docs]class Cell(object): """Table cell with HTML attributes"""
[docs] def __init__(self, data=None, align=None, fmt=None, tag=None, style={}): """ :param data: cell value(s) of any type :param align: string for HTML align attribute :param fmt: format string applied applied to data :param tag: called to build each cell. defaults to 'td' :param style: dict or string for HTML style attribute """ if isinstance(data, Element): tag = data.tag assert(tag in ('td', 'th')) def _recurse(data): "grab all possible text from the cell content" if data is None: return '' s = ''.join(_recurse(x) for x in data.getchildren()) if data.text: s = data.text+s if data.tail: s = s+data.tail return s data = if isinstance(data, str): data = data.lstrip().rstrip() # remove spaces, but also trailing \r\n = data self.align = align self.fmt = fmt self.tag = tag if tag else 'td' if not isinstance(style, dict): style = markup.style_str2dict(style) = style
[docs] def __str__(self): return str(
def _repr_html_(self): return self.html()
[docs] @staticmethod def read(x): """interprets x as int, float, string or None""" try: x = float(x) # works for x in unicode xi = int(x) # does not work if x is floating point in unicode (?) if xi == x: x = xi except: if x == '': x = None return x
[docs] def html(self, **kwargs): """:return: string HTML formatted cell: * if data is int, default align="right" * if data is float, default align="right" and fmt='%0.2f' * if data is :class:`~datetime.timedelta`, align = "right" and formatting is done by :func:`datetime2.strftimedelta` """ args = {} args.update(kwargs) # copy needed to avoid side effects v = f = self.fmt style = args.get('style', {}) if isinstance(style, str): style = markup.style_str2dict(style) # create style dict by merging default Cell style + parameters # style = dict(, **style) if hasattr(v, '_repr_html_'): try: v = v._repr_html_() except Exception as e: v = 'ERROR : %s _repr_html_ failed : %s' % (v, e) elif 'text-align' not in style: # HTML 4 and before a = args.pop('align', self.align) if isinstance(v, int): if not a: a = "right" elif isinstance(v, float): if not a: a = "right" if not f: f = '%0.2f' v = f % v f = None # don't reformat below elif isinstance(v, date): if not a: a = "right" if not f: f = '%Y-%m-%d' v = v.strftime(f) f = None # don't reformat below elif isinstance(v, timedelta): if not a: a = "right" if not f: f = '%H:%M:%S' v = datetime2.strftimedelta(v, f) f = None # don't reformat below if a: style['text-align'] = a if v is None or v == '': v = " " # for IE8 else: v = f % v if f else str(v) if v[0] == '$' and v[-1] == '$': # LaTeX formula : avoid line wrap v = '$'+v+'$' if style: args['style'] = style return markup.tag(self.tag, v, **args)
[docs]class Row(object): """Table row with HTML attributes"""
[docs] def __init__(self, data, align=None, fmt=None, tag=None, style={}): """ :param data: (list of) cell value(s) of any type :param align: (list of) string for HTML align attribute :param fmt: (list of) format string applied applied to data :param tag: (list of) tags called to build each cell. defaults to 'td' :param style: (list of) dict or string for HTML style attribute """ if not itertools2.isiterable(data): data = [data] data = list(data) # to make it mutable # ensure params have the same length as data if not isinstance(style, list): style = [style] style = style+[None]*(len(data)-len(style)) if not isinstance(align, list): align = [align] align = align+[None]*(len(data)-len(align)) if not isinstance(fmt, list): fmt = [fmt] fmt = fmt+[None]*(len(data)-len(fmt)) if not tag: tag = 'td' if not isinstance(tag, list): tag = [tag]*(len(data)) # make a full row, in case it's a 'th' # fill the row with None, which will be 'td's tag = tag+[None]*(len(data)-len(fmt)) for i, cell in enumerate(data): if not isinstance(cell, Cell): cell = Cell(cell, align[i], fmt[i], tag[i], style[i]) else: pass # ignore attribs for now data[i] = cell = data
[docs] def __str__(self): return str(
def _repr_html_(self): return self.html()
[docs] def html(self, cell_args={}, **kwargs): """return in HTML format""" res = '' for cell in res += cell.html(**cell_args) return markup.tag('tr', res, **kwargs)
[docs]class Table(list): """Table class with CSV I/O, easy access to columns, HTML output"""
[docs] def __init__(self, data=[], **kwargs): """inits a table, optionally by reading a Excel, csv or html file :param data: list of list of cells, or string as filename :param titles: optional list of strings used as column id :param footer: optional list of functions used as column reducers """ try: self.titles = data.titles except AttributeError: self.titles = kwargs.pop('titles', []) try: self.footer = data.footer except AttributeError: self.footer = kwargs.pop('footer', []) filename = None if isinstance(data, str): filename = data data = [] else: # ensure data is 2D and mutable if isinstance(data, dict): data = data.values() for row in data: if not itertools2.isiterable(row): # build a column row = [row] self.append(row) if filename: self.load(filename, **kwargs)
[docs] def __repr__(self): """:return: repr string of titles+5 first lines""" return '%s(len=%d,titles=%s,data=%s)' % (self.__class__, len(self), self.titles, self[:5])
[docs] def __str__(self): """:return: string of full tables with linefeeds""" res = '' if self.titles: res += str(self.titles)+'\n' for line in self: res += str(line)+'\n' return res
def _repr_html_(self): return self.html()
[docs] def html(self, head=None, foot=None, **kwargs): """HTML representation of table :param head: optional column headers, .titles by default :param foot: optional column footers, .footer by default :param style: style for the table :param colstyle: list of dict of style attributes for each column :param kwargs: optional parameters passed along to tag('table'... except: * start=optional start row * stop=optional end row used to display a subset of lines. in this case rows with '...' cells are displayed before and/or after the lines :return: string HTML representation of table """ def TR(data, align=None, fmt=None, tag=None, style={}): res = '' row = Row(data=data, align=align, fmt=fmt, tag=tag, style=style) res += row.html()+'\n' return res def THEAD(data, fmt=None, style={}): res = "<thead>\n" res += TR(data=data, fmt=fmt, tag='th', style=style) res += "</thead>\n" return res def TFOOT(data, fmt=None, style={}): res = "<tfoot>\n" res += TR(data=data, fmt=fmt, tag='th', style=style) res += "</tfoot>\n" return res res = '' colstyle = kwargs.pop('colstyle', None) if head is None: head = self.titles if head: res += THEAD(head) start = kwargs.pop('start', 0) stop = kwargs.pop('stop', len(self)) if start != 0: res += TR(['...']*self.ncols(), style=colstyle) for row in self[start:stop]: res += TR(row, style=colstyle) if stop != -1 and stop < len(self): res += TR(['...']*self.ncols(), style=colstyle) if foot is None: foot = self.footer if foot: res += TFOOT(foot) # kwargs['style'] = kwargs.pop('style', {'table-layout': 'fixed'}) # to prevent wrapping return markup.tag('table', res, **kwargs)+'\n'
[docs] def load(self, filename, **kwargs): if self.titles: # explicitly set l = kwargs.setdefault('titles_line', 0) kwargs.setdefault('data_line', l+1) else: # read titles from the file l = kwargs.setdefault('titles_line', 1) kwargs.setdefault('data_line', l+1) ext = filename.split('.')[-1].lower() if ext in ('xls', 'xlsx'): self.read_xls(filename, **kwargs) elif ext in ('htm', 'html'): self.read_html(filename, **kwargs) elif ext in ('json'): self.read_json(filename, **kwargs) else: # try ... self.read_csv(filename, **kwargs) return self # to allow chaining
[docs] def read_element(self, element, **kwargs): """read table from a DOM element. :Warning: drops all formatting """ titles_line = kwargs.pop('titles_line', 1)-1 data_line = kwargs.pop('data_line', 2)-1 line = 0 head = element.find('thead') if head is not None: for row in head.findall('tr'): if line == titles_line: self.titles = [ for cell in Row(row).data] line = line+1 body = element.find('tbody') if body is None: body = element for row in body.findall('tr'): data = [ for cell in Row(row).data] if not data: continue # skip empty lines if not self.titles and line == titles_line: self.titles = data elif line >= data_line: self.append(data) line = line+1 return self
[docs] def read_html(self, filename, **kwargs): """read first table in HTML file """ parser = kwargs.get('parser', defaultparser) element = ElementTree.parse(filename, parser()).getroot() try: if element.tag != 'table': # file contains table as topmost tag element = element.find('.//table') # find first table except AttributeError: pass if element is None: raise LookupError('no table found in file') self.read_element(element, **kwargs) return self
[docs] def read_json(self, filename, **kwargs): """appends a json file made of lines dictionaries""" with open(filename, 'r') as file: for row in json.load(file): self.append(row) return self
[docs] def read_xls(self, filename, **kwargs): """appends an Excel table""" titles_line = kwargs.pop('titles_line', 1)-1 data_line = kwargs.pop('data_line', 2)-1 import xlrd wb = xlrd.open_workbook(filename) sheet = kwargs.get('sheet', 0) if isinstance(sheet, str): s = wb.sheet_by_name(sheet) else: s = wb.sheet_by_index(sheet) for i in range(s.nrows): line = [, j).value) for j in range(s.ncols)] if i == titles_line: self.titles = line elif i >= data_line: self.append(line) return self
[docs] def read_csv(self, filename, **kwargs): """appends a .csv or similar file to the table""" titles_line = kwargs.pop('titles_line', 1)-1 data_line = kwargs.pop('data_line', 2)-1 dialect = kwargs.setdefault('dialect', csv.excel) delimiter = kwargs.setdefault('delimiter', ';') # must be iso-8859-15 in some cases encoding = kwargs.pop('encoding', 'utf-8') errors = kwargs.pop('errors', 'strict') def reader(): # version for Python 3 with open(filename, 'rt', errors=errors, encoding=encoding) as f: csv_reader = csv.reader(f, **kwargs) for row in csv_reader: yield row for i, row in enumerate(reader()): if i == titles_line: # titles can have no left/right spaces self.titles = [ for x in row] elif i >= data_line: line = [ for x in row] if line != [None]: # strange last line sometimes ... self.append(line) return self
[docs] def save(self, filename, **kwargs): ext = filename.split('.')[-1].lower() if ext in ('xls', 'xlsx'): self.write_xlsx(filename, **kwargs) elif ext in ('htm', 'html'): with open(filename, 'w') as file: file.write(self.html(**kwargs)) elif ext in ('json'): with open(filename, 'w') as file: file.write(self.json(**kwargs)) else: # try ... self.write_csv(filename, **kwargs) return self # to allow chaining
[docs] def write_xlsx(self, filename, **kwargs): import xlsxwriter workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(filename) worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet() df = workbook.add_format({'num_format': 'dd/mm/yyyy'}) tf = workbook.add_format({'num_format': 'hh:mm:ss'}) dtf = workbook.add_format({'num_format': 'dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss'}) def writerow(i, line): for j, s in enumerate(line): if isinstance(s, datetime): worksheet.write_datetime(i, j, s, dtf) elif isinstance(s, date): worksheet.write_datetime(i, j, s, df) elif isinstance(s, (time, timedelta)): worksheet.write_datetime(i, j, s, tf) else: worksheet.write(i, j, s) writerow(0, self.titles) for i, row in enumerate(self): writerow(i+1, row) workbook.close() return self
[docs] def json(self, **kwargs): """ :return: string JSON representation of table """ def json_serial(obj): """JSON serializer for objects not serializable by default json code""" if hasattr(obj, 'isoformat'): return obj.isoformat() try: return str(obj) except Exception: pass raise TypeError("Type %s not serializable" % (type(obj))) array = [self.rowasdict(i) for i in range(len(self))] kwargs.setdefault('default', json_serial) return json.dumps(array, **kwargs)
[docs] def write_csv(self, filename, **kwargs): """ write the table in Excel csv format, optionally transposed""" dialect = kwargs.get('dialect', 'excel') delimiter = kwargs.get('delimiter', ';') encoding = kwargs.pop('encoding', 'utf-8') # was iso-8859-15 earlier empty = ''.encode(encoding) f = open(filename, 'w', newline='', encoding=encoding) def _encode(line): res = [] for s in line: res.append(s) return res writer = csv.writer(f, dialect=dialect, delimiter=delimiter) if self.titles: s = _encode(self.titles) writer.writerow(s) for line in self: s = _encode(line) writer.writerow(s) f.close() return self
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """compare 2 Tables contents, mainly for tests""" if self.titles != other.titles: return False if len(self) != len(other): return False for i in range(len(self)): if self[i] != other[i]: return False return True
[docs] def ncols(self): """ :return: number of columns, ignoring title """ return max(map(len, self))
[docs] def find_col(self, title): """finds a column from a part of the title""" title = title.lower() for i, c in enumerate(self.titles): if c.lower().find(title) >= 0: return i return None
def _i(self, column): '''column index''' if isinstance(column, int): return column try: return self.titles.index(column) except ValueError: return None
[docs] def icol(self, column): """iterates a column""" i = self._i(column) for row in self: try: yield row[i] except: yield None
[docs] def col(self, column, title=False): i = self._i(column) res = [x for x in self.icol(i)] if title: res = [self.titles[i]]+res return res
[docs] def cols(self, title=False): """iterator through columns""" for i in range(self.ncols()): yield self.col(i, title)
[docs] def transpose(self, titles_column=0): """transpose table :param: titles_column :return: Table where rows are made from self's columns and vice-versa """ res = Table() for i, row in enumerate(self.cols(self.titles)): if i == titles_column: res.titles = row else: res.append(row) return res
[docs] def index(self, value, column=0): """ :return: int row number of first line where column contains value """ for i, v in enumerate(self.icol(column)): if v == value: return i return None
[docs] def __getitem__(self, n): try: c = self._i(n[1]) except TypeError: return super(Table, self).__getitem__(n) else: rows = super(Table, self).__getitem__(n[0]) if not isinstance(n[0], slice): return rows[c] return [row[c] for row in rows]
[docs] def get(self, row, col): return self[row, col]
[docs] def set(self, row, col, value): col = self._i(col) if row >= len(self): self.extend([list()]*(1+row-len(self))) if col >= len(self[row]): self[row].extend([None]*(1+col-len(self[row]))) self[row][col] = value
[docs] def setcol(self, col, value, i=0): """set column values :param col: int or string column index :param value: single value assigned to whole column or iterable assigned to each cell :param i: optional int : index of first row to assign """ j = self._i(col) if itertools2.isiterable(value): for v in value: self.set(i, j, v) i += 1 else: for i in range(i, len(self)): self.set(i, j, value)
[docs] def append(self, line): ''' appends a line to table :param line: can be either: * a list * a dict or column names:values ''' if isinstance(line, dict): r = len(self) # row number for k, v in line.items(): i = self._i(k) if i is None: # column doesn't exist: i = len(self.titles) self.titles.append(k) self.set(r, i, v) else: list.append(self, list(line)) return self
[docs] def addcol(self, title, val=None, i=0): '''add column to the right''' col = len(self.titles) self.titles.append(title) if not itertools2.isiterable(val): val = [val]*(len(self)-i) for v in val: self.set(i, col, v) i += 1 return self
[docs] def sort(self, by, reverse=False): '''sort by column''' i = self._i(by) if isinstance(i, int): list.sort(self, key=lambda x: x[i], reverse=reverse) else: list.sort(i, reverse=reverse)
[docs] def rowasdict(self, i): ''' returns a line as a dict ''' return collections.OrderedDict(zip(self.titles, self[i]))
[docs] def asdict(self): for i in range(len(self)): yield self.rowasdict(i)
[docs] def groupby_gen(self, by, sort=True, removecol=True): """generates subtables """ i = self._i(by) t = self.titles if removecol: t = t[:i]+t[i+1:] if sort: self.sort(i) else: pass # groupby will group CONSECUTIVE lines with same i, so entries at bottom of table will replace the earlier entries in dict for k, g in itertools.groupby(self, key=lambda x: x[i]): if removecol: r = Table(titles=t, data=[a[:i]+a[i+1:] for a in g]) else: r = Table(titles=t, data=list(g)) yield k, r
[docs] def groupby(self, by, sort=True, removecol=True): """ ordered dictionary of subtables """ return collections.OrderedDict( (k, t) for (k, t) in self.groupby_gen(by, sort, removecol) )
[docs] def hierarchy(self, by='Level', # creates an object from a line factory=lambda row: (row, []), # creates a parend/child relation between x and y. raw is also available (for qty) linkfct=lambda x, y, row: x[1].append(y) ): '''builds a structure from a table containing a "level" column''' res = [] i = self._i(by) stack = [] for row in self: obj = factory(row) level = row[i] if level == 1: res.append(obj) while level <= len(stack): stack.pop() if stack: linkfct(stack[-1], obj, row) stack.append(obj) return res
[docs] def applyf(self, by, f, skiperrors=False): """ apply a function to a column :param by: column name of number :param f: function of the form lambda cell:content :param skiperrors: bool. if True, errors while running f are ignored :return: bool True if ok, False if skiperrors==True and conversion failed """ res = True i = self._i(by) for row in self: try: x = row[i] row[i] = f(x) except Exception as e: if not skiperrors: # TODO: change message to ('could not applyf to %s'%x) for Py2+3 raise res = False return res
def _datetimeformat(self, by, fmt, function, skiperrors): """convert a column to a date, time or datetime :param by: column name of number :param fmt: string defining format, or list of formats to try one by one :param function: function to call :param skiperrors: bool. if True, conversion errors are ignored :return: bool True if ok, False if skiperrors==True and conversion failed """ if isinstance(fmt, list): for f in fmt: res = self._datetimeformat( by, f, function, True if f != fmt[-1] else skiperrors) return res return self.applyf(by, lambda x: function(x, fmt=fmt), skiperrors)
[docs] def to_datetime(self, by, fmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', skiperrors=False): """convert a column to datetime """ return self._datetimeformat(by, fmt, datetime2.datetimef, skiperrors)
[docs] def to_date(self, by, fmt='%Y-%m-%d', skiperrors=False): """convert a column to date """ return self._datetimeformat(by, fmt, datetime2.datef, skiperrors)
[docs] def to_time(self, by, fmt='%H:%M:%S', skiperrors=False): """convert a column to time """ return self._datetimeformat(by, fmt, datetime2.timef, skiperrors)
[docs] def to_timedelta(self, by, fmt=None, skiperrors=False): """convert a column to time """ return self._datetimeformat(by, fmt, datetime2.timedeltaf, skiperrors)
[docs] def total(self, funcs): """build a footer row by appling funcs to all columns """ funcs = funcs+[None]*(len(self.titles)-len(funcs)) self.footer = [] for i, f in enumerate(funcs): try: self.footer.append(f(self.col(i))) except: self.footer.append(f) return self.footer
[docs] def remove_lines_where(self, f, value=(None, 0, '')): """ :param f: function of the form lambda line:bool returning True if line should be removed :return: int number of lines removed """ i = self._i(f) if i is not None: f = (lambda x: x[i] in value) return len(itertools2.removef(self, f))
if __name__ == "__main__": t = Table([[1, 2], [3, 'a 4']], style='width:100%;') print(t.html())